Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 253 The opportunity to surpass Xu Qiu!

Xu Qiu is only 24 years old this year!

This means that in addition to this session, he can participate in at least two more famous sword competitions.

Now that he can kill in the finals, in the next six years, those so-called elites and geniuses under the age of 30 in Daxia will all be shrouded in the shadow of Xu Qiu...

This feeling is too aggrieved!

It's like everyone is desperately preparing for the college entrance examination, and suddenly heard that the academic god in the class was recommended.

Everyone is mentally prepared, guessing that he will be recommended to Tiandu University or Shuimu University.

In the end, it turned out that the academic god was directly recommended to the Chinese Academy of Sciences...


"I don't think there is any need to compete."

"Tomorrow's surgery is Dr. Xu's strong point, and we are basically a foil!"

"Can you make an opinion and prohibit Linhai First Hospital from using Xu Qiu!"

"In the next six years, our Daxia elites will feel the fear of being crushed by Xu Qiu..."

That night, many people couldn't sleep.

Those who can come to participate have rich experience in competitions and have received professional training. They usually won't show their fear.

What haven't they experienced?

However, I have never seen anyone who got full marks all the way through!

When the morning sun fell, many people sighed.

How will I be beaten today?

Came to the auditorium on the first floor of the skill training center.

The new examination room has been set up. In the spacious venue, a box is placed on the table at the entrance. The test questions for today's test are decided by the captain drawing lots.

"Union Hospital: Rat tail suturing!"


"West China: Nerve suturing!"


"Qilu: Finger vascular anastomosis!"


"Linhai First Hospital: Rat tail suturing!"


Soon, the test questions for each group came out.

Seeing their own questions, everyone's reactions were different.

In this test, the total score is determined by the difficulty coefficient and the degree of completion.

For example, the difficulty coefficient of rat tail suturing is about 0.7. Even if it is completed perfectly, the total score will not be too high.

But similarly, the lower limit of the score is there, and it will not be bad.

However, nerve suture and finger vascular anastomosis are more difficult. The former has a difficulty coefficient of 0.92 and the latter has a difficulty coefficient of 0.83. If a high completion rate can be achieved, the total score will be very high, but the corresponding error rate is extremely high!

Such a setting cannot actually achieve absolute fairness.

However, it fits the reality of doctors.

The purpose of the famous knife competition is the word "medical skills", and it will eventually return to the ward and the operating room.

Real surgery is inherently uncertain.

Some surgeries are not difficult, corresponding to rat tail suturing.

And many emergency surgeries have a high difficulty coefficient, as if defusing a time bomb. Every cut is like choosing whether to cut the red line or the blue line. If you are not careful, you will lose everything, such as nerve suture.

You can be precise in simple surgeries and stable in emergency surgeries. If any part fails, it is irresponsible to the patient.

Moreover, in previous years, teams with low difficulty can get high scores with a high degree of completion, and the final score is not much different from the score of high difficulty and low completion.


The competition will start soon.

The rat tail suturing technique is one of the simplest ones, which is to cut the mouse's tail into several sections and then re-suturing the tail.

Nerve suturing is for rabbits, and facial nerves and peripheral nerves can be selected. The difficulty coefficient is extremely high. If you can sew two or three sections, you can basically get 70 or 80 points.


The assessment begins!

In an instant, the entire assessment site was boiling. Doctors ran around the laboratory table, weighed and anesthetized the experimental animals, and started the operation in the blink of an eye.

This assessment time is very short, half an hour.

Therefore, everyone dared not delay for a minute and increased their speed to the limit.

Union Medical College Assessment Area.

Liu Si cut off the mouse's tail with a knife. He stared at the lively mouse tail and considered it.

"How about cutting it into twelve sections?" A team member suggested.

Thirty minutes, suturing twelve sections of the mouse tail, you can get about 90 points.

Liu Si shook his head: "Too little, fifteen sections."

Everyone's face changed slightly.

Fifteen sections can get full marks, but... is it in time?

It normally takes at least eight minutes to do an anastomosis.

Even if several doctors in their team work together, at least five people are needed to barely complete it.

Moreover, the team members of Union Hospital include those from the infectious department, orthopedics, and emergency department. Not all doctors can master the anastomosis of such fine structures.

"If we don't cut fifteen sections, let alone surpass Linhai First Hospital, even Huaxi Hospital, which has been selected for nerve suture, will surpass us!"

Liu Si's face was a little serious. He continued to arrange: "I will do the suture at the end of the rat tail, and you can distribute the rest of the sections... If you think you can do it, go ahead!"


At this time, Huaxi assessment area.

Shi Feng has made a decision and plans to do a side-to-side suture regeneration of peripheral nerves.

Because nerve anastomosis is very difficult, they only need to suture four sections to get a completion score of 95.

Multiplying by the difficulty coefficient, the final score is even higher than that of Linhai First Hospital, which scored a full score!

"This is an opportunity to surpass Linhai First Hospital!"

Shi Feng and his group were excited.

The moment the bell rang, they immediately started the operation.

While waiting for the anesthesia to take effect, Shi Feng subconsciously glanced in the direction of Linhai First Hospital.

Then he was stunned.

Wang Fan was carrying a big bag and actually distributed brochures to other participating teams in the middle of the assessment!

The key point is that Li Mingwei and the others clearly noticed it, but when they saw the people from Linhai First Hospital, they turned their heads and ignored them!

Wang Fan didn't go too far, he put the brochure down without saying a word and left, not interfering with the competition of other groups.

Huaxi also got a copy.

Shi Feng couldn't help it, picked it up and took a look, and his eyes immediately widened.

"Heavyweight! Linhai First Hospital Xu Qiu ended the first day of the finals with full marks! "

At this moment, his face was extremely strange.

This happened last night...

How come they wrote and printed it this morning?

Did Linhai First Hospital rent a printing factory?

Shi Feng put down the brochure and looked silently in the direction of Xu Qiu.

Obviously everyone in Linhai First Hospital had a calm expression,

Xu Qiu was sitting there and did nothing...

But Shi Feng still felt a suffocating crisis.

He didn't understand why he was so uneasy!

The opponent's difficulty coefficient is only 0.7, even if it is full marks, the total score is at most 70.

Their nerve suture is different. If they can get a completion score of 95, the total score can be as high as 88 points...

18 points, although not enough to make up for the huge gap with Linhai First Hospital, but it is still no problem to surpass Union Hospital.

At least, after returning, Huaxi can say that they have left Linhai First Hospital led by Xu Qiu far behind in a certain assessment.

However, at this time, the calmer Xu Qiu is, the more panicked Shi Feng is.

"Hurry up, start suture... Zhang Qiang, Wang Fang, Feng Yue, the three of you lead a group each, and the four groups work together to complete the four sections of suture!"

Shi Feng threw down the booklet and immediately plunged into the operation.

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