Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 67 Polo Ground and Huyan [Thank you for your support! Goodbye]

Princess Pingning smiled slightly and said, "Brother Jing, someone has challenged your family, go ahead."


After saying that, Xu Zaijing stood up and walked out.

Qi Heng on the side asked softly: "Mother, who was the Xu family brother talking about just now?"

"He is an elder who is fighting for the future of his descendants with his life. Heng'er, you were born in the Duke's palace, but you don't have to fight for your life like this. You must be grateful to your ancestors!"

"Yes, my son understands, thank you mother for your guidance." Although Qi Heng looked confused that he did not understand what fighting for one's life was at this age, he still expressed that he was taught.

Xu Zaijing came out of the tent and saw a noble man on the racecourse who was dressed luxuriously and had a blue mop on his forehead. He was walking past the court with a polo club in his hand. He was very high-spirited.

The horse's limbs are also wrapped in blue silk, which complements the horse's smooth blue-black fur.

Several knights behind him were wiping their foreheads with blue silk.

The servants were also busy wrapping the limbs of the horses in blue satin.

Xu Zaijing looked like he was changing tires on a racing car in a top-level event in his previous life.

In the Xu family tent, Ms. Sun was talking to her daughter-in-law, Ms. Xie, about the Korean father-in-law.

After the founding of the Zhou Dynasty, there once was a strong lady in the Korean public family. Because the emperor rewarded concubines, she and her two children were imprisoned in the woodshed!

She also claimed that if a beautiful concubine entered the house, she and her children would set themselves on fire.

The Korean prince was so frightened that he knelt in the palace and begged his concubine not to be rewarded.

Although the eldest lady was so strict with her master, she was very relaxed with her son and didn't mind if her son had a wife and a concubine.

This also caused Xungui, who had married his daughter to a Korean father, to be deceived by his family:

I thought that as a daughter-in-law of a Korean princess, she would be protected by her mother-in-law, but it turns out that she is strict with her husband and lenient with her son.

However, later on, the Korean father-in-law's family began to have many heirs. The person in this situation was Han Chengyun, the eldest son of the second wife of the Korean father-in-law, who was the fifth in the family.

On weekdays, he likes to hang out with Rong Xian in Goulan Washe. These days, when he looks at his younger brother who shrinks when he talks about Xu Zaijing, he wants to give him some vent.

Teaming up with Han Chengyun was Wei Faqi, the second-in-law son of the Fu'anhou family. His father and his elder brother had previously been fighting over the family property, which was well known throughout Bianjing.

If Bai Gaoguo hadn't sent troops, their family would have been reprimanded by the emperor.

Both Wei and Han are the sons of the second wife, that is to say, they have something to talk about (discussing the eldest son of the family together), and it is not possible to get along well with each other.

Behind them were three earls and sons of civil servants.

When the Xu family pointed to the sign, the servants had already taken Liju to the sidelines to warm up and wrapped him in red silk.

Gu Tingye was already riding a horse and sliding around in front of the Xu family's tent. On his forehead was a big red gem-encrusted mop that represented the Xu family. He looked at the distinguished disciples who showed up, his eyes full of smiles.

The four horse legs are also wrapped in red silk.

Liulang of the Liang family is still young and cannot play.

When Xu Zaizhang was about to get up, not far away, Zheng Xiao and Zhang Fang, the fourth man of the Zhang family, gently urged their horses to the front of the tent, followed by a noble young master whom they had never seen before.

"Brother Zhang, you rest first. I won't play until I lose to you." Zheng Xiao shouted with a smile.

Mrs. Sun also said something to her son, and Xu Zaizhang raised his shirt and put it on the table to indicate that he would not participate.

Qingyun quickly took three big red forehead wipes from the tent and walked over.

Zheng Xiao and Gu Tingye nodded and continued:

"Brother Jing, this is Brother Jiong, the eleventh son of the fifth house of Huyan, Marquis of Jinghai. His father is currently the commander of the Huyi Navy. He grew up in Dengzhou and just came to Bianjing these two days. .Bigger than us."

"Brother Jiong, I just wanted to lose to him in one move, Yongyi Hou family's fifth son, Xu Zaijing. This is Ningyuan Hou family's second son, Brother Ye."

"Erlang, Wulang." Hu Yanjiong didn't seem to be good at words, he just smiled and bowed his hands.

"Hey, you guys can't make it. The best of three rounds is so bad! Otherwise, just admit defeat!" Han Chengyun shouted not far away.

The surrounding audience who heard Han Chengyun's words started to cheer.

Wei Faqi laughed especially loudly, as if laughing loudly could defeat his opponent.

"Boom. Boom!"

The musicians and drummers on the sidelines also began to play music. The drums were loud and slow, and quite impressive.

Zhang Fangling looked at Xu Zaijing and said, "I pointed to your brand. I can't wait to overtake you, so you can take charge."

While talking, the four of them tied their foreheads.

Xu Zaijing tied the knot and wiped his forehead. After the servant wrapped the silk around the horse's legs, he glanced at his opponent and said: "Brother Ye and I are in the rear, three in front and two in the back. Let's go."

"Dong dong dong, dong dong dong"

As the two sides entered the court, the beat of drums and music accelerated.

It created a tense atmosphere before the confrontation between the two armies.

In the tent on the side of the court, from time to time there were old friends who were inspired by the atmosphere and cheered for the people on the court.

Incense sticks were lit and inserted into the incense burner.

As the challenger, Han Chengyun had the right to serve directly and took a look at the arrangement on the opposite side.


As soon as the gong sounded, the delicate and smooth balsa wooden polo was knocked away by Han Chengyun.

Han Chengyun originally wanted to take advantage of his horse's head direction and acceleration to catch Xu Zaijing off guard.

As a result, after the polo was knocked away, Xu Zaijing, who was standing at the back, gently tugged on the reins. The horse he was sitting on immediately stood up, turned ninety degrees in an instant, and accelerated towards the polo.

"Drink!" "Drive!"

Liju's nose spurted out air!

"Hoo~~chi, ho~~chi."

"Hoo~chi, ho~chi"

"Whoosh whoosh"

The sound of Liju exhaling from the horse's nose was like an accelerating steam locomotive, powerful and accelerating.

Breathing became faster and faster.

Seeing Xu Zaijing turn around immediately, the crowd was in an uproar.



Many of the spectators in the noble houses of various houses exclaimed in surprise.

Hu Yanjiong, who had just arrived in Bianjing and was somewhat invincible in playing polo in Dengzhou, was immediately impressed.


In an instant, the horses' hooves flew on the polo field, running towards the polo ball.

Xu Zaijing caught the polo one breath earlier than the opponent, and passed the polo sideways to Gu Tingye without saying a word.

Gu Tingye caught the ball with a short stature and accurately hit the polo towards the opponent's half.

The opponent did not fully invest in attacking and grabbing the ball.

The two horses rushed towards the spot where the polo landed.

Hu Yanjiong was one step ahead, tapped the polo ball and changed its direction, passed the opponent who was coming on horseback, looked up, and directly made a long pass.

Zhang Fangling in the middle received the pass and directly swung hard to hit the ball.


The polo flew towards the goal quickly.

The polo goal is a wooden board with a medium-sized hole underneath (refer to the TV series).

But Zhang Fangling used too much force, and the polo ball hit the wooden board on the goal. It hit the crossbar on the football field.

The polo was bounced not far away from the field.




The audience sighed.

Wei Faqi laughed and rode over.

"Hahaha, Shiro, you, n, you, you hit me wrong."

Before everyone’s pityful voices ended,

Han Chengyun shouted loudly from behind: "Be careful!"

It turned out that Zheng Xiao, who was riding a strong peach blossom horse, had already rushed over. After squeezing the guard aside, he swung gently, and the polo ball rubbed against the edge of the door and went in.


"Take up the ball!"

The audience cheered.


Zheng Xiao howled wantonly.

He also ran to the sidelines to receive cheers from the audience.

When I came to the British public tent, I heard the voices inside,

He is more happy,

He walked his horse again and hit the pole with his teammates to celebrate.

"Brother Jiong, you passed it well." Xu Zaijing shouted loudly.

On the field, Han Chengyun walked his horse over and said that the guard was not far away.

"Don't worry about your head and your buttocks."

"Yes, yes, Brother Yun, I was careless."

In the next round, Xu Zaijing served.

After mobilizing the Han team, Hu Yanjiong completed the shot.

Unfortunately, someone saw it through, and Han Chengyun, who rushed over, blocked the ball by the door.

Also a wonderful tackle.



"Brother Yun is beautiful!"

"Hey, you're hitting the ball so slowly, is it because the girls from Qiyun Tower took out your body?"

Wei Faqi said loudly beside Hu Yanjiong.

Hu Yanjiong glanced at him and left without saying a word, lightly knocking the horse's belly.

Several people from the Han family are used to playing together. Although Xu Zaijing's equestrian skills are good, their cooperation is not very good.

When the incense sticks were halfway burning, five blue flags were erected on the field.

Three red flags representing the Xu family were erected.

As time went by, looking at the superb equestrian skills and understanding of polo among his companions, Xu Zaijing and the other four gradually understood each other.

The formation also changed from three in front and two in back to one against one.

Naturally, Xu Zaijing faced Han Chengyun. Although he was two years older than Xu Zaijing, Han Chengyun's strength was not as good as Xu Zaijing's, so he was defeated by his opponent.

Gradually, the Xu family gained the upper hand.

Hu Yanjiong even used a gesture similar to that of Su Qin carrying a sword on the court to block Han Chengyun's pass to the defender.

This show of skill directly made the audience on the sidelines applaud.

There were also many female officials and family members of noble families who wanted to know who this unfamiliar young man was.

When there was still one-fifth of the incense left, eleven red flags were erected on the field and five blue flags were erected.

At the end of the game, it was announced that the Xu family was twelve to five, and the red side won the game.

Han Chengyun was quite dissatisfied and complained about his teammates.

"Brother Yun, don't worry, there is still one more match, we will definitely make a comeback."

Qingyun came to the huge wooden sign next to the polo field in a hurry. He had already seen that the Xu family had to win the next game.

This huge wooden stall has the nameplates of various noble and civil servants in Bianjing and is made of different materials.

The numbers below represent the achievements of the sons and daughters of each family.

Although they are the same size, the material can be customized.

The Liang family also made a small fortune by producing famous brands.

It can be regarded as the polo qualifying match of the Da Bian Jing Division of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The idea naturally came from Xu Zaijing. Mrs. Wu heard Xu Zaijing's idea and said it was great several times.

The men's and women's rankings standing on the side of the court also attracted many competitive children from Beijing to come to the court frequently.

Some specialize in picking weak players to improve their performance, while others challenge strong players and only attack the tough ones.

The stewards of the polo ground are also smart. They have ranked each player at different levels according to their strength, allowing those who achieve better results to reveal their true strength.

There are outstanding polo teams who can't stand this kind of behavior of brushing points, and it's a big lesson for those who want to be soft.

It was also a momentary joke in Bianjing at that time.

This precedent was quickly spread from Bianjing to all directions of the Zhou Dynasty.

It is said that now in the capital of Northern Liao Kingdom, there is also a high-ranking stall imitating the Jinmingchi Polo Club.

The nobles of the Northern Liao Kingdom are also enjoying it. The Bai Gao Kingdom and others are busy fighting among themselves, and the news has not yet arrived.

As the five people walked off the court, a boy hurried over to hold the horse.

Xu Zaizhang walked out of the tent and happily patted several people on their shoulders.

Hu Yanjiong was also very happy. He always abused food in Dengzhou and abused people so much that he no longer felt anything.

When I come to Bianjing and meet these masters, I feel really happy.

Suddenly feeling something, he turned his head and looked at the Xu family's tent.

Behind the hazy gauze, a figure was cheering beside Madam Sun.

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