Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 48 Bianjing Temple View

Malnutrition made this little girl dark and skinny, but her eyes were bright.

"Go and wait in the room over there."

"Yes, sir."

Qingcao walked into the house holding a kettle with hot water.

As soon as she entered the house, she felt the warmth on her face. There was someone in the house.

She raised her head to see clearly the faces of the people in the room, but was trembling with fear.

Xu Zaijing’s master is really too scary.

Qingcao trembled, his hands loosened, and the porcelain kettle filled with hot water fell.


Qingcao felt that the person in the room suddenly came to her side.


hoarse voice.

Qingcao shuddered and realized that he almost dropped his master's things.

He quickly squatted down and picked up the kettle from the feet of this terrifying man.


The groom didn't say anything, tightened his clothes and walked out.

"Thank you, uncle."

The groom ignored her.

Qingcao looked outside, and on the edge of the vast racecourse, the kind and scary uncle had already led the horse out.

Not far away there were two figures fighting back and forth.

"This seems to be a good family." Qingcao thought.

After more than half an hour,

Xu Zaijing and Qingyun, who had finished practicing outside, walked into the room on the sidelines.

Qingcao, who was a little sleepy in the warm room, suddenly woke up.

The kettle was placed on top of the water tank, and it was still warm.

Xu Zaijing and Qingyun drank some water separately.

After I finished sweating, I went to the hot room to rinse my hair without washing my hair.

When it was daybreak, the children of the Xu family and the Sun family dressed up and got on the carriage that heated the hot water tank.

The middle door of Xu's mansion opened wide, and two horses and three carriages drove out of Xu's mansion.

Passers-by asked, but the gatekeeper only said that he went to Xingguo Temple, Guangyuan Temple, Yuqing Temple and other temples to pray for his family and for the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Xu Zaijing was riding on the horse. It was the first time for this horse given by the emperor to leave the Xu mansion, and he was a little excited.

It took Xu Zaijing to comfort him for a few times before he calmed down.

The purple lambskin cloak gifted by the queen was added with some animal skin velvet edges by the embroiderer at home, and is now being worn on Xu Zaijing.

The smaller part was draped on Xu Zaijing's body, and the larger part was draped on Li Ju's horse.

Because this cloak is a bit big.

He also had a close-fitting cotton coat underneath, so Xu Zaijing didn't feel cold at all while riding a horse in the winter morning.

The entire Bianjing now has a rough estimate of a population of nearly two million. It is naturally incomparable to the earth in the previous life, but in this era, it is already a super metropolis.

I often see servants walking on the roadside early in the morning.

There was also a carriage delivering charcoal. Seeing everyone in the Xu Mansion, especially Xu Zaijing riding a tall horse, they hurriedly stood by the roadside to avoid surprising the nobles.

When Xu Zaijing encounters someone who takes the initiative to avoid him, he will nod in greeting regardless of whether he is high or low.

It surprised many people.

The literate people saw the word "Xu" on the carriage and secretly remembered that this will also be the subject of discussion in the future:

Maybe one day after drinking,

This man said that the noble gentlemen in Bianjing were so polite and courteous, and they still nodded in greeting when I gave way to passersby!

However, someone had a different opinion. He met someone from a certain country’s house and spat on him! Polite? There was a fart, and then the two people started arguing.

The closest to the Xu family is Xingguo Temple. Everyone in the Xu family will first pray here, then go to Guangyuan Temple, and finally stay one night at Yuqing Temple before returning home the next day.

When it was getting dark, the Xu family's motorcade arrived near Xingguo Temple, and there were more and more people on the streets.

“Steamed cakes~freshly baked steamed cakes~”

"Wontons, wontons, these wontons, warm yourself up~"

"Crab meat steamed buns ~ mutton steamed buns ~ bamboo shoots steamed buns." (The steamed buns contain fillings, not modern steamed buns)

The cries of vendors are endless.

Usually the stall is run by a family, with some people making and cooking the food, while the children are cleaning up the dishes.

The charcoal stove is burning, steam rises from the street vendor's steamer, and a mouth-watering aroma wafts out from time to time.

There are also many carriages parked on the roadside, and servants take porcelain or wooden dishes to the roadside to fill up the food and deliver it to the carriage.

It is really comfortable to eat a bowl of hot soup in the cold weather to warm up your body.

However, the owners of Xu Mansion's carriage, including the female envoys, did not have such concerns, because it was not very cold in the carriage.

Xu Zaijing was attracted by the aroma of mutton steamed buns (mutton buns) on the roadside.

Qingyun directly asked Qingyun to buy a large drawer of steamed buns, took two for himself, and distributed the rest.

The freshly cooked mutton steamed buns are mixed with other spices and are very delicious.


Xu Zaijing gave a thumbs up to the store owner.

"Thank you for your compliment."

The middle-aged stall owner quickly bowed his thanks.

The middle-aged man is also a resident of Bianjing, and he is used to seeing nobles from the capital when setting up stalls in Xingguo Temple, but the horse this young gentleman sits on is rare and handsome.

Xu Zaijing was eating happily when Sun's envoy Xiaoju came over.

"Brother Jing, the eldest lady said it would be better for you to eat less meat. The gods in the temple are vegetarian after all."

"Okay, go back to mother, I understand."

After saying that, he stuffed the remaining buns into his mouth.

"Oh, it's hot~~~"

Sisters Pingmei and Anmei, who were riding in a carriage with Sun, could only look at the steamed buns and sigh.

After resting for a while, Mrs. Sun and her two daughters got off the carriage and started walking to Guangyuan Temple.

The three Xu Zaiduan brothers also got off the carriage. Xu Zaijing took off his purple lambskin cloak, put on a cloak and followed behind.

The maids lead the way from the front and serve from the back, which is very impressive.

The entire Xu family, except Xu Zaijing, the other four children have grown much taller, so Xu Zaijing is still the smallest one among the people at this time.

Riding on a horse that was already a bit tall before, it was quite cute in contrast.

However, Liju didn't dare to have fun because the person on his back was small, because Xu Zaijing's legs on the horse's back were not fun.

Mrs. Sun added money for sesame oil at Guangyuan Temple and prayed for the border guards of the Xu family and the Sun family.

He also burned the Buddhist scriptures he had copied by himself, prostrated sincerely in front of every Buddha statue in the temple, and finally asked the eminent monks in the temple to pray day and night for the heirs of the Great Zhou Emperor.

After the monk asked clearly whether he was praying openly or secretly, he hurried to the temple.

Only then did Sun leave Xingguo Temple.

When leaving, a monk in the temple preached loudly

"Madam Yongyi Hou, please pray for the emperor's heir and offer it."

This is a clear prayer,

It can also be regarded as a way for the temple to increase its status and publicity. After all, noble people come to my temple.

After leaving Xingguo Temple, everyone in the Xu family traveled for another hour to Guangyuan Temple.

The process was similar to that of Xingguo Temple. After bidding farewell to the abbot of the temple, the family arrived at Yuqing Temple as the sun set.

With the carriage and horses following behind, the family walked up the mountain. Xu Zaijing was fine, but it made the rest of the Xu family suffer, especially the two sisters Pingmei and Anmei.

She didn't walk much since she was raised in the boudoir, so she was already a little tired at this time.

But when they thought of praying for their father, they persisted.

Cars and horses kept passing by on the road, and it was obvious that Yuqing Temple was as popular as the other two temples.

Xu Zaijing looked at the scenery along the road,

main hall, wing, worship

I don’t know where Madam Wu’s subordinate Liu Lang had a tryst with Mo Lan. Apart from anything else, the scenery here is first-class.

After resting for the night at Yuqing Temple, everyone in the Xu family burned incense and prayed for blessings at Yuqing Temple the next morning.

Qingyun, who was taking care of the horses in the Taoist guest courtyard, looked at the person in front of him with confusion.

He looked at the name plate on the carriage behind and said, "Are you the Qin family of Dongchang Houfu?"

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