Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 47 Cleansing up

As Xu Zaijing's servant, Qingyun mostly plays the role of a sparring brother, a friend who grew up together, and a person who can rely on his life if he goes to the battlefield in the future.

In the future, Xu Zaijing would get married, have children, and live separately, and Qingyun would mostly be a housekeeper.

Now Xu Zaijing faces the choice of becoming a real servant girl. She will be responsible for part of his clothes in the future and will accompany him when he sleeps every day.

There is also a compulsory subject called bed-warming.

Before Xu Zaijing married a wife, she might even become a maid and concubine.

Xu Zaijing shook his head and shook these thoughts out of his head.

"Subordinate, subordinate." He repeated in his mind.

He glanced at the faces of all the future maids in the courtyard.

Most of their eyes were confused, and a few of them looked at Xu Zaijing with hope in their eyes.

Xu Zaijing pointed at the smallest and dark-faced one among the people and asked.

"May I have your name?"

"My slave's name is Qingcao."

"Year old?"

"This slave is six years old."

"Just you."

Xu Zaijing looked back at Qingyun and said, "It's quite similar to your name."

Qingyun curled his lips.

Xiao Dan on the side said loudly:

"The sisters chosen by the brothers and sisters will recognize their respective masters. Later, they will follow Sister Xiaozhu to the yard next to them to learn the rules."

After saying that, Xiao Dan returned to Sun.

After everyone had eaten, the three Xu Zaijing brothers naturally continued to study, while the two sisters were learning knotting and various embroidery techniques, and would also go to the kitchen to learn some cooking knowledge from the cook.

Qingyun, who was walking on the road, asked his young master in a low voice: "Sir, why don't you choose those colors that are good?"

"Qingyun, I am not a saint."

If you can help someone, please help someone.

‘I really can’t bear it if I raise a beauty who looks like a certain star in my previous life. By the way, who do I like? ’

Xu Zaijing thought to himself.

The cold in winter is uncomfortable. When Xu Zaijing first arrived, he thought his winter would be difficult.

As a result, he found over the years that his reincarnation was good, he didn’t suffer or suffer,

Also, Bianjing, a super city, uses coal and very little charcoal.


Xu Zaijing once heard Mrs. Wu and his mother say,

Princess Pingning’s mother’s maiden name was Chai, and the Chai family was the force behind the leading coal merchants in the Zhou Dynasty.

Most of Dazhou's coal business is in the Chai family.

Xu Zaijing secretly clicked his tongue in his heart. This Qi Heng was truly a noble man. Counting up from him, there was no ordinary noble family.

Princess Pingning’s grandma’s family is even owned by the coal boss.

Observations over the past few years,

Xu Zaijing saw that even briquettes had been developed by the craftsmen of the Chai family.

Street vendors in Bianjing use honeycomb briquettes to heat tea soup.

There are also exquisite restaurants such as Fanlou and other restaurants that have honeycomb briquettes under the food boxes to keep them warm.

The tea soup that is usually prepared in Sun's room is also prepared using a briquette stove.


Moreover, fire pits and fire walls are already very common house structures in Bianjing.

Wealthy people naturally burn charcoal fires all day long to heat the fire walls and Kangs, and there are also smokers in the rooms for heating.

Xu Zaijing once went to Mrs. Wu's house, and she happened to give birth to Liulang of the Liang family at that time.

The north wind was howling outside the house, and the dripping water turned into ice. Mrs. Wu's house was a little hot even though she was wearing summer and autumn clothes, and there was a refreshing fragrance in the room.

It is true that the lives of ancient nobles were not much worse than those of modern people, but they were only a very small number of people, and the general public still had to suffer from hunger and cold.

The Xu family does not have the luxury of the Liang family, but it is not cold on weekdays.

At that time, Xu Zaijing didn't think much about it. He just found a blacksmith to build an iron stove for his master's cabin and installed the chimney.

The chimney is also equipped with a hot water tank for the stove.

Although his master didn't say anything, it was very useful. When he cleared the snow to feed the horses, his shoes and clothes would always be damp and cold.

But if it was spread on the water tank, it would dry out in the middle of the night.

The cabin is even warmer and not dry.

This makes him feel much more comfortable than gold and silver. This is the filial piety of his apprentice.

Two years ago, a servant of the Liang family saw this iron stove and reported it to Mrs. Wu. The Xu family gained another income.

There are many noble and wealthy families in Bianjing, and a miniature version of this iron stove also appears in the carriage, but the water tank is attached to the carriage.

I heated up the water tank before traveling, so I didn't suffer a lot from the wind and cold.

Yong Yi Hou Mansion

Maid's Courtyard

The future female envoys selected by the five brothers and sisters all live in this courtyard.

Xiaozhu, the female envoy next to Sun, waved her hand.

A servant carrying a charcoal fire lit the fire wall in the courtyard.

The cauldron on the stove connected to the fire wall was filled with clean water. The old ladies pulled the bellows, and the stove roared to life.

A big bathtub was carried into the room by the old ladies.

Xiaozhu wasted no time and taught the little girls how to use the briquette stove in the room.

I also told them about the schedules of several brothers and sisters.

After finishing speaking, the five little girls stood respectfully in the room.

"Everyone needs to know that if the military ruler of the Hou Mansion climbs into my brother's bed without the master's consent, he will be beaten to death!"

"If you don't agree with the master, if you mess around with the little boy at home, you will be beaten to death!

If you have a good impression, you still have to report it to the eldest lady!

Sisters, for the sake of their own lives, you must remember this. "

The little girls who had undergone a simple 'induction training' at the dental shop all saluted.

"Yes, thank you sister."

After speaking, Xiaozhu raised his chin, and the women took out scissors.

The timid ones trembled, among them was Xu Zaijing's chosen maid Qingcao.

"Reach out."

The ladies used scissors to check and trim the fingernails of several girls.

At this time, the water in the big iron pot outside was already boiling.

Buckets of hot water were brought in in wooden buckets.

The wooden door of the house was sealed with a long piece of cloth.

Xiaozhu looked at the girls and said

"We are all sisters. Take off your clothes and let your hair loose. Let the nuns take a look. If you have lice, stand aside."

The dental shop is quite professional. Several women carefully checked the little girls' heads and found no lice.

Afterwards, the old ladies cleaned and trimmed their toenails, and then the five girls put on new clothes and bedding with their hair down.

Xiaozhu pointed to the railway and hot water tank channel next to the window.

"This is a hot water tank that can be placed close to dry hair! Don't get too close to the iron stove to avoid burning your hair!

No one is allowed to sleep before their hair is dry, and they will be slapped on the hand ten times if they fall asleep!

Anyone who serves my brothers and sisters and I catch them sleeping without drying their hair will be punished with ten lashes. "

Hearing this punishment, Qingcao trembled again.

It seemed like some bad memory was attacking her.

Xiaozhu continued:

"Going to bed without drying your hair can easily lead to skin acne, thinning hair, and colds. Sisters, you must be careful for the sake of the master's health and your own health."

"That Qingcao, you have to get up early tomorrow. Brother Jing has to practice martial arts, so he has to do it earlier than others."

"Sister Xiaozhu, is there anyone calling?"

"The night watchman is knocking on the door, please be more alert."

"Yes, thank you sister."

Xiaozhu left the courtyard and returned to the main home to report.

There is also a maid from Sun's room living here to preside over the 'overall situation'.

The girls, who had changed into new clothes and had their hair disheveled, began to talk.

People who had never seen a stove water tank came to the side curiously, and stroked and dried their hair without any knowledge of the teacher.

After their hair was dry, everyone was squinting tiredly.

The green grass lies in the quilt, and the Yongyi Hou Mansion is not rich enough to use cotton quilts for the servants.

Because there is a fire wall and there are many people, the room is very warm.

Much better than living in Yaxing.

Being young and sleepy, she dried her hair and lay on the bed.

Maybe it was because the bath was so comfortable that she didn't react when someone touched her hair.

She didn't have the energy to check her itchy ears and hands, so she fell asleep in the warm quilt.

As she fell asleep, she felt someone pushing her.

Green grass wakes up!

It was Qing Zhi who came to the Hou Mansion together and was older than her.

"A mother-in-law opened the door."

"Oh, thank you sister."

After speaking, Qingcao began to get dressed in the dim light of the fire.

The other little sisters are still dreaming.

After opening the door and leaving the house, a suffocating cold wind blew in my face.

The grass choked.

Then he came to the entrance of the courtyard against the wind.

"Mother-in-law, I am the maid of the Third Young Master, and I have to serve him."

"Okay. Don't go to Third Brother's courtyard, go to the racecourse.

By the way, I asked my third brother for a pot of hot water in the kitchen. "

"Yes, mother-in-law."

The green grass holds the hot water bottle, the cold wind blows, but the hot and itchy place last night is a little sore.

Coming to the aisle outside the racecourse, Qingcao only heard the loud sound of doo-do-doo.

In the morning light, Qingcao saw that the young man who was several years older than him was shooting an arrow with his bow. The sound was the sound of an arrow hitting a shield.

"Sir, your water is here."

Xu Zaijing looked back

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