Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 337: As precise as a robot! Every cut is a perfect art!

Ding ding ding——

Amid the sound of the stereoscopic instrument, Xu Qiu cut into pieces of tissue.

Finding a tumor in the brain is like peeling an onion.

Patience, care, and concentration are all indispensable.

After peeling off the milky white thickened arachnoid membrane, many blood vessels broke free and jumped out from inside.

A cursory look showed the great cerebral vein, basal vein, internal occipital vein, bilateral internal cerebral veins, and anterior central cerebellar vein...

Xu Qiu carefully separated and marked them.

"Found it."

Ten minutes later, Xu Qiu finished cleaning the surgical area and saw the culprit of all the symptoms under the surgical microscope.

This is a small tumor, purple-red, lacking a capsule, and severely adhered to the surrounding structures. The lower pole and the cerebellar vermis are almost fused together, making it difficult to identify.

No wonder it can cause diabetes insipidus, mutism, etc.

Although small, the adhesion of the tumor caused the invasion of the hypothalamus and the quadrigeminal area, resulting in the movement disorder of both eyeballs to look up and down, and the occurrence of quadrigeminal syndrome...

If he continues to delay, he may have been in a coma and semi-vegetative state by the next follow-up.

Thinking about this, the neurosurgeons present all looked solemn.

"It's so serious..."

"This tumor is too small, and follow-up is generally recommended. I didn't expect the consequences to be so serious."

"Doctor Xu has saved another patient who is destined to die!"

Tao Changhan's medical records were sent to any hospital, and all he received was the suggestion of "follow-up".

The few hospitals willing to admit patients and do examinations are most likely Putian hospitals that are looking to cheat money.

Even if they are told where the tumor is, without Zhang Hao's eyesight and experience, they still can't find any abnormalities.

However, Tao Changhan met Xu Qiu.

Among the countless doctors who would give "close follow-up" medical instructions, he is the only one who digs deep into the bottom.

Moreover, he was the only doctor who dared to take such a high-risk operation and took the risk of Poppen approach!

At this moment, everyone looked at Xu Qiu with a little more respect.

After finding the tumor and confirming the boundary of the tumor, it is relatively easy to remove it.

For Xu Qiu, who had performed craniocerebral separation and perfectly removed pheochromocytoma, the control of surgical precision and strength has never been a problem.

"Ultrasonic aspirator."

"Tumor removal forceps."

Xu Qiu moved along the surface of the tumor in an orderly manner, and finally, this small pineal tumor was safely removed.

The time bomb in the skull was successfully removed!

At this moment, everyone breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously, and the big stone in their hearts was put down by more than half.

Then, the skull was closed routinely.

The incision and suturing of the skull and brain are different from those of the abdominal cavity and chest cavity.

The abdominal cavity and chest cavity are not fast, but clear layers.

Because the two cavities have various layers, such as the abdominal wall, peritoneum, abdominal muscles, etc., and the muscles can be divided into transverse abdominal muscles, internal oblique abdominal muscles, external oblique abdominal muscles, etc.

When cutting, it is often necessary to separate and mark each layer with gauze so that the muscles can be sutured against the muscles and fat can be sutured against the fat later.

If you just want to be quick, the layers will shrink and curl together after the cut, and it will be difficult to sew them back.

Relatively speaking, there are no such requirements for the head.

There are only a few layers in total, and the dura mater is easy to distinguish. It can be sutured intermittently or continuously. As long as it is not waterproof, it is considered perfect.

The bone flap can also be recognized at a glance, just put it back.

Only the scalp is slightly complicated, divided into double layers of galea aponeurotica and skin suture.

But for Xu Qiu, who has mastered a lot of suture techniques, it is still easy to do.

Wang Fan stood in the distance, his eyes were extremely hot.

He thought he had mastered the suture technique, but when he watched Xu Qiu's surgery again, he realized that he was still too immature...

The others were also shocked.

Shocked from beginning to end!

The first cut was as steady as a robot.

The subsequent exposure and separation were even more smooth.

Whether it was the surgical process or the various details, they were all amazingly skilled.

Jin Yucheng swallowed his saliva and asked before the last stitch was completed: "Doctor Xu, how many times have you performed pineal brain tumor resection surgery?"

"The seventeenth time." Xu Qiu didn't even raise his head and concentrated on suturing.

"Seventeen times? How can there be seventeen times? Since the establishment of Linhai First Hospital, there have not been so many pineal tumor surgeries in total, right?"

Han Jinxing and Wei An were also surprised.

These two leading and neck hospitals in the field of tumors have performed no more than twenty similar surgeries in the past few years.

The director of the hospital actually does not do much. They have more surgeries to do. For surgeries like this with extremely high risks and low cost-effectiveness, the most he has done is only eleven.

He is an old expert in his sixties.

At present, Xu Qiu said that he has done it seventeen times...

How is it possible!

Where do so many patients come from!

"Oh, it was done in the head."

After Xu Qiu finished the last stitch, he put down the instrument and pointed to his head.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, Doctor Xu also regarded the surgical procedures in his mind as surgery?"

"Can the brain surgery really be done like Doctor Xu?"

"It's worthy of being Doctor Xu. He can do so much just by thinking about it. It's like there is an operating room in his head."

The operation was completed amidst laughter.

Finally, the assistant placed a negative pressure suction device on the epidural membrane and completed the bandaging of the surgical area.

"Count the gauze, one, two, three..."

"Count the tweezers, one, two, three..."

"Count the sutures..."

The next thing was handed over to the nurses and the lower assistants.

Xu Qiu and the upper assistants Jin Yucheng, Han Jinxing and others walked out of the operating room.


As soon as Xu Qiu opened the door, before he had time to relieve the fatigue on his face, someone came towards him.

Ms. Tao shook Xu Qiu's hand enthusiastically and said, "Congratulations, the operation was successful!"

Xu Qiu was silent.

He originally wanted to announce the success of the operation to the family members, but when he heard this sentence from the other party, he was confused for a while.

The other doctors also widened their eyes.

The family members congratulated the doctor and announced the success of the operation?

What kind of social terrorist is this!

"... The operation was indeed successful. After the operation, you should try to have less contact with the patient. If you can hire a nurse, please hire a nurse." Xu Qiu instructed.

He was worried that after Tao Changhan got rid of his mutism, his daughter would be angry to death.

If he got high blood pressure or cerebral hemorrhage, he might not be able to be saved.

After the operation, Tao Changhan woke up in the early morning of the first day.

On the third day, he resumed eating.

On the fifth day, he was basically the same as a normal person.

Every morning when I went to the ward for rounds, I could hear the talk show of Tao Changhan and his daughter. Sometimes Tao Changhan covered his head and shouted "Paticide, paticide", but more often it was Tao's daughter squatting in the corner, being scolded so much that she couldn't get a word in.

And with the success of Tao Changhan's operation, the influence of this case was greater than anyone imagined...

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