Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 650 Human nature is like an abyss, you cannot stare into it!

Shi Lian said angrily: "Teacher, I just checked on the website. Their fundraising goal is 100,000. Now they have raised more than 60,000. It has only been posted for half a day!"

"So fast?" Xu Qiu was also surprised.

Shi Lian said: "Yes, they bought traffic and recommendation positions from the fundraising website, so they raised donations immediately!"

Xu Qiu frowned and said: "Haven't we signed yet?"

"Yes, most of the documents they uploaded are unstamped and unsigned. This is considered pre-fundraising. When we sign and upload them again, the funds will be deposited into their accounts."

This is something Xu Qiu didn't expect... There is such a thing as pre-payment for fundraising?

"Teacher, look!"

Shi Lian opened the phone and found the donation interface. Sure enough, it was the newborn who was rescued today.

"Teacher, now you know why they raised funds so quickly, right?"

Xu Qiu was silent.

The fundraising details page has various medical records that have not been signed and sealed, and most importantly, there is a photo of Xu Qiu when he was performing rescue.

The fundraising interface also repeatedly emphasized that Xu Qiu was the doctor in charge of the child...

In addition to the common blessings such as "get well soon" and "good health", many of the donation messages mentioned the same word.

"This is Dr. Xu's patient!"

"Dr. Xu's patients are all critically ill, but with him, they will definitely be fine. This hundred yuan is a token of my appreciation. I must get better soon!"

"Support Dr. Xu!"


Xu Qiu exhaled heavily... This family is not completely ignorant of medicine. They are very clear about their identities and even know how to use their fame to raise donations!

Seeing this, Xu Qiu suddenly thought of something and returned to the homepage of the fundraising website.

At a glance, he noticed a lot of tricks.

For example, the first scrolling recommendation is a 33-week premature baby. He spent 50,000 yuan in the hospital for three days, and the follow-up treatment requires 200,000 yuan. The fundraising has reached 170,000 yuan.

People without a medical background may really be moved by the miserable story of this premature baby.

However... 33-week premature babies are no longer a big problem, and the survival rate is extremely high.

Even if Guersu is used, a premature baby can only use two at most. How can it cost 50,000 yuan for three days of treatment?

Like the newborn that Xu Qiu rescued today, the Apgar score was only 1 at the worst, which is the most extreme and critical case in clinical practice. Anything lower means death...

Even for this one, the total cost of rescuing it for one day was only more than 9,000!

This still includes the cost of various examination items.

In fact, the cost of treatment on the second day may be only a few hundred yuan.

Xu Qiu only glanced at the user with a goal of 200,000 on the fundraising website and realized that something was wrong.

If this premature baby is sent to a clinic, Xu Qiu does not need to take action, and a senior attending physician in the obstetrics and gynecology department is responsible, there will be no problem at 35 weeks. During this period, the entire hospitalization and treatment costs, calculated according to the highest standards, will not exceed 60,000!

This is without considering the reimbursement amount from medical insurance...

Shi Lian calculated and said, "This newborn in our hospital has a complex congenital heart disease and needs an operation later. The cost of the operation is 80,000 yuan, which is about 100,000 yuan...

"However, after medical insurance reimbursement, they actually only need to spend a little more than 10,000 yuan, but they can receive a difference of nearly 90,000 yuan.

"And the premature baby on the homepage, the most expensive treatment plan in our hospital, costs no more than 60,000 yuan, but they asked for 200,000 yuan.

"Even without medical insurance, they can still make 120,000 yuan! If it is the minimum reimbursement amount of medical insurance, 50%, they only need to pay 30,000 yuan, and they can get 170,000 yuan for themselves! "

While listening, Xu Qiu searched for his name on the fundraising website.

Instantly, a lot of related fundraising information popped up below.

Xu Qiu was stunned for a moment, and clicked them one by one.

Only then did he realize that many fundraising interfaces had his own photos, and some cases even used the same pictures...

"No wonder..."

After seeing one of the pictures, Xu Qiu suddenly felt like he had suddenly realized something.

This was the first operation he performed in Linyi after returning from a business trip.

At that time, it was a critically ill diabetic foot patient, both feet were completely eroded, and there was severe gangrene on the body. Laboratory indicators indicated sepsis combined with septic shock.

This kind of patient is enough to issue several critical illness notices.

In Baiyun Province, except If Xu Qiu was found, I'm afraid few people would dare to say that they could save him.

After being admitted to the hospital, Xu Qiu did not dare to delay and immediately started the rescue, preparing to talk to the family members in between.

But the family members kept asking Xu Qiu to issue a critical illness notice first, and took out their mobile phones to take pictures of the critical illness notice, diagnosis results, etc....

At that time, Xu Qiu was focused on rescuing the patient and did not think too much.

Until this moment, when he saw the critical illness notice signed by himself on the fundraising website, as well as various critical illness certificates, Xu Qiu was silent.

He remembered very clearly that he told the family members at that time that it would cost about 300,000 to treat this disease.

But the family members were very happy when they heard the cost. After the operation, when Xu Qiu looked for the family members, he found that all the family members had left, and no one was left to take care of the patient.

The next afternoon, the family members asked to be discharged from the hospital, saying that it was the custom in their hometown that they had to die at home, and they decisively signed all the consent forms for self-responsibility... Although Xu Qiu repeatedly emphasized that he was sure to save the patient and control sepsis and septic shock.

Now, seeing the 300,000 yuan fundraising that has been completed on the website, Xu Qiu felt tired.

The disease is easy to cure, but the heart is difficult to cure.

After a long silence, Xu Qiu said: "Contact the medical department and ask them to connect with major fundraising websites to prohibit anyone from raising funds in my name. And ask the Linyi official to write an article on this matter and publish it as soon as possible!"

Shi Lian stood up straight: "Yes!"

"In addition, there is this signature..."

Xu Qiu sorted out the child's information and handed it to Shi Lian: "Return it, and at the same time emphasize to all departments of the hospital that the law allows them to print documents, but they can't sign or stamp them."


After Shi Lian left, Xu Qiu leaned back in his chair, looking a little tired.

CNKI, fundraising websites...

For Xu Qiu, the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and surgery are like leveling up and fighting monsters. Although tiring, it is positive feedback.

What really tortures people is these trivial matters.

Human nature is like an abyss, and we can never look deeper.

CNKI, for profit, relies on its monopoly on the academic world to raise prices. It has changed from a public welfare academic website supported by the state to an academic tycoon that everyone is shouting and beating.

And the fundraising website, a few fake help seekers, are also for profit, harvesting precious goodwill.

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