Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 181 He died, but we still need to save more people

This is a child of six or seven years old. He rests his head on a sack filled with sand, which is covered with blood. He is also breathing heavily, and there is a clear bubble sound every time he breathes.

It is the blood swelling and churning in the throat, and it is also like the air whistling in the broken throat.

Before Xu Qiu has time to figure out what happened to the child, the little boy began to vomit blood and said, "Doctor brother, is my father here? My father said that as long as I can hold on for three days, there will be money at home - I won't treat the disease, I will leave it for my sister to buy toys!"

After saying this, the boy was silent and his body was getting colder and colder.

Xu Qiu pressed his throat.

The carotid artery pulse disappeared.


Xu Qiu took the sign next to him that recorded the patient's information.


The thrombus blocked the kidney, and the kidney was necrotic for too long.

Judging from the situation, the patient probably died of pulmonary embolism...

This kind of disease, even if it is on the rescue bed of the tertiary hospital, with rescue drugs next to it, it is not necessarily rescued.

What's more, in such a place where people are waiting to die?

"Come quickly, there is a person who can be saved here, send him to the nearest hospital immediately!"

Suddenly, a doctor shouted.

Xu Qiu came to his senses and hurried to check.

This should be a worker who had an accident, with a broken leg and half a leg connected to it, and the tendons and bones were vaguely visible.

Only simple hemostasis was performed here.

It stands to reason that such a person would have died of infection long ago, but the life of this worker was too tenacious, and he survived until now with just a hemostasis!

And there is still a chance of rescue!

"Doctor Xu, can this leg still be saved?" asked the doctor who found the patient.

Xu Qiu shook his head: "It has been necrotic for a long time. If you take off the mask, you should be able to smell a rotten smell."


The doctor took off the mask suspiciously.

He fanned and smelled carefully, and his brows immediately frowned.

It really is the smell of rotten meat!

"Doctor Xu, your nose is really amazing!"

Xu Qiu did not comment.

He laid out simple tools, cut off the necrotic tissue that was sticking together for the worker, and completely amputated the rotten leg.

Fortunately, only some tiny pieces of flesh and blood were stuck together.

If there were really bones, they didn't bring saws and other violent instruments.


"Send it to the hospital."

After handling it, Xu Qiu and others were once again busy with evaluation and judgment.

Most patients have only one way to go.

This place is more cruel and terrifying than any intensive care unit in the world.

At least there is hope in the ICU.

But here, there is only endless death, and people waiting for their death.

Three hours later.

A total of 121 patients, all classified and handled.

In just these few hours, seven people died in the hall.

One was in the terminal stage, with black extremities.

One had severe gastrointestinal bleeding and coughed up blood and flesh fragments directly.

There was also a pressure sore so severe that bones could be seen, and even the bones were touched white by the iron bed board...

It was more than one o'clock in the afternoon.

When Xu Qiu walked out of the hall, the sunlight fell on everyone, but they still couldn't feel a bit of warmth.

Only bone-chilling cold.


"Thank you for your hard work. Do you need to find a psychiatrist?"

After finishing the treatment of the patient, the captain of the special police came over to thank them.

Wang Ping, who was leading the doctors, shook his head.

When it comes to psychiatrists, the resources they know are much more professional than those of the police.

Wang Ping glanced at everyone.

All the doctors were silent at this moment, and they had not recovered from the incident just now.

They had saved lives for half their lives, but one day they had to watch countless patients who had reached the end of their lives lying in bed waiting to die, but there was no means of treatment. This was a very shocking scene for any doctor with a conscience.

"Go back to the hospital and take a half-day off." Wang Ping said.

But Xu Qiu shook his head.

The other doctors also said with almost no hesitation, "No need! Director Wang, we still have to save people!"

"Yes, there are still 27 patients who can be saved, and many of them have been sent to our Linhai First Hospital. Now is the time when we need manpower!"

"Although I have never seen such a scene, it is nothing... We can't save these people, but we can save more people when we go back to the hospital!"

At this moment, everyone's mood was high again.

The person is gone, but there are more people waiting for them to save!


On this day, several hospitals near the old site of the People's Hospital entered a full-hospital emergency state.

The patients sent in were more dangerous than each other.

Some were only half dead, some needed transplants, and some were full of tubes and covered with excrement...

"Where did this come from!"

"The flesh on the body is full of maggots, damn, it's disgusting!"

"It can't be saved, our small three-level hospital can't save it, only Linhai First Hospital in Linhai City has a way!"


All major hospitals were shocked by the patients transported in.

Can a normal person be so serious?

Moreover, many of the patients were not treated by doctors in these tertiary hospitals!

They could only find a way to send them to Linhai First Hospital!

As a result, Wang Ping and Xu Qiu wanted to divert the patients at first to reduce the pressure on Linhai First Hospital.

In the end, most of the 27 patients were transported back to Linhai First Hospital.

When Wang Ping saw a large number of 120 transport vehicles outside the hospital, his mentality almost collapsed.

"Why are they transported here again!" Wang Ping cursed.

Xu Qiu glanced at him and said indifferently: "Arrange the operation."

Wang Ping looked at Xu Qiu with some worry.

In addition to the first five, now six more have been sent, and Linhai First Hospital has to carry out eleven operations at once.

Eleven operations are not too many for a tertiary hospital.

But the key is that the operating room of Linhai First Hospital has been full for a long time. This is not to perform eleven operations, but to temporarily insert eleven operations among countless operations!

Moreover, almost all of them are urgent!

"It is possible to digest it only if the whole hospital is mobilized. We will be busy."

Wang Ping sighed and took Xu Qiu to the emergency room.


Half an hour later, Xu Qiu was on the operating table.

At present, all the patients on vacation or in meetings in Linhai First Hospital have been temporarily called back and all of them have been put on the operating table.

And many surgeries that can be postponed have also been postponed.

In fact, before the surgery, all major hospitals are worried about one problem...

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