Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 552: Doctor Lin: I promise you that you will be invincible in autumn

Instantly, public opinion reversed.

The moment before, the public was still being guided by "Xu Qiu stood up for capital", and the next moment, Hui Ning used despicable means to murder Xu Qiu, and became the target of public criticism.

Everything was expected by Fu Qing and others.

"In the next period of time, Hui Ning will not only not dare to touch Xu Qiu, but will even send someone to protect him." Fu Qing was quite satisfied.

With the current surging public opinion, if Xu Qiu has any trouble, regardless of whether Hui Ning is involved or not, the mastermind behind the scenes must be Hui Ning.

This global pharmaceutical giant dare not offend the public.


Three days later.

Tang Yunshu brought a group of brain association experts to Linyi and personally visited Xu Qiu, Wang Shengde and others.

When these experts arrived, everyone in Linyi was unhappy.

This means that Xu Qiu is about to go on a business trip...

At noon.

Xu Qiu followed Tang Yunshu out of the Linyi compound, accompanied by Mo Wan and Tong Yan.

The former is the only disciple of Academician Chen in the past ten years, and the first of the younger generation of hepatobiliary surgery in Daxia.

She is very familiar with the hepatobiliary experts on the list. When she went to the world competition that year, she even discussed cutting-edge academics with many of them.

With Mo Wan, the task this time will be a little easier.

As for Tong Yan, she is more like a mascot.

It is nothing more than telling the experts who have the right to sign: I have even poached the former provincial representative of Gan An Ning, why don’t you sign?

On the way to the airport.

Tang Yunshu frequently looked at the rearview mirror.

Xu Qiu sat in the middle, with Mo Wan and Tong Yan on both sides.

The two have completely different styles.

The former is a 30-year-old woman, and her every move is like a ripe peach. She can connect with any topic boldly and appropriately.

Tong Yan is in the industry of medical representatives, which requires interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence. She is younger and good at showing weakness. She is more like a weak and vulnerable little woman, which makes people love her.

"He's handsome, but also rich."

"He's rich, but he's also so talented..."

Handsome, rich, talented, these three things are almost unrelated, but they are fully reflected in Xu Qiu.

Tang Yunshu sighed silently... If I were seven or eight years younger, I might also be attracted to a man like Xu Qiu. But God always opens a window when he closes a door. Other men at least have a good waist, but Xu Qiu has a bad waist.

"The first stop is Xiangya First Affiliated Hospital."

Tang Yunshu introduced the trip:

"In Hunan Province, it is mainly Xiangya First Affiliated Hospital, Second Affiliated Hospital, Third Affiliated Hospital, etc. Among them, the neurosurgery, hepatobiliary surgery, and neurology departments of the First Affiliated Hospital are all golden signs. Although they can't be said to be the best, they are among the best in the south.

"Especially the rescue of extremely severe craniocerebral injuries. I remember you treated a patient with a steel pipe penetrating the skull? This field happens to be the strength of Xiangya First Affiliated Hospital.

"I have their medical data here, you can take a look - by the way, how was the patient sentenced in the end?"

The patient whose brain was pierced by a steel pipe was the criminal who trafficked three children and a woman, including his own wife and children.

Xu Qiu took a stack of data and said casually: "It should be death penalty. I appealed, but the chance of retrial is almost zero."

If it was just trafficking children and women, he would be sentenced to seven or eight years at most.

But he imprisoned a mother and son who had not yet been sold in the basement, raped the woman, and finally brutally killed her. This behavior directly raised the sentencing standard to the maximum.

"That's good, this guy really deserves to die, a tiger won't eat its own cubs, but this scumbag didn't even let his wife and children go." Tang Yunshu was very relieved.

Mo Wan propped up his chin, his slender fingers passed through his hair, and said faintly: "It's just that both families are ruined, and this man has no money. He can't pay a penny of the compensation required by the law."

Tong Yan's eyes revealed a bit of sadness, and she whispered: "If there really is heaven and hell, I really hope he can atone for his sins in the eighteenth level of hell. If I were the King of Hell, I would fry him 20,000 times a day."

Mo Wan looked over curiously: "Why 20,000 times?"

"Because Dr. Xu promised me that when his new drug is developed, the basic salary for being his medical representative will be 20,000!"

Mo Wan was silent for a while... How can this basic salary be higher than mine? Although I know that medical representatives at the same level earn more money than clinical doctors, this is a bit too much! Did Xu Qiu and Tong Yan really not have in-depth exchanges in private...

Mo Wan stared at Tong Yan.

Seeing the other party's naive face, Mo Wan shook her head silently.

She didn't trust Tong Yan, but believed in Xu Qiu.

When Mo Wan thought of Xu Qiu's gentle eyes when facing various patients, and the expression on his face that was almost boring when looking at these colleagues, she realized that Xu Qiu didn't care about men and women at all.

Women would only affect the speed of his sword drawing.

If there is a woman who can make Xu Qiu look at her differently, or even care about her, then this woman must have a disease named after her...

Mo Wan secretly glanced at Xu Qiu.

Sure enough... this guy was concentrating on reading the data of Xiangtan No.1 Hospital, and didn't notice that the two women in their prime beside him could hardly take their eyes off.

"Well, not bad."

Xu Qiu was immersed in it, nodding from time to time.

Although the No.1 Hospital is no longer worthy of the reputation of the four major hospitals of "North Union, South Xiangya, West China, West China, and East Qilu", a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Although the hospital's top management is obsessed with continuous expansion and the establishment of branches, and the management has some connections, it has a strong foundation and is still at the top level today.

Take the two pillars, scientific research and diagnosis and treatment, for example.

In recent years, Xiangya First Affiliated Hospital has spent 200 million yuan on discipline construction and technological innovation, while before Xu Qiu came to the clinic, this figure was 80 million yuan.

It's not that they don't want to, but they don't have the money.

In the past five years, the first affiliated hospital has won bids for 2,000 scientific research projects with a total of 500 million yuan, including 453 National Natural Science Foundation projects; doctors in the hospital have published a total of 5,000 papers, of which SCI papers account for more than half.

Not to mention the clinic, which was not even half of Xiangya First Affiliated Hospital before.

However, things are different now. Xu Qiu directly received 600 million yuan in research funds for a project on small blood vessels in the sea, not to mention the new drug research and development that is about to start, which starts with at least 1 billion yuan in funds...

In short.

Xiangya First Affiliated Hospital: I have 60 national and provincial and ministerial scientific and technological achievement awards!

Clinical medicine: I have Xu Qiu.

Xiangya First Affiliated Hospital: I have 300 patent authorizations and my annual outpatient volume is more than 3 million!

Clinical doctor: I have Xu Qiu.

Xiangya First Affiliated Hospital: I am the first hospital in China to carry out both domestic and imported "Da Vinci surgery". I have two national clinical medicine research centers, one national and local joint laboratory, thirteen provincial and ministerial key laboratories, and nine national key disciplines and projects!

Clinical doctor: Xu Qiu.

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