Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 121: The Holy Land of Brain Surgery, Extremely Generous Conditions

The operation...has begun!

Morimaeda looked surprised, and when he realized what happened, he was shaking with anger.

What does it mean?

He was a guest, and he didn't even wait for him to arrive before starting directly?

"You have to prove your skills to me, starting now. Are you scared?"

After Mori Maeda put on the surgical gown, he spoke every word.

Xu Qiu continued the operation without even raising her head.

Finally, Mori Maeda came closer.

He was about to say something sarcastic, but the next moment the expression on his face was replaced by surprise.

On the screen, Xu Qiu searched quickly under the endoscope.

The middle meningeal artery at the foramen spinosum is first exposed, then electrocoagulated and then cut.

After that, expose the Kawase quadrilateral...

After transversely incising the dura mater at the temporal base, gently lift the temporal lobe into the posterior cranial fossa...

More than three hours later, Xu Qiu successfully removed the tumor endoscopically.

Then, he skillfully sutured the dura mater and reset the skull.

"The operation is over."

When Xu Qiu's voice sounded, Mori Maeda and others recovered from the shock.

Morimaeda stared with fear in his eyes: "How is this possible... is this a doctor in his twenties?!"

Beside him, the five disciples were also looking blankly at the scene in front of them.

In his twenties...can he perform brain surgery like this?

Among them, the youngest is already twenty-nine!

To be selected by the famous brain surgeon Mori Maeda is enough to show how talented they are!


They asked themselves, no one has better surgical skills than Xu Qiu!


It’s my teacher’s specialty, neuroendoscopic resection of brain tumors!


Several doctors from Little Japan were so shocked that they could not speak and stood there blankly.

Morimaeda came to his senses after a brief surprise.

When he looked at Xu Qiu again, his eyes were full of passion and he said: "Your Excellency Xu Qiu, are you willing to come to our institute to conduct research? You and I will be at the same level and explore the medical boundaries of brain surgery together?"

Not waiting for Xu Qiu to answer.

Mori Maeda said excitedly: "I can give you a contract, and you can fill in the salary as you wish. In addition, I will make the decision to allow you to enter the world's top brain surgery laboratory, and you will be eligible to use all equipment at any time!"

After this sentence was translated, everyone was confused.

Salary is not the key.

This thing, for some people, is just a bunch of numbers.


The laboratory, this is the most attractive thing!

There are tens of millions of devices to call at will.

Countless advanced experimental materials that are valuable but not commercially available are also open to the public.

Not to mention other people, any brain surgeon would be confused and shaken!

This is like letting a man enter a palace with three thousand beauties.

Everyone inside can enjoy it as they please!

However, to Mori Maeda's surprise,

Xu Qiu didn't even hesitate for a second, turned around and left the operating room, and said at the same time: "No need."

After leaving the operating room, Mori Maeda was already a little panicked.

He didn't understand why someone would refuse such a generous offer!

Any doctor who wants to develop in brain surgery should be unable to resist this temptation!

Director Lin imitated Mori Maeda's previous appearance and sneered: "Maybe Xu Qiu is not interested in brain surgery."

Mori Maeda shook his head, "I admit that he is very talented, but it is impossible for a doctor who has not been involved in brain surgery for more than ten years to achieve such a level!"

"You don't have to believe me and say goodbye." Director Lin put his hands behind his back and was about to leave.

Tang Yunshu hurriedly stopped him, "We haven't finished entertaining yet..."

"What a treat! Xu Qiu has done all the surgeries, so there is no need for him to teach surgeries."

After that, Director Lin called in resident doctor Shen Shanyou.

"Go, arrange a few residents and nurses to send Professor Morimaeda away!"

At this moment, Director Lin finally understood -

Xu Qiu's accomplishments in neuroendoscopic resection have reached an extremely terrifying level.

In this case,

A person who looks down on Daxia with colored eyes is not worthy of winning respect from him.

A few hours after the surgery.

Tang Yunshu and other expert teams were in Director Lin's office and had not yet recovered from the operation.

"Director Lin, you are hiding such a genius and yet you are silent!" Tang Yunshu was extremely excited.

Director Lin was in a good mood and said truthfully: "We didn't expect that Xu Qiu's level made even Morimaeda dumbfounded!"

Several expert groups also laughed from ear to ear.

"This is the first time we've seen him deflate!"

"Shit, Linhai No. 1 Hospital is not the first stop. Mori Maeda has also done teaching surgeries in several other provinces, and he has the same face - I have long been unhappy with him!"

"But after all, he is a well-established and famous doctor, and he also has real skills. Although he cannot agree with his position, his professional level cannot be denied."

The expert team looked at each other and stopped talking about this matter.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Mori Maeda walked in with a kind smile on his face.

"I didn't know much about the current situation in Daxia before and made rash remarks. I apologize for that..."

"Sit down, Professor Morimaeda."

Director Lin now returned to his usual politeness.

However, he still had a cold air that repelled people thousands of miles away, and asked: "Professor Morimaeda, please make it clear what your purpose is. We don't like to beat around the bush."

"Okay, is your hospital willing to further improve the capabilities of brain surgeons? If so, I can arrange for your doctors to study at the Brain Surgery Center in my country - the world's top brain surgery mecca.

In addition, if given the opportunity, our best students will also come to Hainan No.1 College..."

Director Lin is smiling but not smiling.

Can’t the people from the country be more honest in these days?

He pointed it out directly: "Your request is to let Xu Qiu go to your country?"

Mori Maeda nodded: "Exactly - you can send a group of students to our country for further study. As long as Xu Qiu is on the list, we will accept them."

Upon hearing this condition, Director Lin fell silent.

The other party really spent a lot of money!

The Temple of Heaven in Tiandu is the holy place for brain surgery in Daxia.

Only a small number of people who left the Temple of Heaven in Tiandu had the opportunity to study at the National Brain Surgery Center in Little Japan.

The latter is the mecca of brain surgery in the world!

Can you come out from there?

In the brain surgery department of any tertiary hospital in China, one is eligible to be airborne as deputy director...

In such a place, Mori Maeda promised to directly provide Linhai No. 1 Hospital with an exam-free passage!

"How about it, and it's not just one year. In the next five years, we will sign a long-term cooperation agreement, and we can even establish an alliance!" Mori Maeda said with piercing eyes.

Director Lin shook his head: "On behalf of the brain surgery department, I reject your conditions."

Mori Maeda's face immediately turned cold.

He left without saying a word and found the emergency department where Xu Qiu was.

Since the hospital couldn't explain it, he would talk to Xu Qiu in private!

Maybe... the other party didn't tell the truth just because there were too many people at the time?

However, when he took his five disciples to the emergency department, Xu Qiu was busy shuttling between the treatment room and the emergency room.

"Your Excellency Xu Qiu..."

He was about to stop Xu Qiu.

The latter glanced at Morimaeda lightly and said, "Don't disturb me from saving people."

After that, Xu Qiu bypassed Morimaeda and his group and quickly rushed into the emergency room.

In desperation, Mori Maeda could only wait in the lobby of the emergency department.

I thought it would be over soon.

It wasn't until four hours later, at around seven o'clock in the afternoon, that Xu Qiu finally slowed down and seemed to have finally finished his work.

Mori Maeda looked shocked.

Is this the treatment efficiency of Daxia’s emergency department?

In this afternoon alone, twenty or thirty people were saved, and four to five hundred patients were treated!

"Wait a minute, his white coat is full of blood and excrement. He should take a shower and come back. Let's go to the office and wait for him..." Morimaeda said.

However, something unexpected happened to them.

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