"What are you doing?! Stop it!!"

Although the middle-aged doctor shouted eagerly, he even tried to stop it.

But his reaction was still a step slow.

Bai Zhou's scalpel had landed on the patient's neck.

Directly below the patient's neck, at the level with the collarbone, a quick and precise cut left a cross-shaped incision.

It was at this time that the middle-aged doctor grabbed Bai Zhou's right hand and stopped Bai Zhou from moving.

"You!" The furious middle-aged man was about to speak, but "Hiss—" came a clear gasping voice.

The middle-aged doctor was obviously taken aback, then bowed his head instantly.

It was found that the chest of this wounded man who had lost his breath and his face was livid had recovered.

The casualty's breathing has recovered!

Without surgery to remove the dust, the Fool resumed breathing.

This proves that his previous judgment was wrong.

And the young man in front of him, who was stunned by the scene just now, is right!

He let go of the hand holding Bai Zhou, looked at Bai Zhou in amazement and said:

"Young man, which hospital are you from? What's your name?! How did you find out about his condition?"

Of course Bai Zhou would not say that this is the experience copied from Lin Muyun.

Although Lin Muyun is an expert in the heart, after all, he has been practicing medicine for so many years, and he has seen too many diseases and injuries that have nothing to do with the heart.

In addition, Liu Weimin copied from the respiratory department.

An explosion in a restaurant, how severe the dust can be, the clothes this person is wearing are obviously customers and are not in the back kitchen.

It is very unlikely that the patient will have breathing difficulties due to inhalation of too much dust, so Bai Zhou thought of this.

He wouldn't say such things, but he still told the middle-aged doctor in front of him and his famous minister:

"My name is Bai Zhou, and I'm from the First People's Hospital of Jiangcheng."

"No wonder!" The middle-aged doctor's eyes showed a hint of surprise:

"The People's Hospital is really full of talented people!"

"I pushed you away because I was too impatient, don't mind, young man."

Bai Zhou directly shook his head and said: "No, it was really my fault before, and I was frightened by the scene in front of me, but I won't stand up in the future.

Bai Zhou naturally did not forget his main purpose of coming here, so he immediately asked:

"Doctor, you came earlier than me. I wonder if you have seen Dr. Lin Xiao from our hospital? A girl in her twenties.

"Lin Xiao?" The middle-aged doctor in front of him was slightly taken aback: "You mean that star doctor?"

Bai Zhou nodded: "Yes, that's her! Where is she?"

The middle-aged doctor slowly shook his head and said: "I just came here not long ago, and I haven't seen him.

But soon he pointed in another direction and said:

"Over there are a few people from a nearby Chinese medicine clinic who volunteered to participate in the rescue. They are the first doctors on the scene. You can ask them.


After Bai Zhou left a word of thanks, he stood up directly, turned around and ran towards the direction the middle-aged doctor told him.

Across the wounded who do not know how many are being rescued by medical staff.

Seeing the miserable appearance of these wounded one by one, Bai Zhou's bad premonition became more and more obvious, and his heartbeat had already reached an extremely unscientific level.

"It can't be done, I can't be rescued, so declare death."

Such voices kept coming from Bai Zhou's ears.

This big explosion took away the voices of an unknown number of people almost instantly.

Numerous medical staff sighed helplessly.

"It's a pity, she should be the first batch of doctors who came here to save people, right?"

When he heard these words, Bai Zhou stopped his steps instantly, his complexion turned pale, and he immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

"I heard it's from Jiangcheng No. 1 People's Hospital. This little girl is too young!"

little girl?!!!

"She should be called Lin Xiao, right? She seems to be our star doctor in Jiangcheng!"


Hearing these words, it was as if a thunderbolt fell instantly from the nine heavens and hit the diphtheria.

"Lin Xiao?!"


"Senior Sister!!!"

Bai Zhou's pupils instantly turned scarlet, and he rushed towards the direction of the sound as if he had gone crazy.

In several other hospitals, medical staff in white coats were surrounding a body lying flat on the ground, with expressions of regret on their faces.

"Senior Sister!"

Bai Zhou directly ran into them and threw himself on the ground.

If this isn't Bai Zhou's senior sister, Lin Xiao, who else could it be?

Lin Xiao's originally fair and translucent skin was now completely blackened by the smoke.

Eyes closed, lips tense, complexion ashen.

The white coat on his body was even more than half burnt.

And she just lay there, motionless.

Bai Zhou frantically put his finger in front of Lin Xiao's nose.

not breathing!

Immediately, he put his finger on Lin Xiao's wrist again.

No pulse!

Afterwards, he still put his ear on Lin Xiao's chest in disbelief.

no heartbeat!

Bai Zhou froze in place, Lin Xiao.....is dead? Sister...she's dead?!

The medical staff who were knocked away by Bai Zhou didn't get angry when they saw Bai Zhou kneeling on the ground with a pale and dull expression.

On the contrary, he is very sympathetic.

Because they also knew the relationship between the young man in front of him and the deceased through Bai Zhou's "senior sister" before.

Several people sighed slightly, shook their heads, turned and left, they didn't need to rescue other wounded.

There was one person left who patted Bai Zhou on the shoulder and said:

"I am sorry for your loss.………………."

"Dr. Lin is a role model for all of us. As soon as she came to the fire scene, she resolutely followed the firefighters to enter the fire scene to save people."

"She is a girl, and I don't know how many people have been rescued from the fire."

"But just now, she fainted and became unconscious, and was brought out by firefighters.

"After our inspection, it should be carbon monoxide poisoning, and now I have lost all breathing and heartbeat, you... oh..."

He explained the cause of Lin Xiao's death to Bai Zhou.

But Bai Zhou was still kneeling on the ground in a daze, as if the Bai Zhou who had just arrived at the fire scene had appeared again.

The person who spoke knew that Bai Zhou (Nuo Wang Zhao) was in extreme grief, so he patted Bai Zhou on the shoulder, turned around and left and continued to rescue without disturbing him.

As for Bai Zhou, he stared blankly at Lin Xiao's cheeks that had lost color.


There was such a voice in his heart:

"Absolutely impossible!"

"Senior sister won't die! She won't die!!!"

Bai Zhou immediately moved, lay down, opened Lin Xiao's mouth, and started artificial respiration!

Then start CPR immediately!

Bai Zhou kept repeating this action as if going crazy.

"Ah!!! Senior Sister! You must not die! You must not die! Read!"

Tears fell on Bai Zhou's hands and Lin Xiao's clothes.

Tonight's night shift in the emergency room was originally not for Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao wanted to accompany her.

If it wasn't for him, how could Lin Xiao stay in the emergency department? If he didn't stay in the emergency department, how could he encounter today's incident?

Therefore, Lin Xiao shouldn't die!

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