Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 434 Poverty is the only disease

"Hmm..." He responded in a low voice.

The eldest sister immediately said mysteriously: "Now on the market, there is a special drug for treating liver cancer. It can be taken after diagnosis and surgery. It's called Liver Tranquility. I heard that it's a targeted drug, but it's powerful. ”

"How much?"

"It's very cheap, only sixty-one yuan per box."

"Then I'll ask Director Gan and ask him to open a box for me."

"Shh, this won't work!" The eldest sister immediately lowered her voice and said, "Don't tell that Director Gan that this medicine is a special medicine. It was obtained by a patient of mine in the countryside. Big hospitals are cheating people. I refuse to sell such cheap special medicines, and all the prescriptions cost more than a hundred or several hundred yuan!”

"If you ask me, the hospital is also evil. It must be because Liver Anning is not making money, so it refuses to sell it! Last time I asked Director Gan, and as soon as he said his name, his face fell. He also said that it must not be used... Isn’t it just cheaper and less money? His expression is as if I am his enemy!”

The woman shook her head: "Director Gan is a very good person."

"Of course it's fine in normal times. If you messed with people and money, you would have killed your parents, and your true colors would have been exposed. Just like your husband, who used to love you so much that he promised each other how much he loved you, but he ran away soon after you got sick!"

"He went to work..."

The woman just defended herself for a few words, but the eldest sister became more enthusiastic. This made the woman who was not good at words completely silent, and just smiled and nodded in response.

"I'm talking about Miss Fang Wenwen. Sister, I see that you are also a poor person, so I am talking to you. I don't want to talk to anyone else. Let me tell you, at this juncture, what about money and house? You have to hold it all in your own hands. Only with these things can your family want to save you..." The eldest sister glanced at the name beside the bed and began to teach her earnestly.

Others in the same ward closed their eyes silently.

If they hadn't been lectured by this warm-hearted elder sister for a few days when they came, they might not have believed the other party's words of "not happy to speak."

It's about four o'clock in the afternoon.

Fang Wenwen opened her eyes on time, quietly changed her clothes, and prepared to leave the hospital.

As soon as he passed by the eldest sister's hospital bed, the latter opened his eyes and said with a look of unfinished expression: "Where are you going?"

"Go back, go back..."

"If you don't take good care of your health, why are you doing all the trouble? Why don't you go back at this point, not to mention you have to cook?"

Fang Wenwen glanced at her eldest sister in surprise.

"I guessed it right, your man is really not a human being. At this time, he is still waiting for you to cook."

"No, he is very busy..." Fang Wenwen lowered her head.

The eldest sister is a person who lives in her own world. The more she explains, the more suspicious the other party will be, so she doesn't say much.

She eventually left the hospital.

More than three hours later, at around 7 o'clock in the evening, Fang Wenwen returned to the ward holding a lunch box.

The eldest sister was a little surprised: "Is this your breakfast tomorrow?"

"No, it's my husband's dinner."

"Isn't he waiting for you to cook at home?"

"No, he is really busy and can only come back to accompany me at night. When he is with me, I watch him eat."


The eldest sister lay back on the bed. It turned out that she was really a career fanatic.

"But I'm still heartless. If my job is gone, I'll look for it again. If my wife is gone... I think I can look for it again."

The eldest sister scratched her head and realized that the next sentence was very hurtful, so she turned over and did not continue the conversation.

It wasn't until after the night shift at the hospital that the man arrived late at around nine o'clock in the evening.

Fang Wenwen's husband looked tired and smelled of old sweat.

However, Fang Wenwen didn't dislike it at all. She opened the lunch box covered in the quilt, wiped the chopsticks carefully, and handed it to the husband.

"Honey, eat."

"Okay." The housekeeper took it naturally and started eating it with big mouthfuls.

"Slow down, don't choke."


The housekeeper talked about today's events: "In the afternoon, I took an hour's leave from my boss and rushed to give my daughter living expenses. She was very happy and said that she had 500 yuan this month, which was very special. There is a lot of land, and he also said that he would not give so much next month, and she would save some money. "

Fang Wenwen smiled happily: "When my daughter grows up, she will be like you and know how to save."

"What are you like me? I'm stingy. You are the one who saves money. Like you, you don't even look back when bargaining. Those bosses think you really don't want it anymore."

"Hmph, my mother taught me, and I will teach it to my daughter in the future. There are many ways to bargain."


"Of course, bargaining is not as simple as asking for a price, saying a price, and then leaving if the boss doesn't agree. If you really leave directly, the boss will ignore you. There is something in this."

"So it's better for my daughter to be like you, virtuous."

"Of course it's good to be like me..."

However, midway through her words, Fang Wenwen's smile froze. She thought of her liver cancer and looked disappointed, "It's not good to be like me. I want to be like you, naive and without any intentions."

"It's not good to be like me."

The man shook his head and finished speaking.

The food in the lunch box is not rich, there is some farm bacon, potatoes, eggplants, radishes, braised in a braised way, but there is no braised pork in it.

However, the housekeeper still ate very well. He knew that his wife must have only eaten some radishes and potatoes at home, and he felt a little guilty in his heart.

"Eat." He picked up a piece of bacon.

Fang Wenwen shook her head resolutely, covering her eyes with the quilt.

"Girl, you are sick, just eat more. You are so thin." The elder sister next door listened for a long time and finally found an opportunity to interrupt and join the chat.

"Elder sister also said, you should eat quickly." Fang Fu put the chopsticks to his wife's mouth.

The latter hesitated for a moment, pulled down the quilt, and chewed carefully.

The salty and fragrant taste burst in the mouth, the juice of the bacon filled the whole mouth, and the sweetness of the radish, several flavors mixed together, much more fragrant than eating potatoes and radishes.

But there is not much bacon at home, and it has to be left for my husband.

"Next time, don't save it, let's eat bacon together for every meal."

The woman was stunned when she heard this.

The elder sister's expression also changed, and the people in the same ward pricked up their ears at the same time.

Everyone was waiting.

After a heavy sigh, Fang Fu put down the empty lunch box and said, "Wife, why don't we stop the treatment."

Fang Wenwen pulled up the quilt, pursed her mouth, and looked at her man.

"Look, the case report says that you are already in the middle and late stages of the disease, and you can't be cured. Chemotherapy costs so much money. Even if you can have surgery, you will need a liver transplant. Even if it's just a transplant, we can't afford it.

What's more, I asked a few of my co-workers and my boss, and they said that liver sources are not so easy to get. It's normal to wait for a few years. We don't have the money to support you to wait for a liver source.

I'm really afraid that we will be penniless by then!"

Fang's husband had no expression on his face. He thought for a moment and finally said, "Or, let's give up treatment."

At this moment, the air in the ward seemed to freeze.

Fang Wenwen's eyes turned around, and finally pulled down the quilt, revealing a smile on her mouth: "Yeah, husband, I listen to you."

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