Doctor: Although I Am Young, I Can Shake People

53 Shaking Bian Que? ! Back To Life!

Lin Xiao never deserved to die, if it wasn't for him, Lin Xiao would definitely not be lying here now!

But no matter how Bai Zhou went crazy and gave Lin Xiao artificial respiration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Lin Xiao's lost heartbeat never appeared.

"No! Senior sister can't die, Lin Xiao absolutely can't die!" Even so, Bai Zhou didn't give up his belief.

"What should I do, what should I do......" Bai Zhou was so anxious, with tears in his eyes, he asked himself frantically.

For Lin Xiao who has lost his heartbeat and breathing, and has even been declared dead by other doctors.

Bai Zhou felt at a loss for the first time!

He is a new doctor with little experience and not enough knowledge.

But in the hospital, facing diseases that I don't understand, I can take out books and look them up.

In the face of a disease that you can't determine, you can call someone...

shake people?!

Yes! I can shake people!!

Bai Zhou suddenly remembered that the most proficient skill he had mastered was shaking people!

I can't help it, teacher Li Guofeng, dean Lin Muyun, they are all respected seniors!

They must have a way to save Senior Sister, there must be a way!

Bai Zhou seemed to have found a savior, and began to quickly find his mobile phone.

But there is nothing in my pocket!

The phone was left in the emergency room!

The one that came out just now was in such a hurry that I forgot to take it!

For Bai Zhou, this was another bolt from the blue!

Bai Zhou looked at Lin Xiao whose eyes could no longer be opened again, his heart slowly cooled down...

The look of despair on his face was slowly submerging Bai Zhou like a tide, making Bai Zhou a little out of breath.

But at this moment, Bai Zhou raised his head instantly:

"Yes! I still have a random card!"

That's right.

Bai Zhou finally remembered, just before, when the system had accumulated enough 2,000 swaying points, didn't the system reward him with a random swaying card?

At that time, Bai Zhou also asked the system, what is the use of this random card.

The system lets itself explore on its own.

Now, I have nowhere to go!

Bai Zhou doesn't know what the random card is for.

Is it possible to shake different people?

Or that the person you designate can shake it directly.

None of this matters anymore.

Bai Zhou said directly to the system in his mind:

"System, use the random card for me immediately!!"

[Ding!] The system responded without any hesitation:

[Random card - 1, the legendary doctor is coming, clear the host and wait for the good news! 】

Legendary doctor?!

Hearing the sound of the system, Bai Zhou paused.

Legendary famous doctor? It sounds even better than the dean's famous expert!

Is this random person card really randomly shaking a person?

And I don't know the name yet, and I may not even know the other party. (cgca)

After all, the most powerful boss Bai Zhou knew was Lin Muyun.

Who is this legendary doctor?

Are you a world-renowned expert?

Or... he won't be an academician of the Academy of Dragon Sciences, right?

No matter who it is, as long as anyone can help Bai Zhou save Lin Xiao!

At this moment, Bai Zhou suddenly felt a flash of light in front of him.

In the next second, an old man in a burlap robe with long hair and a bun on the top of his head appeared in front of Bai Zhou out of thin air, and the clothes on this old man were definitely not common to modern people.

Looks like an ancient man!


This term suddenly appeared in Bai Zhou's mind.

This old man, at such an old age, actually still plays cosplay? did he get here?

When Bai Zhou looked at the old man in a daze, the old man seemed to be taken aback and kept looking around at the scene around him.

His pupils were filled with shock, as if he had never seen such a scene before.

When he saw the Fushou Building burning into the sky, he said:

The water is gone? What a big fire!"


It's not for modern people this time, is it?

"That... old mister..." Bai Zhou saw the old man hesitantly just opened his mouth.

I saw a doctor rushing towards the old man pushing a stretcher.

Bai Zhou also exclaimed subconsciously: "Be careful!"

In the next second, he froze.

The doctor and the stretcher passed through the old man in an instant.

That's right, it passed through the middle of the old man's figure.

Not only Bai Zhou was stunned, but even the old man himself was stunned.

The old man squatted down slowly, reaching out his hand to touch Lin Xiao who was on the ground, but in the end, his own palm passed over.

He's just a phantom?!

And this phantom, only Bai Zhou can see it, other people can't detect it at all.

But the old man was not afraid at all, instead there was a strong surprise in his eyes:

"It's so strange, the old man was about to go to Qin to treat King Wu, but he didn't expect a white light to flash, and the old man appeared here. The world is really big, and there are no surprises!

Hearing the voice of the old man in front of him, Bai Zhou was stunned.

Go to Qin?

Seeing a doctor for King Wu?

Where are these TMs!


He couldn't be the doctor that the random card that the system gave me, right?!

After thinking up to this point, Bai Zhou said with a strange expression:

"Old sir, I don't know your name is...."

In the eyes of outsiders, Bai Zhou is clearly talking to the air now.

However, when his senior sister died, he was deeply saddened, and he was also a minister of reason when talking to the air.

But how did they know that the phantom of an old man clasped his fists slightly at Bai Zhou and said:

"My name is... Bian Que."


Bai Zhou paled in shock!

Almost jumped up from the ground in shock.

Bian Que?!

good my system!

You are so awesome!

Randomly swaying the card, even the genius doctor Bian Que was swayed?

Oh my God!

Sure enough, it was ability that limited Bai Zhou's imagination.

He thought that he was awesome enough to shake people, call his teacher, and call the dean.

I didn't expect the system to be stronger.

It turned out to be a miracle doctor of history who traveled across time and space?


Bai Zhou was still dumbfounded, but it was Mr. Bian Que who spoke first:

"That white light must be caused by little friend?"

"The world my friend lives in is truly a spectacle! Could it be that this is a fairyland?"

People in ancient times were quite superstitious.

There are too many things that Bian Que has never seen before, and it is normal to mistakenly think it is the fairy world.

But Bai Zhou didn't take it seriously, this is the fairy world?

This is probably hell!

But before Bai Zhou could speak, Bian Que's voice came again:

"Little friend, you recruited this old man, but for this woman?"

Bian Que pointed at Lin Xiao who was lying flat on the ground.

Bai Zhou woke up instantly!

That's right, the reason I sent people here is to save Lin Xiao!

It is impossible to forget because of Bian Que's appearance out of thin air.

So, he nodded immediately and said:

"Yes! Mister, she is my senior sister, but now she has been poisoned by carbon monoxide, and her heartbeat and breathing are gone. Everyone says she is dead, but I don't believe it. Mister, can you take a look?"

Bian Que was taken aback for a moment: "What is carbon monoxide?"

However, he also knew that the patient's condition was the most important thing, so he observed Lin Xiao with a frown.

He is a phantom, unable to give Lin Xiao his pulse, but Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, hearing and asking, and "looking" is a very important point!

Bian Que frowned, but Bai Zhou didn't dare to speak to disturb Bian Que.

While stroking his beard, Bian Que murmured in a low voice:

"This girl's situation seems to be similar to that of Master Guo..."

"Young Master of the Guo State?!" When he heard this term, four large characters slowly appeared in Bai Zhou's mind:

"Back to life!!"


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