Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 161 It is natural for doctors to protect themselves

In the ward, all the doctors were stunned.

Who dares to talk to Xu Qiu like that?

When they saw that it was Fan Lei who came in, everyone was even more angry.

Wang Fan said: "Fan Lei, you are just joining in the fun, don't disturb my brother Xu's rescue."

Liu Susu also showed displeasure on her face, saying: "You can't diagnose tetanus, and you just leave gas gangrene like this. If you are not Doctor Xu, how can you stand here and speak so shamelessly?"

Fan Lei pretended not to hear.

He stepped forward and took over Xu Qiu's rescue position.

At this moment, Fan Lei had only one idea in his heart - to make up for his mistakes.

"Necrosis has occurred around the left groin and the perineum, and it must be completely cleaned!"

"It is covered with a white back membrane, and there is no bleeding when squeezed. There is gas, and the scope of debridement must be expanded!"

He was not polite at all and commanded everyone.

However, no one in the ward moved.

Everyone stood beside Xu Qiu, expressing their dissatisfaction with actions.

After working for a while, Fan Lei suddenly found that there was no one around. Looking back, he was stunned.

What happened...

How dare these people go against him!

At this moment, Fan Lei felt abandoned.

Anger and resentment surged into his mind.

"Put the overall situation first."

Suddenly, Xu Qiu's voice rang out.

He waved his hand and said calmly: "Wang Fan, Liu Susu, you go up and cooperate with the debridement."


Everyone moved their feet after hearing Xu Qiu's order.

Fan Lei stared at Xu Qiu, "Are you demonstrating to me?"

Without waiting for Xu Qiu to answer, Liu Susu scolded: "Shut up, Doctor Xu doesn't intend to bother with you at all."


"What do you mean, if this person is not saved, suspension for investigation is light, you will have to stay in prison for a few years." Wang Fan said with a breath of anger.

He and Fan Lei are at the same level, and they are also attending physicians.

Under the deputy director, only Xu Qiu can command him, Wang Fan.

Who are you, Fan Lei?

If his life was not at stake, Wang Fan would not indulge Fan Lei's bad temper.

"Save him!"

Fan Lei felt helpless at this moment. He glared at Xu Qiu and turned to rescue him.

At this time, Xu Qiu had already cleaned up more than half of the wound.

Only the last part remained.

Fan Lei took a glance and took over.

Xu Qiu observed expressionlessly. When he saw Fan Lei's eyes directly passed over a seemingly normal area and jumped to the next area with pus, Xu Qiu subconsciously reminded: "There is a deep wound near the groin area of ​​the left thigh."

Fan Lei paused and said angrily: "You don't need to teach me how to do it!"

He glanced and said: "The elasticity and tension of the skin here have not changed. Where does the necrosis come from?"

After that, he cleaned up several conspicuous areas according to his plan.

When he was about to finish this area, his eyes subconsciously glanced at the groin area.

At this sight, his pupils shrank directly.

He hadn't noticed it just now, but now he realized that the edge of the skin had turned black, and the texture looked like leather.

This was definitely not the performance of normal skin.

His hands were a little cold.

How could it be possible...

Was Xu Qiu telling the truth?

Fan Lei was afraid that the person would die, and he was about to cut the skin with a knife when Xu Qiu's voice rang out again.

"Change the knife."

In the ward, Wang Fan and others were furious.

A chief physician who did not engrave the principle of aseptic into his bones was the greatest blasphemy against modern medicine!

Fan Lei gritted his teeth and had no energy to argue, so he quickly changed the scalpel to do the debridement again.

When the skin was cut, the superficial fascia, deep fascia and part of the muscle were exposed.

In the red flesh and blood, multiple necrosis could be vaguely seen, and a small part of the tissue was covered with pus. The bloody smell, muscle melting, pus fermentation, fishy smell and other strange substances formed an extremely ugly collection. Fan Lei immediately retched a few times.

This... How did you judge this?

Fan Lei's pupils trembled, unable to understand.

He did not speak, quickly finished the treatment, and stuffed a cotton ball and gauze here.


Fan Lei's eyes fell on the patient's perineum.

He quickly made a judgment: "The perineum is also infected with gangrene. Clean the wound first and then remove it."

Wang Fan, Liu Susu and others were stunned.


This place can be removed, you directly cut off the scrotum and even the little Jiji, and the function of the anus will also be damaged. Make such a hasty decision in a few seconds?

Everyone looked at Xu Qiu at the same time.

Sure enough, Xu Qiu couldn't sit still any longer. He took a step forward, a rare look of dissatisfaction appeared on his face, and said: "Just do a debridement from the outside to the inside."

Fan Lei roared: "If you don't debride, the gas gangrene will spread and the patient will die!"


"Why do you say it won't happen? If this patient dies, I will be sued. Is that what you think?"

Xu Qiu frowned and said: "The perineum can be preserved. Resection is an over-medical treatment."

"Over-medical treatment is better than his death. It's just a genital organ. It's gone!" Fan Lei said, and was about to perform deep debridement of the perineum.


At this moment, Xu Qiu held Fan Lei's hand.

Fan Lei raised his head angrily.

Xu Qiu's eyes were always so calm. He didn't even look at Fan Lei. His eyes fell on the patient and said, "Let's not talk about how important the genitals are to men. This patient doesn't need to give up the perineum at all..."

Fan Lei's wrist was sore.

Xu Qiu's hands were like a pair of iron pliers. They looked light but surprisingly powerful!

He raised his head angrily and said, "I have to protect myself... It's only natural for a doctor to protect himself first!"


Xu Qiu retracted his gaze and looked at Fan Lei, saying calmly, "Doctors are like cells.

What cells should do is to divide, differentiate, and proliferate according to physiological laws, and then age and die.

But if this cell only wants to live, it will do everything it can to keep itself alive, even at the cost of destroying this body...

Then, it becomes a cancer cell."

Fan Lei's eyes widened, and he was speechless after being scolded by this.

Cells and cancer cells, there is no dirty word, but it made Fan Lei feel ashamed instantly!

Doctors should play their role and put patients first.

If you consider yourself first, what's the difference between that and cancer in your body!

"Well said!"

Bang, at this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open again, and Wang Ping, with a serious face, strode in.

He looked at Xu Qiu approvingly, and then gave Fan Lei a disgusted look.

"What's the difference between a doctor like you and cancer in the patient's body?"

"Director Wang, pay attention to your attitude when you speak!" Fan Lei was furious.

He had taught Wang Ping a lesson before.

With the father of the Health Commission and the brother-in-law of the vice president behind him, he was not afraid of the director at all!

Fan Lei looked around.

All the people stood beside Xu Qiu, and he was the only one standing alone.

"Are you targeting me? Just because I have a background, you are targeting me?" Fan Lei's face was ashen and his neck was red.

But the next moment, his face suddenly changed again, and his temper was like a ball with a hole in it, and he let out most of it at once.

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