Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 68: The Second Polo Ground and the Hai Family [Thank you for your support! Thank you! Goodby

Xu Zaijing was listening to Gu Tingye talking about how powerful he was on the court just now.

When he turned his head, he noticed from the corner of his eyes that Hu Yanjiong was looking in the direction of his own house.

Sensing Xu Zaijing's gaze, Hu Yanjiong knew that he had been a little rude just now. He had been staring directly at someone else's tent.

Xu Zaijing pretended not to care and turned back to listen to Gu Tingye's words.

The others mounted their horses again and prepared for the next battle.

Xu Zaijing also rode on Liju. He turned around and saw the figure of his sister Anmei behind his tent. Judging from her posture, he could tell that she was chattering to her mother.

He rolled his eyes and thought of a good (bad) idea.

Han Chengyun replaced the son of the civil servant and replaced him with a brother from the Houma family in Jinxiang.

After coming on the court again, they were still one-on-one with full-court coverage. Xu Zaijing, who was playing more and more smoothly, was crushed by the five players in this round.

When the incense was still half full, the contrast between red and blue was already eight to one.

Among the eight goals, Hu Yanjiong scored five by himself.

Four were passed to him by Xu Zaijing.

The other three were from Zheng Xiaojin, and Zhang Fangling passed two to him.

The silence in Han Chengyun's team over there was in sharp contrast to the five cheering people opposite.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as surrender in polo, so the five of them could only continue to fight hard.

When Hu Yanjiong, who scored another goal, passed by the defender, he glanced at him up and down and said:

"That's it?"

"You! Don't."

After speaking, he didn't listen to what Wei Faqi said and drove away directly.

Wei Faqi's face turned red because he was suppressed. He was actually ridiculed by a country bumpkin from Dengzhou.

He was about to stumble when he saw Zhang Fangling, who was eyeing him with eager eyes, and instantly withered.

Before the last incense burned out, Xu Zaijing ended with a super long-distance swing goal amid the exclamations of the audience.

The people who were friendly with the Korean public at the polo field also stopped cheering.

Qingyun was busy looking under the big wooden stall to see that there was a golden three-pointed star representing victory under his nameplate.

When Xu Zaijing and the other five came off the stage, their horses were taken away and taken care of by their respective servants.

The five of them chatted happily while untying the loops on their arms.

Zhang Fangling praised Hu Yanjiong's skills, while Gu Tingye happily talked to Zheng Xiao.

In the Xu family tent, the female envoy ordered the servants to set up a screen for fishing alone in the snowy and cold river, dividing the tent into two rooms.

There are male guests on one side and female guests on the other.

The five people who came on stage just now were pulled into the tent by Xu Zaizhang.

The six of them sat down, and the little maid Qingcao, who was slowly getting fatter, asked about what they liked to drink, and then went to the back to prepare.

On the polo field, there are already two other families wearing forehead robes of different colors, ready to fight.

Eating the fruits on the table, curious Gu Tingye said:

"Brother Jiong, is there a sea in Dengzhou? Is it big?"

Hu Yanjiong said: "It's so big that it stretches as far as the eye can see. When the wind blows, it can blow up waves ten feet high."

"I haven't seen the ocean yet."

"Brother Ye, if you have a chance to go to Dengzhou, I will take you to see the sea."

"Okay, it's settled."

Xu Zaijing was a little curious about Zhou's navy. Before he could ask any questions, Qingcao came over with a drink.

After setting the drinks according to their orders, Xu Zaijing smiled and glanced at his little maid, his eyes full of admiration.

Then he asked: "Brother Jiong, what do the navy use to fight now? Giant crossbows or trebuchets?"

Hu Yanjiong said: "Our navy of the Great Zhou Dynasty is invincible. There are many rackets and giant crossbows on the warships. Some navy officers transferred from Quanzhou said that there are firearms on the ships of the southern pirates."

Xu Zaijing was stunned for a moment, and he shouted in his heart: "I'll wipe it, I can use it for anything, right?"

Zhang Fangling, who was on the side, took a sip of his drink and said, "Shiyi Lang, what are those pirate firearms made of?"

"Most of them are made of bamboo, and some are made of copper."

Xu Zaijing asked with concern: "How powerful is it?"

Hu Yanjiong smiled disdainfully and said: "It can't break our Zhou Dynasty's iron armor. I heard from my colleagues that it is mostly used as a signal."

Xu Zaijing felt a stone fall in his heart.

A few people talked, and after the tea cups were filled several times, a wave of people changed in the polo field, and two teams of noble girls from Bianjing Middle School came on the field.

Suddenly this group of unmarried boys and girls shouted.

The ten girls in both teams were all daughters of civil servants and noble families.

At the beginning, shirts and sleeves were flying in the backcourt, and shouts continued, causing Hu Yanjiong and others to laugh.

He also commented on the skills of the ten girls on the field.

Hu Yanjiong didn't say a few words when he suddenly heard a moan from the female guest next to him, which made him stop talking. He pretended to be thirsty and peeked at the screen again.

In the end, the girl from the Prince Consort's family won the game, and a servant hurried to the big wooden stall to update the score.

The five girls also circled the court and were greeted by handkerchiefs waved by the little girls.

The sisters kept shouting.

In particular, the five girls in the British government tent danced extremely joyfully, and their eyes towards the polo field were full of yearning.

No time (around 3 p.m.)

People who were far away from Jinmingchi began to leave the polo ground.

Not far away, on the big wooden stalls, the servants of the golf course took off the name tags of each house and handed them to the boys from each house who came to pick up the signs.

Zhang Fangling and Hu Yanjiong also stood up to leave.

When Hu Yanjiong was about to mount his horse and leave, he received a message from a prince consort, saying that he could visit him if he had time.

Zheng Xiao snickered from the side and said, "This Consort Lu's family has six golden flowers waiting to be married."

Gu Tingye's eyes widened, so many!

Hu Yanjiong took the post and understood the meaning. He blushed a little. He tried hard to control himself not to look into the Xu family's tent and said, "It must be true."

Each family left through several exits.

Seeing a few people walking away, Mrs. Sun and her children also got on the carriage.

On the carriage, Mrs. Sun opened the curtain and said, "Brother Jing, come to the carriage."

"Yes, mother."

In the car, Mrs. Sun put away the smile on her face.

Nodding at Xu Zaijing’s head, he said:

"What are you doing on the court today? I keep feeding balls to that guy from the Huyan family. My second sister is nagging me to death."

Just as Xu Zaijing was about to say something, Sun continued:

"If you go on stage and show off your power, your second brother will have no chance to play! Next time, please keep a low profile and let your second brother go first. Do you understand?"

Xu Zaijing rolled his eyes and said: "Oh"

"Also, you can read to me peacefully at home during these days!"

"Yes, mother."

After returning home, Xu Zaijing followed his mother's instructions and began to study behind closed doors. After hearing about this, Gu Tingyu also sent him several books on classics and meanings that he had used, with his notes written in small handwriting on them.

Although Xu Zaijing is studying, he can still study for half an hour before going out and exercising in the sun for two quarters of an hour.

Although his eyesight is very good now, he still needs to protect it in case he becomes short-sighted.

While I was studying, the most exciting thing in Bianjing was that the eldest daughter of the Hai family got married.

It was when Xu Zaijing went to play in his eldest sister's yard that he heard what his second sister An Mei said.

Xu Zaijing has memories of the Hai family,

The Hai family's ancestral home is in Jiangning, and they come from a scholarly family. They have been wearing hairpins for generations, and they are a noble family.

The main family of the Hai family has always had a family rule that a daughter-in-law cannot take a concubine until she reaches forty.

The in-laws who marry a girl from the Hai family must also abide by this. Only when a married daughter from the Hai family reaches the age of forty and has no children, can the son-in-law take a concubine.

People who regard their daughters as treasures want to marry into the Hai family, so naturally there is no problem of concubines intermingling with each other.

But he was also afraid of marrying a daughter of the Hai family. After all, men were not allowed to take concubines.

In fact, this is too much to think about. Daughters of the Hai family have no worries about getting married. The power of the court represented by the daughters of the Hai family can make all scholars become good men.

The family rules of the Hai family's collateral branches are still somewhat loose, but the Hai family's main branch strictly abides by the family rules.

What? Did you break this rule? Well, the Hai family has never caused trouble, and they are not afraid of trouble. Look at this man in purple, the old man in the pavilion, 50% of whom are related to the Hai family.

There are also officials such as teachers and students, contemporaries and family friends, as well as officials who have received free books, food and clothing from the Haijia Book School.

The Hai family girls have always been very well-educated, and are proficient in serving their parents-in-law and managing the household.

I won't let my husband's family say anything bad.

"Second sister, what is the name of this Hai family girl?"

Xu Zaijing asked.

Before Xu Anmei could answer, Xiaozhu, the female envoy beside Sun, walked over quickly.

"Brother, sister, go to the mistress's courtyard. The eldest lady has important things to give you."

If there are any typos or confusion, please feel free to point them out.

In addition, I haven't watched "Ning'an Like a Dream", but I accidentally listened to Zhou Shenchang's theme song "Borrowing Dreams". The "ah" singing in it is really nice, and it feels like a dream and the passage of time.

Listening to this music and seeing the passing of Wei Shuyi, I feel sad.

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