Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 649 The male child that must be saved

"The family members can now come in." Xu Qiu looked away from the life monitor and looked at the door.

Liu Susu and other medical staff suddenly became angry.

During the rescue process, family members repeatedly obstructed her and even rushed into the rescue room to disturb Xu Qiu, insisting on asking why the child was suffocating.

The patient was sent to the emergency room. It would be good if his life could be saved. Who has time to investigate the cause of the disease?

What's more, there are various causes of neonatal asphyxia, and there are many unexpected situations in clinical practice. How can the clinical doctors responsible for rescue know the specific situation!

"I asked you why. You didn't say anything. What are you going to do now?" The family members were also very angry and did not look good to everyone in the emergency room.

Xu Qiu took a look and said, "Now that the situation has stabilized, let's do a head MRI and EEG."

"Do you still need to spend money? Everything is stable, what else do you need to check?"

“Determine the extent of brain damage, understand the prognosis, and determine further treatment options.”

Among the family members, a middle-aged man muttered, apparently he should be the father of the child.

He whispered: "You can spend money, just make sure that my child is fine."

Before Xu Qiu could speak, Liu Susu and others were about to explode.

ensure? What to guarantee!

The child's Apgar score was once close to 0, almost like a corpse. If it hadn't been for Xu Qiu, the child would not have survived.

Furthermore, the emergency department has communicated with the family members many times. The family members are very willing to rescue. As a result, they are now rescued. Is there any other explanation?

"I checked on the Internet and found that this kind of child is likely to be mentally retarded. I can't raise a mentally retarded child..." The father of the child kept shaking his head and was very resistant.

Xu Qiudao: "As for the prognosis, I can only guarantee that the hospital will give full treatment. As for the risks and sequelae, we have explained it to you before the rescue, and you have signed and agreed."

The family suddenly ran out of excuses.

Finally, the patient's grandfather waved his hand and said: "We must save him. It's hard for my family to give birth to a boy. Doctor, you must save him!"

In this small family, the person who has the most say is the newborn's grandfather, and it is he who takes the initiative in rescuing the baby.

Xu Qiu nodded.

Fortunately, there is this backbone. The parents of the child are very weak. They want to save but are afraid of saving. They have no independent opinions. Other relatives are also talking all over the place. It has no effect except adding chaos. Fortunately, there is at least one strong person in this family. .

Before getting off work in the afternoon, the child’s specific examination finally came out.

Head MRI showed: signal changes in the patient's periventricular white matter and deep gray matter involvement.

This is a very bad sign.

Involvement of deep gray matter usually means poor neurological function and poor prognosis.

In addition, the patient also had mild ventriculomalacia around the ventricles, further suggesting a poor prognosis.

The electroencephalogram showed typical epileptiform waves and voltage changes, showing rhythm disorder, and spike and slow wave bursts and sustained diffuse activity appeared on the low-amplitude background wave...classic signs of severe hypoxia.

"The situation is not good." Xu Qiu sighed.

"No, if there are no other organic diseases, it would be difficult to develop to such a serious level... plus a cardiac color Doppler ultrasound!"

Xu Qiu suddenly thought of something and immediately issued new medical orders.

But as soon as the arrangements were made, Liu Susu came over with Shi Lian.

"Doctor Xu."


Xu Qiu looked up.

Liu Susu said with a frown on her face: "Doctor Xu, the family you gave the medical advice to just now only has more than 300 left in their hospitalization account!"

"Don't you want to pay?"

"Not only did we not pay, but we even paid for the hospitalization fee in advance. The finance office gave us 10,000 yuan in advance. We first rescued people. We completed various examinations today, plus sent to the ICU for use of a ventilator and other various tasks. This is all that is left for the cost of quasi-life support equipment.”

Most hospitals, in principle, do not allow patients to default on their hospitalization accounts due to the large number of bill evasion cases.

Clinic doctors are much more lenient. Ordinary patients can owe some money and it can be paid back later.

However, in the face of such patients who are obviously difficult to talk to and refuse to pay in advance, it is unlikely that any hospital will allow them to pay on credit.

Xu Qiu frowned. He checked the patient's account. He was suddenly startled and said, "They are registered households."

The reimbursement ratio for registered households is very high, a full 85%, which means that of the 10,000 yuan advanced by the hospital, they only need to pay more than 1,000 yuan.

It cost more than a thousand to buy a life. Judging from the clothes and behavior of this family, they don't look like people who can't afford the money.

"Let's do a cardiac color Doppler ultrasound first, and I'll talk to them later," Xu Qiu said.


With the emergency mark declared by Xu Qiu, the child's test results came out quickly.

It is consistent with Xu Qiu's guess: the child cannot show a normal four-chamber heart view, only a set of atrioventricular valve opening and closing movements can be seen, and the three-vessel view cannot show normally, suggesting that the development of a four-chamber heart and great blood vessels is very likely. abnormal.

This is a typical complex congenital heart disease.

The ultrasound department was shocked.

Clinically, children sent for cardiac color ultrasound often come to see the doctor because of shortness of breath, jaundice, etc. The most representative symptom is yellowing of the skin all over the body.

However, the newborn's body was purple and blue due to hypoxia, and his symptoms such as shortness of breath were even masked by the initial hypoxia. Almost no one would think of going here.

However, Xu Qiu can still deduce heart disease...

What amazing clinical intuition this is!

Before leaving get off work, Xu Qiu notified his family again and planned to discuss the cost and the results of the cardiac color photography.

However, Shi Lian brought a piece of news first.

"Teacher, the family members want the hospital and your signature to certify..." Shi Lian handed over a list.

Xu Qiu opened it and saw that there were various documents on it, such as medical record certificates, payment certificates, etc., which required the signatures of the Medical Records Department, Medical Department, Finance Department and the doctor in charge.

"This is……"

"Teacher, my family is applying for water dripping..."

"Shui Di Chi? Their reimbursement ratio is very high. Including the follow-up treatment costs and surgical fees, it should only be a little over 10,000. Why do you need to apply?"

There are many people who can't afford 10,000 yuan, but this family obviously does not.

Shi Lian turned over one of the pages and said, "Teacher, look, what they wrote is that they have borrowed money to save the money, and now they still owe the hospital 10,000 yuan, and they may still owe hundreds of thousands more in the future.

"Moreover, it also specifically named a few expensive drugs. For example, Gursu, but we have never given them these drugs!"

Gursu is an exogenous alveolar surface substance. It can be regarded as a sky-high price drug. One pill costs 6,000 yuan. One or two pills are more than enough for an average critically ill premature infant.

What's more, after Xu Qiu's rescue, the child's condition has improved a lot. He only needs a ventilator and does not need to take Gursu at all.

Shi Lian was furious.

In fact, the family members did not pay a penny at all. Even the initial 10,000 yuan was advanced by the clinical finance department. After all the expenses were added up and reimbursed by medical insurance, the family members only spent more than 1,000 yuan.

However, the fundraising amount they applied for on the platform was 100,000 yuan!

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