Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 339: Medical cliques, the dilemma of doctors’ promotion

Papers are the core channel for doctors to be promoted.

There are more and more hot topics in cardiac surgery papers, but they are more and more difficult.

Therefore, every time a new hot topic emerges, cardiac surgeons are like a piece of fat meat entering a wolf pack, their eyes light up.

Maybe if you try hard, you can achieve certain achievements in a hot topic, be promoted to deputy director or even director, and command a large number of small followers.

The small-caliber blood vessels recently developed by Daxia in Linhai are naturally a topic of concern to everyone.

However, this is a six-millimeter blood vessel restricted area!

Before this, even eight-millimeter and ten-millimeter medium and large blood vessels could not be completely domestically produced in China. At this juncture, the six-millimeter god came down to earth to strike down...

Except for the Linhai First Hospital where Xu Qiu is in charge, other cardiac surgeons can only grope in the dark about small-caliber blood vessels, which are out of reach.

"I had the opportunity to go to Linhai First Hospital, but later I chose the better Jinghai People's Hospital. Now I regret it!"

"Papers, my papers! I also want to write papers... "

"Is there any way to go to Linhai First Hospital? I can sell the most famous Fontan procedure in our hospital and sell the hospital for glory!!"

Happiness belongs to the doctors of Linhai First Hospital, but the field of cardiac surgery in China is full of sorrow.

After all, papers are tied to professional titles. If you have papers, you can be promoted. If you don't have papers, you can only be a soldier forever.

This system has been criticized for many years, but most of them are outsiders and medical students who have not yet entered the door.

Outsiders believe that the professional title of a doctor should not be centered on papers, and curing diseases and saving people is their duty.

Medical students are afraid.

However, in fact, the core system of scientific research plays an unquestionable role in protecting and maintaining stability for the entire medical industry.

Because this is the only relatively fair promotion track for doctors without background and connections.

If the paper evaluation is cancelled, the only assessment items left for professional title promotion are hospital qualifications and other assessment items.

Under the vague standard, a 40-year-old ordinary doctor and a 20-year-old son of the dean will always have the latter with more seniority and more opportunities for promotion.

The paper is the most powerful weapon to break the malpractice of medical cliques.

Although it is still far from true fairness, a clear evaluation standard can also allow truly capable people to get to the position they deserve.

In Daxia, there is only one person like Xu Qiu who is so good.

Most doctors are part of the masses. They are not like Xu Qiu, who only publishes high-quality papers and only writes core research that is truly significant to the industry. They have mortgages, car loans, and children's tuition and miscellaneous fees.

Every published paper will make their miserable life easier by a few thousand yuan.

If they get promoted through this, they will be at the peak of their lives.

"Look, the cardiac surgery department of Linhai First Hospital has also begun to accept interns!"

At this time, someone found that Linhai First Hospital had released the news.

This is a major project led by Xu Qiu, Baiyun Province, and Linhai First Hospital to further promote the understanding of coronary artificial vascular replacement in China and to lay out the layout of Linhai small-caliber blood vessels for the future listing.

The ultimate goal of this group of interns is to master this surgery.

After all, no matter how good small-caliber blood vessels are, the most basic and critical step to going nationwide and entering the world is the popularity of the surgery.

We can't let Xu Qiu fly all over the country just to do a replacement surgery.

Doctors who can perform surgery are the foundation for artificial blood vessels to go to thousands of households and benefit hundreds of thousands of patients every year!

As soon as this news came out, the industry was in an uproar!

"Fuck! I want to sign up. I used to do coronary artery bypass transplantation. I meet the requirements for interns. I want to learn this new surgery!"

"What's so great about medical surgery? Find Linhai in the south of Daxia!"

"Learn a new surgery and come back to be the director of the discipline!"

"Next week, we will officially recruit interns. Counting the previous neurosurgery training base, Linhai First Hospital has opened two national key projects at the same time, and they are all led by the same person!"

"Doctor Xu is awesome!"

At this moment, the cardiac surgeon saw the hope of publishing papers and improving his professional title.

Learning this surgery, which has been blocked in Linhai First Hospital so far, is also an opportunity for most cardiac and interventional doctors to overtake others.

In Linhai First Hospital, Xu Qiu sees patients and performs surgery on a daily basis.

These days, he first received a car from the reward of Baiyun Province.

The car is very simple, just an ordinary domestic SUV.

As for the house, Xu Qiu has temporarily put it aside and plans to consider it after this busy period.

In addition to the car, Linhai First Hospital also assigned him a driver.

In fact, Xu Qiu has been picked up and dropped off by a special car since the few months of developing artificial blood vessels.

His time is too precious to waste it on public transportation or taxis.

Now it is the same, the driver has inherited it and has been with him until now.

In fact, Academician Chen, Gao Pei'an and others are treated in this way.

Including Wang Shengde, they all take special cars when they travel within the province.

After the status is high and the responsibilities on the shoulders are heavy, it is not that they have lost the ability to take care of themselves, but that time and energy can no longer be wasted on various trivial matters.

Driving back and forth for more than an hour is just a job for the driver, a job to make a living.

But for Xu Qiu, he may solve a research problem and promote the progress of the entire industry.

At this moment, on the way home, Xu Qiu was sitting in the back row, immersed in the practice of the simulated operating room.

"Ding! Today's training progress has reached the target!"

"Congratulations on obtaining the master-level coronary artificial vascular bypass replacement and transplantation proficiency +3%!"

"Unlock the next stage reward: surgical learning difficulty -5%!"

After completing another simulated operation and obtaining an S-level score, Xu Qiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, it is not far from the perfect level.

At most, three or four more effective improvements and a dozen S-level evaluations can be made to polish this original operation to the extreme.

The details and steps of the operation can also be improved, which is more suitable for teaching.

After reaching the perfect level, the final reward is a complete set of teaching methods.

It can be regarded as a textbook produced by the system.

It includes but is not limited to various basic skills training, advanced practice of surgical steps, various unexpected responses during the operation, and coherent training of the entire operation. For doctors who are getting started with this operation, it can be said to be twice the result with half the effort.

This thing is the biggest reason why Xu Qiu dared to recruit doctors for training in Linhai First Hospital and promote the surgery nationwide.

With Xu Qiu's repeated efforts to reduce the difficulty of learning the surgery, improve the risk of the surgery, and enhance the efficacy of the surgery, the learning threshold will be greatly reduced, and it is fully qualified to be popularized in major hospitals.

Three days later.

When Xu Qiu completed the last improvement, the small-caliber blood vessels in Linhai that were sutured in the patient's chest suddenly flashed with golden light.

Then, the system sound rang out, causing Xu Qiu's pupils to shrink.

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