Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 252 This doctor is so strong that it makes people despair!

Lin Xie looked as if he had eaten a fly.

So I am the one you two use to relieve your stress...

"Forget it."

Lin Xie waved his hand and moved two steps to the side.

Before coming here, he wanted to talk to Xu Qiu about some issues in prosthesis design.

Xu Qiu's previous paper, "Evaluation of the efficacy of 3D-printed titanium alloy prosthesis reconstruction after distal tibial tumor segment bone resection", once mentioned the design details of titanium alloy prostheses, some of which are worth digging deeper.

If it works, it should make the already mature prosthesis printing technology more perfect.

Conservative estimates are tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars.

Therefore, he thinks this is an important matter.

But now, listening to Xu Qiu and Academician Chen talking about liver tranquilization and artificial blood vessels, which are often hundreds of billions of markets, and the unit is still US dollars, he immediately lost his temper.

After all, he is too easily satisfied...

Lin Xie took a deep look at Xu Qiu.

When he first met this young genius, he was just a little doctor hiding in the corner and was scolded by the dean when he made suggestions.

It has only been a short time, but he has become the signboard of Linhai First Hospital.

Moreover, he can talk with people of Academician Chen's level, and he has already carried expectations that ordinary people can't even touch, or even imagine.

Liver peace is related to the safety of patients after liver cancer resection in Daxia.

Artificial blood vessels are even more meaningful. Once successfully developed, they may bring cardiac surgery into the era of small blood vessels of six millimeters - this will be an epoch-making feat and will completely reverse Daxia's weakness in this field.

From the party that is monopolized and strangled to the party that can overturn the negotiation table at any time.

If it really works, Xu Qiu's status in the medical community may really reach a daunting height.

It is not impossible to be rated as an academician in the future!


After several hours of conversation, the three talked a lot.

People at the level of academicians often involve the entire industry and even the cutting-edge technology of mankind.

Although liver peace is a major issue, Academician Chen has a lot of things to deal with besides.

For example, Epione surgical robot.

A few months ago, a company in the United States developed the Epione surgical robot, which can be used for minimally invasive liver cancer treatment. It can plan, target, implement and confirm tumor ablation, and has been certified by the FDA in the United States.

It has unique advantages in the interventional resection of liver cancer. It is accurate, flexible, stable, and minimally invasive, which can significantly reduce the difficulty of surgery.

Before, only a chief physician dared to do this operation, and it was traumatic and had a poor prognosis.

Especially for some patients who already have post-hepatitis cirrhosis and many underlying diseases, the risk of surgery is doubled.

However, if combined with the Epione surgical robot, an attending physician who has undergone multiple trainings is qualified to perform liver cancer resection, with a higher success rate and better postoperative efficacy!

After passing the FDA certification, the Epione surgical robot has now been deployed in China, waiting for Academician Chen and his group to wave their hands to let it go.

However, although surgical robots can revolutionize medical skills, they also tie doctors to foreign high-tech more thoroughly - this means that once they interrupt the supply of surgical robots, or repeatedly increase maintenance fees and usage fees, doctors who rely on robots will be useless.

In short, medical device companies will control the life and death of these doctors.

Robots must be allowed in. More than 39,000 patients died of liver cancer in Daxia throughout the year, accounting for 47% of the global death toll. The entry of surgical robots can benefit hundreds of thousands of patients.

But how to deal with the contradiction between doctors and medical devices and untie doctors from robots is the problem that decision makers such as Academician Chen urgently need to solve.

This is obviously not a solution that can be found by chatting with Xu Qiu at a tea party.

A few hours later, there was a knock on the door outside.

Academician Chen stood up first, making crackling sounds, and said, "It's almost time. The next game at Union Hospital should start."

Lin Xie glanced at him and said, "Mr. Chen, you should move more. Keeping the same posture for a long time can easily cause joint wear."

Academician Chen said noncommittally, "I'm getting old. It's just a degenerative disease. It's no big deal."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Xu Qiu and joked, "Maybe you and Lin Xie can come up with some excellent prosthesis. When my waist and legs are no longer good, I can be your first batch of volunteers."

Lin Xie also laughed twice, thinking it was just a joke.

"Let's go." Academician Chen said.

They were talking in the office of the skill training center, and the examination room was on the first floor.

Seeing that the three people didn't care about the previous competition at all, the examination room teacher was a little shocked.

These two medical masters are not interested in Xu Qiu's results?

That's a perfect score!

Or...are they sure that Xu Qiu must have a perfect score?

Thinking of this possibility, the examination room teacher felt even more shocked.

Pushing open the door of the examination room, everyone's eyes converged at the same time.

Doubt, shock, envy, all kinds of complex emotions intertwined together, the full score in the first round was considered to be completely confirmed that Linhai First Hospital was the biggest dark horse of this session.

The examiners looked at Xu Qiu with a different look. When he walked from the door to the waiting area and passed by the examiner's seat, everyone nodded gently.

The participating teams were even more surprised when they saw this scene.

Soon, the second round of assessment began.

The finals were different from the provincial competition.

The national competition had a tighter pace, and all medical theory assessments had to be completed on the first day.

And the second day started with surgery.

The subsequent competitions were also very rich in content. The three top hospitals, Union Hospital, West China Hospital, and Qilu Hospital, had been leading the way, and Ruijin Hospital in Shanghai also showed its dominance in high-end technology.

However, when these teams tried their best to complete the assessment and get high scores, they could always see that Linhai First Hospital was already waiting quietly at a higher place.

This feeling made people desperate.

It seemed that they could never win.

They could never surpass!

Full marks, full marks, full marks!

The four assessments on the first day covered teamwork, clinical thinking, professional knowledge, and adaptability. Xu Qiu, with absolute advantage, carried Linhai First Hospital to get full marks.

At the end of the day, Union Hospital, which ranked second, was already 50 points behind.

When they saw the overall ranking, all the participating teams were silent. They looked at Linhai First Hospital, which was at the top, with their eyes full of astonishment and powerlessness.

They had heard a lot of rumors about Xu Qiu, and the news reports were overwhelming, but when they really faced Xu Qiu, his unfathomable medical skills and unfathomable knowledge still made them feel desperate.

It seemed that he could not be surpassed at all.

However, there was something even more devastating than this...

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