She smiled, her mouth deflated and bulged, and finally turned her head away, as if she was just deciding whether to cut her hair tomorrow, looking casual and relaxed.

The eldest sister in the next ward immediately exploded: "You bitch, you are not a human being. Look at your wife. She has cancer. She still wants to go home and cook for you. She is afraid that the food will get cold and she will keep it warm under the quilt." , but it turned out that you were lucky enough to persuade her to give up the treatment after the meal!

Do you have any humanity! "

The housekeeper lowered his head and didn't argue a word.

Fang Wenwen, who was on the hospital bed, panicked. She waved her hands with a sickly pale face: "No, no, my husband is also doing it for our own good."

"For your own good? I only saw that it was for his own good, but I didn't see that it was for your own good!"

The eldest sister sneered a few times and looked at the house husband as if he wanted to eat people: "I said, men are unreliable. Since this is for your own good, then you ask him, if he has cancer, what will he do? Are you willing to give up treatment?”

"Yes..." Fang Wenwen lowered her head, and her eyes turned red in an instant.

"Girl, you are so stupid, could such a man die on his own!" Although the eldest sister was still scolding, when she saw that the girl was starting to choke, she sighed deeply and came over to wipe her. tears.

"If my daughter hadn't died, she would have been as old as you. If my stupid man hadn't ignored my advice and decided to drink and drive, could she have died? Girl, don't cry, I'll give this to you."

The eldest sister also wiped her red eyes and took out a box of beautifully packaged medicine with English text in it from the drawer.

The label on the box is "Liver Peace".

Fang Wenwen panicked for a while and said, "I can't have it. This is your medicine."

"This medicine is good. I have an appetite after taking it, and my skin is not as yellow as before. I just can't take more, otherwise my head will hurt."

The eldest sister rubbed her temples and continued: "Take it, your life is your own, men will only think about themselves. Look at your husband, do you dare to say a word? He has no face to face you now!"

Fang Wenwen lowered her head, hooked her fingers on her husband's hand, and said, "Actually, he also has cancer..."

"You are still looking at your man. What good does this man have besides having a handle...Huh?! What did you say!" The eldest sister's disgusted face changed instantly. Her pupils shrank several times and she looked at the dull man in front of her in disbelief. man.

Fang Wenwen said: "My husband also has cancer and he has given up treatment."

"How can this be……"

The eldest sister was choked by her words. She looked at the middle-aged couple blankly and suddenly didn't know what to say.

At this moment, when she looked at Fang Wenwen again, she had a different feeling.

Before that, she thought that Fang Wenwen was too stupid and naive. She was almost forty years old, but she still revolved around men. She was a weak, independent housewife.

But at this time, she realized that it was not the other person's personality that was like this, but that the man was really good to her, so much so that when he was nearly forty, his wife still retained her simplicity, kindness and other qualities.

Because Fang Wenwen is so well protected by her husband, she still looks like a teenage love-minded girl!

"Both of you have cancer?" The eldest sister took a deep breath and looked struggling.

Fang Wenwen glanced at her husband, who finally raised his head, moved his gray eyes, and said with buzzed lips: "Yeah, I won't be cured. I'll make more money while there are still a few months." , if she says, just treat her conservatively, what if...I read a lot of books saying that the cancer disappears for no reason, what if my wife gets better too? "

Fang Wenwen leaned on her husband's shoulder and felt stable instantly. She smiled softly and said: "I won't be cured anymore. If I want to be cured, I will definitely have to borrow money. It will not be easy for relatives and friends. Leave more money." Give it to my daughter, she still has to go to school.”

"I'm sorry, I, I thought you were like my ex-husband..." The eldest sister immediately stood up and bowed regardless of her age.

"It's okay, it's okay." The man stood up and smiled reluctantly.

The ward fell silent again.

This time, no one had a problem with the man.

The disease of poverty is the only disease that has no cure and is the only disease.

"Honey, you stay here for two more days. This is a big hospital. Then ask the doctor to see what kind of medicine you can take. Although we won't do radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or surgery, we won't use the medicine that can make you feel better. Save it.”

"Me? I don't feel any pain. I don't have any cancer-related pain. I don't need to take medicine. As a man, my body and bones are much stronger than yours."

"I have deposited all our savings in your account and bought a financial product. I will give my daughter a living allowance every month until she goes to college. It should be enough..."

"Honey, let's make more bacon tomorrow. Buy some lettuce and fry the bacon with lettuce. Use more oil. My daughter doesn't like bacon, so let's finish it for her quickly. Don't waste it."

The nagging words were like knives, stabbing everyone in the patient's room.

Even though everyone is pitiful if they can stay in the same ward, their illness seems nothing compared to the bitterness of this middle-aged couple.

Later in the night, the guilty eldest sister was awakened by the gentle sound of dressing.

She had been sleeping very lightly. When she woke up and looked to the side, she found that the housekeeper was wearing a thin dark blue factory uniform and was cautiously touching outside.

"What are you..." The eldest sister lowered her voice.

"Sorry for waking you up."

"I'm old, I sleep less and shallowly. It's just past one o'clock now, and it's not even daybreak yet. What are you going out for? If you want to go out, you can buy some Gan An Ning for your wife. This medicine will make her feel much more comfortable."

"Go and help with a few night shifts."

"You don't get off work until after eight o'clock, and you have to go back to work after sleeping for less than three hours. Are you going to die?"

"It doesn't matter. There will be plenty of time to sleep in the future. Just wait."

The man left in a hurry.


The door was closed gently, and two sighs sounded in the ward at the same time. Obviously, the other two patients next to them had woken up long ago.

There was a slight sob in the silent air.

The eldest sister stood up and wanted to open the curtain, but after her hand was suspended in the air for a few seconds, she let it go.

She lay on the bed for a while and said to the curtain: "Girl, life will always get better. As the saying goes, when God closes a door, he will open a window for you. You two are unlucky. Who knows, your daughter may be able to study in Tsinghua or Peking University. I guess her grades must be very good!"

When the couple talked about their daughter, they couldn't hide the pride and relief on their faces, so the eldest sister easily hit the point.

Fang Wenwen's mood soon improved. She hummed softly and clenched her fists and said: "Well, it will definitely get better."

However, this night was destined to be not peaceful.

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