Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 120 He is not worthy of me waiting

Director Lin wanted to say a few words, but was stopped by Tang Yunshu.

"Director Lin, this old man is very pedantic. He has served high-ranking officials and dignitaries all year round. He has long forgotten that other places do not have this condition. Just say a few words less - and don't repeat this sentence in the translator."

Morimaeda walked closer to the ward, took another look, put on a muzzle, and added a pair of gloves. He said, "The environment is so bad. Why not give each patient a dedicated ward and a dedicated hospital?" Where’s the caregiver?”

at this time,

The entrepreneur in the bed near the window climbed out of bed.

When he saw the doctor coming in, he was happy and quickly took out a box of apples from under the bed.

"Director Lin, I sent a box to every doctor in the department. There is no one in your office. I will send this box to your office soon!"

With that said, he opened a new box and walked to everyone with the open box in his arms.

"Come on, take one, thank you for taking care of me recently!"

The entrepreneur smiled honestly.

Mori Maeda glanced at the apples in the box and immediately frowned.

The apples vary in size, green and red, and have uneven surfaces.

Can something like this be given away as a gift?

The entrepreneur saw the disgust in Morimaeda's eyes, scratched his head and explained: "Don't be disgusted, everyone. Our company has funded more than a dozen primary schools. The villagers there harvested the trees they planted themselves. They were given to us by everyone." fruit.

Although it doesn't look good, it is delicious and very sweet. "

Director Lin and others had somewhat moved expressions.

"I'll take one."

Director Lin stepped forward, grabbed one and put it in his pocket.

The others followed suit without any disdain.

Such an entrepreneur who cares about ordinary people deserves everyone's respect.

In the end, Mori Maeda and his team did not put down their arrogance, they still looked arrogant.

After the episode, they came to Xu Shun's bedside.

"First evaluate the facial nerve function."

"Then there are complications."

"There are also KPS score comparisons."

Mori Maeda and others gathered around Xu Shun and began to check the prognosis and efficacy.

After a while, Mori Maeda's expression became solemn.

After the evaluation was completed, he lowered his voice and said: "Are you sure there was no fraud? This patient did not have the surgery completed last month?"

Director Lin smiled: "We are not ready to do such a thing, it is absolutely true, it was the surgery performed ten days ago!"

Mori Maeda was silent.

The facial nerve function classification has reached level one, which is basically no obstacle.

And this is usually the recovery level of other patients between one month and two months after surgery!

The NIHSS score is around 8.03...

The NIHSS score ranges from 0 to 42 points, with higher scores indicating more severe neurological damage.

And about 8 points is an average that can only be reached after more than a month after surgery!

There are also KPS scores, CSS scores, etc., all of which perform very well.

more importantly--

This patient had no subscalp fluid collection and no postoperative intracranial infection.

This means that the surgery was a success and the care was excellent!

This is not a patient to be used for practice and to rely on piles of measurements.

But there are real materials!

Mori Maeda finally put away his contemptuous expression.

His eyes scanned the people behind him.

Who did it?

Director Lin, Deputy Director Zhao, Jin Yiyun, or which director?

His eyes stayed on Xu Qiu for a moment.

Then he passed directly.

He is so young. A doctor of this age would be too clumsy to even shine his shoes!

"Director Lin, who performed this operation?" Mori Maeda asked solemnly.

Director Lin grinned from the corner of his mouth to his ears. He put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "Xu Qiu."

After saying that, he gestured with his chin.

Morimaeda looked in the direction of Director Lin, and when he saw that young face, he was startled.

Immediately, he said with some annoyance: "This is how you treat guests, using a little doctor who has never seen a dead person to deal with us?"

The Daxia expert group and others were also surprised.

How could he be so young!

"Director Lin, you're not the one who performed this surgery?" Tang Yunshu was dumbfounded.

She never expected that this operation was performed by a young doctor!

"Didn't any of you read the brochure?" Director Lin was a little confused.

Tang Yunshu shook his head: "What brochure?"

"It's the pamphlet the nurse distributed to you before you entered the hospital!"

Tang Yunshu was stunned for a moment: "That thing? We didn't even look at it, we just threw it in the trash can..."

Director Lin suddenly showed an expression of hatred for steel.

He specially reserved a few copies for this group of people, but actually threw them away?

However, it is understandable that this kind of free booklet will end up as a takeaway mat or go directly into the trash can.

"It's okay, I still want it."

Director Lin reached behind and pulled out several brochures.

Tang Yunshu quickly took it and realized that the cover was actually Xu Qiu.

She flipped through a few pages.

It was all about introducing the surgery performed by Xu Qiu.

It was like a thunderbolt exploded in her head, and she raised her head in shock after a long while: "How is it possible... How can such a young doctor complete such a difficult operation?!"

Mori Maeda also had a face full of disbelief.

After a moment, he laughed and said with a hint of sting: "If your country has the ability to cultivate such geniuses, will you still lag behind us?"

"Do you think our hospital is cheating?"

"You can't blame us for being suspicious. Academic fraud, medical fraud - there are a lot of these things."

After Mori Maeda finished speaking, he looked at Xu Qiu with suspicion and said, "If you are really that good, come on stage and do this endoscopic neurotomy!"

Director Lin almost laughed out loud.

"It's a dream come true!"

Two hours later.

On the operating room.

Director Lin reminded him softly: "Perform your best...our face depends entirely on you!"

Xu Qiu nodded calmly.

This surgery is much simpler than Xu Shun’s huge meningioma.

It’s only when the surgery fails that you really need to “play well”.

"Why haven't they come yet?" Director Lin took a look.

Deputy Director Zhao said with a dark face: "Those guys from Little Japan are so arrogant and arrogant that I am really angry to death!"

Jin Yiyun seemed much calmer.

When he was studying abroad, he had already seen all kinds of discrimination.

Jin Yiyun said: "People from Xiaori Country are usually like this. They know small etiquette but no great righteousness - when he looked down on the medical level of our country before, he still pretended to be polite."

"Do you want to wait?" Someone looked back for a while.

Xu Qiu looked at the time and saw that it was time to plan the surgery.

"No wait."

Mori Maeda is not qualified yet!

After saying this, Xu Qiu once again went to the waist to have a catheter...

After that, a straight incision about 6cm long starting from the zygomatic arch is made, and each layer of the scalp is incised in sequence, the posterior mastoid process is opened, and the temporal bone is exposed...

Finally, Mori Maeda and others walked in slowly.

"The hand brushing equipment in your hospital is too backward..."

Before he finished speaking, he was stunned by the scene on the other side of the operating table.

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