Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 553: Up to 99% mortality rate!

In short, if Linyi takes out Xu Qiu when pressed to the limit, Xiangya will have to curse.

For example, in terms of national key projects, Xu Qiu alone has brought Linyi a brain surgery talent training base, Linhai small blood vessel national key center, palm and finger regeneration national innovation technology protection, etc.

"The rescue rate of dilated pupils is so high?" Xu Qiu showed an approving look.

The industry basically does not hold any hope for rescue for patients with craniocerebral injury whose pupils are dilated for more than one hour. The mortality rate is as high as 99%, and the remaining 1% is not cured, but survives in a vegetative state.

The only thing that can be compared is the severity of the vegetative state.

Some mild cases are like sleeping, snoring, talking in sleep, scratching, and unconsciously talking, but they cannot communicate with the outside world.

The most serious ones are the real "vegetative state", who have lost the ability to feel the outside world and can only rely on various life support devices to hang on to their lives. Moving a finger is a medical miracle.

However, Xiangya Hospital Affiliated to the First Hospital is incredible in this regard. Since the opening of the Department of Neurosurgery, the Affiliated Hospital Affiliated to the First Hospital has rescued eleven patients with dilated pupils for more than one hour, and they can all take care of themselves.

Tang Yunshu was also shocked and said, "This technology originally came from Xiangtan First People's Hospital. They have a craniotomy machine, which can open the brain and remove hematoma within five minutes, and the brain hernia can be reset very quickly, so the rescue rate is very high."

The key to rescuing this type of patient is to relieve the pressure on the brain stem.

According to the conventional surgical process, from admission to the operating table, it takes at least half an hour, and then craniotomy to relieve the pressure may take another half an hour to an hour. If the doctor is unlucky or the technique is not sophisticated enough, it is common to open the skull for two or three hours.

"If there is a chance, ask for one for Linyi." Xu Qiu said silently.

Five-minute craniotomy is not a difficult task for Xu Qiu.

But this is based on his mastery of a variety of master-level craniotomy surgeries, and when converted, it is actually the experience of thousands of craniotomy surgeries, and it has to be thousands of surgeries performed by a genius like Yang Yuen.

Therefore, there are no more than five people in the world who can compete with the craniotomy machine with human power.

Craniotomy is similar to archaeology. It is necessary to slowly remove the skull to avoid damaging any part of the brain. Complex craniotomy surgery may even take two hours to enter the cranial cavity.

In this case, the advantages of the craniotomy machine are reflected. No matter how tedious and dangerous the craniotomy process is, it only takes four or five minutes for it, and the error rate is extremely low.

If we can get one for Linyi, the fault tolerance rate of high-end surgery will be greatly improved.

"It is unlikely. They treasure the craniotomy machine. Academician Shen Hua asked for it before, but they didn't give it to him." Tang Yunshu smiled bitterly.

Fuyi has signed an agreement with the University of Utah, the designer and developer of the craniotomy machine, and only a few hospitals in Hunan Province are qualified to purchase it.

Therefore, if other hospitals want to buy it, they have to look at the face of the University of Utah, and whether Xiangya agrees.

In fact, West China and Union Medical College have talked to Xiangya, but in the end, they all ended in failure.

The main reason is that the craniotomy machine is too replaceable. The theory is very rich, but the application in reality is not as large as imagined.

It can only do one thing: craniotomy.

For most surgeries, the speed of craniotomy is important, but it is not a factor that really affects the success or failure of normal surgeries. What is more important is the treatment of intracranial lesions after craniotomy.

The place where the craniotomy machine can play a perfect role is the extremely critical craniocerebral injury patients whose pupils are dilated for more than one hour.

Only at this time, the speed of craniotomy is equal to life.

At other times, appropriate compromises can be made.

Using tens of millions of funds to buy a machine that can only open the brain, and having to do a big favor to Xiangya, no one is willing to do this deal - it is better to add a few more advanced CT machines with this money and update the clinical equipment of each department.

However, Xu Qiu was still tempted.

He asked, "In other words, the craniotomy machine is the exclusive technology of Xiangya First Affiliated Hospital?"

Tang Yunshu nodded: "I guess so, so Dr. Xu, you can just give your academic lectures with peace of mind. They are definitely unwilling to give the technology to Linyi. What's more, Linyi is now the most threatening hospital competing with them for the first place in the south. How could they possibly send a knife to the enemy?"

Xu Qiu had an ambiguous smile on his face.

That's safe.


When they came to Linhai Airport again, Mo Wan, Tong Yan and others almost thought they were in the wrong place.

"This, this, this... This is another Linhai First Hospital!" Tong Yan's eyes widened, and she said in disbelief.

In the airport, there were banners for Linhai First Hospital, and the most eye-catching one was Xu Qiu's huge poster.

The style is exactly the same as Linyi.

"The father of Linhai's small blood vessels, the pioneer of the world's first complete brain fusion and separation surgery, the first person in palm and finger regeneration surgery..."

"Even the latest colon replacement bladder surgery is written in. Was it just replaced a few days ago?"

Mo Wan and Tong Yan were shocked.

Tang Yunshu was very calm and said: "Linhai City has no special features. Its economy is not ranked in the province. There is no energy, no tourist attractions, and no impressive industries. Linyi and Xu Qiu are the only selling points."

Although most people are not in such a good mood when they see the hospital advertisement as soon as they get off the airport.

But, what if Xu Qiu's face is hung next to the hospital advertisement?

It must be said that the top leaders of Linhai City are very powerful.

"Doctor Xu!"

The airport had received the news long ago. The staff here didn't know Xu Qiu, but they knew that the most handsome one would be right, so they recognized him at a glance.

"Please come this way. Our airport has a special VIP waiting area. Your plane will arrive in 40 minutes. Please wait in the rest area for a while." The lady at the airport was leading in front.

Xu Qiu glanced at it.

Long legs and so on are not important. The main thing is that the complexion is good and the walk is swaying. At first glance, he looks like a healthy person.

Oh, healthy... I'm not interested in that.

Xu Qiu retracted his gaze and thought about the academic lecture again.

The strength of the First Affiliated Hospital is neurosurgery, and what they are most proud of is the extremely fast craniotomy.

Xu Qiu's strengths happen to be here.

Master-level cranio-cerebral separation, master-level cranio-cerebral functional injury positioning experience, and master-level cranio-cerebral anatomical positioning, etc., these operations laid the foundation for Xu Qiu to be extremely familiar with the human brain.

And the feel of countless operations can make Xu Qiu's heart, eyes, and scalpel reach, and there will be almost no mistakes.

Under the multiple overlaps, Xu Qiu's craniotomy speed reached a speed that even machines could not reach.

"Doctor Xu, what are you going to talk about in this academic lecture?" After sitting in the rest area, Tang Yunshu couldn't help asking.

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