Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 160 His fate: spending the New Year in prison

Could it be that even a deputy dean couldn't solve it?

Director Qiu sighed: "He had gas gangrene and delayed the diagnosis. Now the whole hospital is under martial law!"

Pan Fuyou sat up straight suddenly, his pupils dilated a bit, and said in a hoarse voice: "You, what did you say? Gas gangrene? Didn't you get hospitalized in advance?!"


Director Qiu held his breath.

He originally wanted to scold Pan Fuyou, but didn't he know what kind of virtue Fan Lei was?

But, in the end, I chose to follow my heart.

"In addition, the dean asked you to call him back." Director Qiu reported the matter.


On the road, Pan Fuyou didn't care about picking up his son anymore. He stepped on the accelerator, the tires squealed, and the car turned a corner and drove towards Linhai No. 1 Hospital.

He took a deep breath, his hands felt a little cold, and finally he could only call Wang Shengde.

As soon as the call was connected, there was a lot of curses on the other end.

"Pan Fuyou, if this matter has a big impact, your brother-in-law should go to prison to celebrate the New Year!"

Pan Fuyou's face turned pale.

If it is really a serious hospital infection accident, Fan Lei will bear the brunt of the lawsuit. He, the deputy dean in charge of hospital infection, will at least be demoted a few levels!

Wang Shengde was still scolding: "I asked you to put Fan Lei in an administrative position, or else go to the second line and have nothing to do.

As a result, he had to go to the clinic and go to the emergency department where people could die at every turn. He was seeking death and harming the patients! "

Pan Fuyou did not dare to talk back and said: "Dean, I am rushing to the hospital. I will handle this matter as soon as possible..."

"When you go back, it's not too much to kowtow to Xu Qiu. If he hadn't discovered it in time, no one would have noticed that the patient died in the ward. It's really your fault to diagnose and treat gas gangrene as tetanus!" Wang Shengde said coldly After laughing a few times, he hung up the phone.

Pan Fuyou was stunned for a few moments, and an unknown anger arose in his heart.


Damn it, that bastard Fan Lei diagnosed gas gangrene as tetanus?

Tetanus is a disease that needs to be avoided. Doctors rarely go to the ward for rounds. Usually only the doctor in charge checks the condition.

And Fan Lei's character is very perfunctory about ward rounds...

Therefore, without Xu Qiu, the patient might not have been discovered by the doctor until his death!

Jingle Bell--

Halfway through, Pan Fuyou's wife called again.

Another female curse came from the other side, saying: "Pan, where have you been fooling around? You don't want your son anymore? The teachers have called me! I have worked hard with you until now, and my dad recommended you to be a Vice dean, is this how you treat me?"

Pan Fuyou was completely shocked and cursed: "Smelly bitch, your precious brother is going to kill someone. If I don't rush back to the hospital now, just pick up your precious son!"

The phone immediately went silent.

"Wait, go to the hospital quickly!"

Pan Fuyou's wife immediately panicked. She said in panic: "What should I do? You must keep him. Don't let him lose his job!"

Pan Fuyou's smile became colder and colder, "Lost your job? What you should worry about now is how many years this idiot Fan Lei will be sentenced to prison!"

"I told him to go to the administrative post, and you and your father spoiled him, saying that he had a smooth life, and let him go to the emergency department to experience life, old age, sickness and death - for him, he had a smooth life, but you and your father are different Help him!"

"Now that I'm about to lose my job, you should ask your father at the Health Commission to see if he can think of a solution!"


Pan Fuyou hung up the phone angrily.

At this moment, his heart seemed to have fallen into an ice cave.

In such a major accident, the father-in-law's status is no longer useful. The only thing he can hope for now is that not too many people die.

He understands Fan Lei's character.

Very perfunctory about the principle of sterility.

For this matter, the head nurse and circulating nurses in the operating room have complained countless times.

Pan Fuyou never took it seriously.

In fact, the veterans in the hospital don't pay much attention to the principle of asepsis.

The most disciplined ones are the residents and attending doctors.

But I didn't expect that today would finally lead to bitter consequences!

Fan Lei checked the gas gangrene patient's room. If he goes to the operating room or undergoes an invasive examination, he will basically be infected if he touches him!

"God bless..."

Pan Fuyou was so anxious that he slapped the steering wheel and sped towards Linhai No. 1 Hospital.

At this time, Linhai No. 1 Hospital, operating room No. 4.

Fan Lei was undergoing surgery when suddenly, a traveling nurse rushed in with Zhou Hua.

"Fan Lei, get down!"

The circulating nurse cursed coldly.

Fan Lei raised his head unhappily: "Are you kidding me?"

"The patient you admitted last night had gas gangrene, and now the entire hospital has activated emergency infection procedures - do you think I'm kidding?" the traveling nurse looked at Fan Lei coldly.

Fan Lei's hand froze and he almost dropped the scalpel into his abdominal cavity.

"How... how is it possible! Gas gangrene? That's tetanus!"

The circulating nurse drove Fan Lei out of the operating area and asked Zhou Hua to be the chief surgeon, saying, "You continue the operation."

Then, he kicked Fan Lei out of the operating room in disgust and said, "Do you need to question Dr. Xu's diagnosis?"

"Doctor Xu? Xu Qiu, he is a resident doctor, why can't I question him? It was tetanus, and my treatment was very effective. He has never had severe pain or convulsions since then!"

The circulating nurse laughed angrily and said: "Of course it won't twitch, because it's not a muscle spasm caused by tetanus toxin at all - as for why it doesn't hurt, it's because the patient's left lower limb is completely necrotic, and there is no good piece of meat. Perception, how to feel pain!”

Hearing this, Fan Lei's hands and feet suddenly became extremely cold.

Emergency Department, East Ward, Bed 21.

During the ten-minute rescue operation, the patient's shock was corrected. After a hemofiltration catheter was inserted, his hemolytic symptoms were gradually relieved and he was temporarily out of danger.

This is temporary - only has a shelf life of a few hours.

Gas gangrene, if the primary lesion is not treated, he will still die at any time!

"Are you allergic to penicillin?" Xu Qiu asked quickly.

The nurse said: "No!"

Xu Qiu immediately ordered: "Inject 2 million U of penicillin intravenously!"

"Concomitant use of tetracycline 0.5g!"

At the same time as the order was issued, Xu Qiu made a partial incision on the spot and performed emergency bedside surgery.

He cut into sections of charred skin.

Chi chi chi——

A large amount of gas bursts out from under the swollen skin.

This is the gas produced when Aerobacteria multiply in large numbers.

The more gas, the more obvious the swelling, the more severe the necrosis, and the worse the prognosis!


Xu Qiuyi wore a protective mask and carefully removed the necrotic muscle tissue.

Gu Gu Gu——

Finally, at a depth of three to four centimeters, I saw normal-colored, elastic muscles, with fresh red blood flowing out of them.

At this time, there was already a large bucket of peeled skin in the medical waste box labeled "Gas Gangrene" next to it.

The stench was enough to blind the eyes.

"It's done." Xu Qiu felt a little relieved.

He then repeatedly flushed the open wound with a large amount of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or 1:4000 potassium permanganate solution.

However, at this moment, the door of the ward clanged and was violently pushed open.

Fan Lei walked into the ward angrily, glared at Xu Qiu fiercely, and said, "Go away, I'll handle it!"

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