Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 180 Death ward, a place more terrifying than ICU

Morning, ten o'clock.

Xu Qiu and Wang Ping, as well as several doctors with strong professional skills, took a van to their destination.

After about fifty minutes, the van left the noisy main road of the city and drove into a remote road.

After circling for more than half an hour, they finally stopped in front of a red wall covered with ivy.

Wang Ping took a look and said in surprise: "This is... the old site of a Linhai People's Hospital!"

In the early years, Daxia's medical reform had made long-term mistakes. At the worst time, more than 90% of the hospitals were privatized, all with foreign capital or domestic large capital.

This led to "difficulty in seeing a doctor" and "expensive medical treatment", and the people were full of resentment.

In the following ten years, the state has been correcting its mistakes and gradually taking back the public status of many hospitals that had been lost.

Linhai People's Hospital also took advantage of that repurchase wave to complete its relocation and expansion.


The old site of the People's Hospital has been abandoned for more than 30 years.

At this moment, a number of black cars have been parked outside - these are the police who arrived in advance.

Ding ding ding --

Suddenly, two armed policemen walked out of the deep alley next to them.

The two walked in neat steps, their eyes were like eagles, and their faces were firm.

Seeing Xu Qiu and others rushing over, they asked solemnly: "After entering, don't record, don't spread any video materials!"

As they spoke, their eyes had a hint of pity.

Xu Qiu and Wang Ping looked at each other.

They both saw each other's surprise.

Even this kind of special police can't stay calm inside?

How crazy is this!

"Let's go."

The two special police led the way.

Xu Qiu and Wang Ping hurriedly followed, and the doctor behind them was holding a simple stretcher, first aid kit, various rescue drugs, equipment, etc., and also walked inside.

There is a secret door in the deep alley.

After passing through the secret door, everyone entered the old site of the hospital.

Looking at this hospital from the inside, it shows its dilapidated state.

Looking up, the low-rise bungalows in the style of the last century have long been mottled, with most of the windows broken and the wall peeling off. On it, you can still vaguely see the slogan "Fewer births, better quality, and a happy life".

"It's just in front."

"Be prepared!"

The two special police said.

The front has become lively, with people in white coats squatting in the corners with their hands handcuffed, and many police patrolling among them.

Xu Qiu and others can see at a glance that these white coats are not doctors at all.

First, they wear white coats like windbreakers with open collars.

In a regular hospital, even if the director dares to wear it like this, he will be fined several hundred yuan.

Second, the coat is too dirty.

The doctor's white coat can be old, but it must not be dirty.

As soon as he approached, Xu Qiu smelled a strong smell of disinfectant and the smell of excrement with different characteristics produced by different people.

"Put on white coats."

Wang Ping said.

Xu Qiu and others put on medical uniforms and followed the police into the gate.

The scenes that caught my eyes were like hell on earth.

In the hall on the first floor, there was an iron bed without a blanket every one meter.

Each bed was supported by a mobile phone stand, on which was a mobile phone for live broadcast.

A emaciated patient was lying on the bed, most of them were so thin that only skin and bones were left, and their eye sockets were almost sunken with only two dry eyeballs left, looking like an evil ghost who had just crawled back from hell.

"It hurts..."

"It hurts too much, please let me die!"

"I shouldn't have a son, I shouldn't have a son... What sin did I do to be sent here!"

"Go away, don't catch them, I'm going to die, I want to leave some money for my baby!"

Different voices resounded in this empty hall, like a sad symphony.

The background sound that never changed was various wailing sounds.

Xu Qiu walked to the bed closest to him and took a quick look.

What surprised him was that the live broadcast of the mobile phone with the rear camera was not turned off.

The bullet comments above were extremely active, refreshing the screen almost every second.

"Die, die quickly!"

"Fuck you, I bet I'll die tomorrow, hold on!"

"The rules say that except for glucose to maintain nutrition, no painkillers, therapeutic drugs, etc. can be used. How can you hold on for so long? You must die today!"

"Don't die, I bet you will live longer than my mother, wait for my mother to die first, otherwise my 100,000 yuan will be gone!"

"Which bed is your mother in?"

"Bed 93, go and bet on her, I told my mother that she must die within three days of entering, and she will definitely find a way to commit suicide tomorrow, she loves me so much!"

The more people bet, the family members who sent the patient here can get a 1% subsidy.

Bet one million and you can get 10,000 for free.

Add to that the 100,000 given for sending them here.

For most people, this is not a small amount of money!

Xu Qiu glanced at it a few times, and his expression changed slightly.

In such a crazy atmosphere, people with weak wills can easily be affected and lose their humanity...

He retracted his gaze and looked at the woman on the bed.

The information beside the bed recorded that this was a patient with advanced breast cancer. She had undergone more than two weeks of radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the hospital and had an operation.

She was once treated by her own family at great expense.

But now, she is lying on this cold iron bed, and the people who care about her life and death the most are the gamblers who participate in gambling on the other side of the Internet.

"This one is hopeless."

Xu Qiu sighed.

Even if this patient receives radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the hospital, he may only live for a few weeks.

"Give me some painkillers." Xu Qiu said.

He reached out to turn off his phone.

It turned out that the live broadcast of the phone could not be interrupted at all.

He then understood why the police did not cut off the live broadcast in advance.

The staff here have specially modified the mobile phone, which is always charged, and cannot be locked or turned off, to ensure that the mobile phone can maintain live broadcast status 24 hours a day.


At this time, several policemen came over and pulled out the mobile phone, skillfully put black tape on the camera, and then threw it into the evidence bag.

Xu Qiu looked at a few more beds.

For severe acute pancreatitis, the patient's life is calculated in hours, and it is considered a tough life to survive noon.

However, from the amount of excrement on the bed, as well as the disposable lunch boxes and glucose solution next to it, it can be seen that he managed to survive for many days under this infection.

An old lady in her eighties, with severe pneumonia, did not even have a tracheal tube, and just relied on the instinct of survival to breathe desperately.

There are also patients with advanced pancreatic cancer and cerebral embolism who are no different from vegetative patients...

The one that touched Xu Qiu the most was the next patient.

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