Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 338 I feel guilty towards my country, how dare I ask for even a little more preferential tre

The moment it was on the news, Linhai First Hospital once again attracted a lot of attention in the industry.

The pineal gland brain tumor surgery is a joint operation of neurosurgery and oncology. This area is so tricky that even the Temple of Heaven, the first in neurosurgery, and the first in tumor medical oncology hospital, find it extremely difficult.

However, it was completed in the operating room of Linhai.

For a time, the value of the brain surgery talent training base of Linhai First Hospital was even greater.

In addition to the apparent increase in the reputation of Linhai First Hospital, Tao Changhan's laboratory tests and imaging tests did not find cancer. Only a naproxen experiment was used to determine that there was a tumor, which also made him a very important case in academia.

It is also the most powerful evidence in recent years under the topics of "naproxen against cancer fever" and "indicating early tumors".

The doctors of Linhai First Hospital were almost unable to close their mouths.

With the development and prognosis of Tao Changhan's disease, their papers have a better solution.

The number of papers was large enough, and the research on naproxen inside and outside the hospital became more and more intense. Soon after, most provinces took advantage of Tao Changhan's case and included naproxen in the medication guidelines. A conscientious drug can be easily prescribed in major hospital pharmacies.

A week later, the four artificial blood vessel subjects in the VIP ward were discharged.

After evaluation, the recovery effect of the four people, including Yan Ziqiang, was very good. None of them had postoperative arrhythmia, and common respiratory and nervous system complications did not occur.

Among them, Yan Ziqiang, who was the most critically ill and had the most high-risk factors, was the first to get off the ventilator, get out of bed and start rehabilitation training, and meet the discharge indications first.

However, thinking that his chief surgeon was Xu Qiu, other doctors and patients were relieved.

"Review the electrocardiogram, chest X-ray, echocardiogram, blood routine and blood biochemistry three months and six months after the operation. The most important thing is coronary CT or coronary angiography, and then review once a year."

On the day of discharge, Xu Qiu explained the precautions to the former patients.

A month ago, most of them came in lying down.

Now they all stand in front of Xu Qiu in high spirits. Although their faces still show the weakness after the operation, they are no different from normal people.

Those who came in lying down walked out, those who came in walking ran out, and those who came in running still had their lives to leave. This is the most fulfilling moment for most clinical doctors.

"Doctor Xu, this is for you."

Old man Yan Ziqiang took out a cloth bag from his inner pocket, opened it layer by layer, and took out a medal from the innermost layer.

The medal was old and mottled, showing traces of time everywhere, but the red on the top did not fade at all.

"This, I fought in the war, and the medal given to me by the superiors is not worth much. Doctor Xu, I will give it to you."

Yan Ziqiang held the medal in his rough hands, his tone was casual, but his expression was solemn.

Xu Qiu glanced at it and was immediately startled.

Second-class merit for individuals!

He did not expect that this old man who could not even afford to buy shoes had actually won the second-class merit of the army!

"Are you a soldier?" Xu Qiu asked.

Yan Ziqiang raised his head, "Yes, but that's all old stuff, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

"Why don't you go to the senior cadre ward?"

With the military merits recorded on Yan Ziqiang's medal and his cadre position before retirement, he could have entered the senior cadre ward specially built for leading cadres when he was at Union Hospital.

Medical care is free, services are free, and you can enjoy all kinds of medical resources first, and receive care from Union Hospital and even the top medical team in the country.

But when I think of the first time I met this old man, he was still wearing a plastic bag to go to the toilet. Obviously, Yan Ziqiang concealed his identity and became a real ordinary person.

"I won't go. The country has given me a pension. If I still go to the senior cadre ward, how much more money will the country have to spend?"

Yan Ziqiang felt distressed and guilty, and said: "I haven't made any contribution to the country in my life. I'm old and useless, so I don't want to cause trouble to the country. Now I have food and clothes, and my life is much better than before!"

The other three patients were shocked.

They didn't expect that the old man who was doing rehabilitation training with the three of them was once a war hero...

I thought he was a poor old man with a hard life!

No, that's not right.

His life was indeed difficult.

But he had countless opportunities to get the preferential treatment of a war hero, but he chose to hide his identity...

Until this moment, he planned to give the most precious medal to Xu Qiu, and the glorious past was known to outsiders for the first time.


The medal was eventually returned by Xu Qiu.

This gift was too valuable and meaningful. It was the most proud years of a heroic old man's life.


After the four subjects of the first phase of human clinical trials were discharged safely, the paper that Xu Qiu had been preparing was successfully published.

"Observation and Evaluation of the Efficacy of the First Phase Experiment and Replacement of Small Caliber Artificial Blood Vessels in Linhai"

This paper is of high quality.

The gold content is rare in the industry.

Coupled with Xu Qiu's concise writing like a medical textbook, various clear and detailed data, it is almost enough to be called a textbook-level paper.

As soon as the paper was submitted, it was immediately accepted and occupied the golden page of "Daxia Cardiovascular Disease". At the same time, the photos of Xu Qiu performing surgery and the true appearance of the artificial small blood vessels were also used as the cover of the issue, causing a great earthquake in the industry.

In just a few weeks, the number of citations of the paper exceeded twenty times.

The more citations, the more important the paper is, and the more it can be seen that the peers recognize the paper.

For example, many papers of medical ancestors have been cited by later generations for decades, precisely because their conclusions are something that cannot be avoided in this field.

And Xu Qiu's twenty citations in a few weeks is an extremely exaggerated data.

Take SCI for example, if it is cited about 15 times in one year, 50 times in two years, and 80 times in three years, it can become an ESI highly cited paper.

Xu Qiu has single-handedly led the domestic research on artificial small blood vessels, created a new research hotspot for Daxia, and created a large number of new industries, supporting systems, etc.

Of course, the biggest beneficiary is the old family Linhai First Hospital.

With a founder like Xu Qiu guarding the department, a batch of high-quality papers have emerged in the Department of Cardiac Surgery.

In terms of both quality and quantity, it has surpassed its neighbor, Linhai International Friendship Hospital, which was once famous for publishing papers.

Even the top three hospitals in Jinghai and Jing'an can no longer keep up with the publishing speed of Linhai First Hospital.

In China, a large number of brand-new academic papers have emerged. If you read between the lines, you can clearly see the words "Xu Qiu's guidance".

People outside the hospital are envious!

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