Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 340: Surgical Skill Book! A person grows on the liver!

"Completed a coronary artery artificial vascular bypass replacement and transplantation!"

"Evaluation: S-level!"

"Congratulations on completing two effective improvements, and the master level has been promoted to the perfect level!"

The golden light enlarged and covered the entire operating room, and then countless knowledge was poured into the mind.

"Got it! Perfect coronary artery artificial vascular bypass replacement and transplantation skill book!"

A lot of experience and surgical details are extremely clear at this moment.

"It's finally here."

Xu Qiu suppressed the pain in his head and checked the skill book.

It's called a skill book, but to be more precise, it's actually a textbook.

It records many skills that can reduce the difficulty of learning, carefully designed surgical paths, and can quickly help doctors establish correct thinking and surgical skills...

The most important thing is that it gives detailed details, teaching skills and key points of each surgical step. This is a field that surgical textbooks have never mentioned, and it is also the experience and tricks hidden in the rise and fall of the scalpel by countless masters.

Just the surgical path alone provides the median sternotomy incision, left thoracotomy incision and several unconventional surgical methods.

After clicking, you can also see a detailed explanation.

For example, when a midline incision is made and dense adhesions are found behind the sternum and the heart, the femoral artery and vein can be cannulated first to establish extracorporeal circulation in advance.

At this time, even if heavy bleeding occurs, the chest blood loss can be sucked back in time for circulatory support.

Even the skill book is so detailed that it requires the use of an oscillating saw to saw from bottom to top in sections, and then use a sternal retractor to retract the incision after two to four centimeters on each side, etc.

After absorbing it, Xu Qiu can feel that his mastery of this operation has deepened a bit.

The experience bar of the perfect-level operation that has just been achieved has actually risen by 5%!

"A skill book that can be learned by all doctors actually only increases the experience value of the perfect level by 5%..."

Xu Qiu was surprised and realized that it would be impossible to achieve perfection in a short period of time.

Now that the skill book is in hand, it is time to try its effect.

Xu Qiu called Director Zheng.

An hour later, the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery held an emergency general meeting, and all doctors above the attending physician level could participate voluntarily.

This kind of emergency meeting is considered the norm in the hospital. Occasionally, if there is some not-so-important new technology or new topic, the department director will say a few words.

However, the lower-level doctors basically walk between the ward and the operating room.

For the old hands above the attending physician level, an additional outpatient clinic and various meetings are added.

Therefore, in the case of voluntary participation, it is basically equivalent to no one participating.

However, when everyone knew that the initiator was Xu Qiu, the conference room was directly filled with people, and someone even moved the water dispenser away and sat on the chair where the water dispenser was placed.


The door of the conference room was pushed open, and everyone immediately quieted down, and their eyes fell on Xu Qiu who walked in.

"Doctor Xu."

"The big boss is here!"

"Doctor Xu guided my thesis, which was originally a major revision. After telling me a few points to modify, it was immediately passed!"

Everyone in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery stood up and looked at Xu Qiu respectfully.

"Everyone sit down."

After Xu Qiu sat down, Director Zheng introduced the content of this temporary meeting: "This Friday, our hospital will officially recruit doctors for interns.

Our department has not been idle in the past few weeks. Several deputy directors have started to learn the coronary artery artificial vascular replacement surgery pioneered by Dr. Xu under the teaching of me, Professor Yang, and Professor Ma, and have achieved good results.

However, the difficulty of the operation is still too high!

Dr. Xu has made many improvements to the operation privately, and has listed a complete learning system, which will now be piloted in our hospital's cardiac surgery department!

Everyone should work hard. Those above the attending physician must grasp the key points of the operation and at least have the ability to operate independently!"


The conference room immediately boiled.

Reduce the difficulty of the operation?

The difficult operation that originally required deputy directors to get started, now they can also learn it as attending physicians?

"Dr. Xu is awesome!"

"My God, is Dr. Xu the father of my thesis or the mother of my operation!"

This shock is tantamount to reducing the knowledge in "Advanced Mathematics" to a level that junior and senior high school students can understand, master and apply.

In the next two hours, Xu Qiu explained the operation in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

Everyone pricked up their ears and studied attentively.

"It can be done this way?"

"It is easy to damage the innominate vein when sawing open the sternum. This is a difficult problem in the entire cardiac surgery and is extremely difficult to repair. It turns out that it can be separated first and then repaired!"

"When cutting off the venous bridge before ligation, a retrograde perfusion of cardioplegia is required. I stayed up late a few days ago to watch Dr. Xu's operation video and I was still wondering why. It turns out that it can reduce the risk of coronary and cerebral vascular embolism!"

"Yes, there is another point in the operation video. At that time, Dr. Xu left an old vascular bridge. Now I understand that this old blood vessel that does not hinder the path of the artificial vascular bridge can be left, which can reduce the postoperative reaction!"

After the two-hour trial tutorial, the cardiac surgeons were still not satisfied.

The young attending physicians found that they seemed to be really capable of mastering this operation.

The deputy director who was already learning suddenly felt at this moment that practicing according to Xu Qiu's method would make the operation less difficult, less risky, and the prognosis would exceed expectations!

After the meeting, Xu Qiu left Director Zheng.

"In two hours, I can only touch upon a few details roughly. The actual operation will be a little more complicated.

In the next few days, I will compile a surgical skills teaching book as soon as possible, which will be circulated internally and will also be a special course for subsequent doctors to learn."

Director Zheng was very excited, "Surgery Specialty Course?"

Although one operation is not enough to compile a book, there must be a 180-page booklet.

Theoretically, this thing can be regarded as the chief editor of a medical textbook...

Once it is compiled, its influence may cause an academic earthquake in the entire cardiac surgery field and lay the foundation for small-caliber artificial blood vessels in the future.

And who would have thought that this booklet that brought new research hotspots and surgical directions to cardiac surgery was compiled by a young doctor of 25 years old...


Three more days passed.

Under the spirit of Xu Qiu's energy potion + physical potion, the 106-page surgical booklet was completed.

The whole article is carefully worded, rigorous and meticulous, covering all aspects of preoperative preparation, intraoperative surgery and postoperative care.

Director Zheng, Yang Chenxi, and Ma Qin got the first-hand information.

Their expressions changed from novelty to surprise and finally silence.

"What did we learn before?" Yang Chenxi was dumbfounded, and his hand holding the booklet was shaking slightly.

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