Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 678: Taking the dead man's medicine, running in both directions!

"Currently, my country's independently developed new oral liver cancer drug 'Qixing Tablet' has been recognized as a new chemical class 1 drug and has been approved for clinical trials by the State Food and Drug Administration, allowing clinical trials to be conducted. Volunteer drug testers will be officially recruited starting today!


1. Aged 18 to 75 years old (both ends inclusive), gender is not limited;

2. Patients with intermediate and advanced malignant solid tumors of liver cancer confirmed by histology or cytology (hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is preferred), who have failed standard treatment, or there is no standard treatment plan, or standard treatment is not suitable at this stage;

3. According to RECIST version 1.1, there is at least one evaluable tumor lesion;

4. ECOG physical score 0~1 points;

5. Expected survival time ≥3 months..."

Seven Star Tablets was Xu Qiu’s final name for this new liver medicine.

The lead compound was the seventh, and the new compound combination finally screened also happened to be the seventh group...

In the end, Xu Qiu chose the word "qi", plus the "Seven Star Lamp" in the legend of Daxia is the "life-extending lamp", Xu Qiu finally decided on Qixing Pian as the final name of the drug.

As the announcement was made, the country was shaken.

Major drug research and development institutes and biopharmaceutical companies do not believe this news is true.

But looking at the red-headed documents issued by Baiyun Province, and the director of the Baiyun Provincial Department of Health personally coming forward to recruit volunteers for Seven Stars, all doubts disappeared...Xu Qiu's new liver medicine has really come out!

“It has already entered clinical trials in just over four months!”

"Phase III clinical trials may take another year, but the drug development can definitely be completed within five months. Dr. Xu really did it!"

"Oh my god, the first phase of clinical trials has actually started. This means that the safety and efficacy of Qixing Tablets are at least guaranteed. There are no problems with toxicology and pharmacology, and animal experiments are also safe!"

Animal experiment safety...

It was during animal experiments that experimental animals died in several batches of Liver Anning. Huining covered up the results and falsified experimental data, so that it could finally be put on the market.

However, Qixingpian has passed this hurdle and truly started human clinical trials!

Countless people were excited.

But at the same time, discordant voices began to appear.

"I suggest you check Xu Qiu. He was still madly attacking liver tranquility at the beginning of the year, and now he is developing his own liver medicine. There is obviously something wrong with him, and he will do whatever it takes to get his product!"

"Liver tranquillization is a life-saving drug for ordinary people. A box only costs 61 yuan! As for other liver drugs of the same type, sorafenib costs 25,000 yuan per box, which is more than 50,000 yuan a month; lenvatinib costs more than 30,000 yuan. , it costs 70,000 yuan a month, but eating Gan Ning only costs more than 120 yuan a month!”

"It's because Gan An Ning can't make money for them, so they want to suppress Gan An Ning! Now Xu Qiu is the same way. He talks about independent research and development by the country. In fact, he just wants to make our money!"

"Yes, we can't let Gan An Ning collapse. Protect Liver An Ning, otherwise we will never be able to take cheap medicine again!"

Linhai City, Baiyun Pharmaceutical Factory, Xu Qiu's office.

Fu Qing, the director of Baiyun Provincial Health Department and others were sitting on the sofa, excitedly enjoying the seven-star film.

However, this mood was interrupted by a phone call. After answering the phone, Fu Qing looked a little ugly. He squinted his eyes and said: "Huining has sent out the navy again. The current public opinion on the Internet is trying to shape the seven-star film into a The counterfeit medicines used by capitalists to make huge profits are touting liver tranquility as the savior..."

The director of the Department of Health's face darkened: "Huining has been silent for a while. I thought they really didn't care. It turns out they thought Xu Qiu couldn't develop it!"

Now that the results have been moved out, Huining has started to jump in, but is it still too late?

"It's hard to deal with." Fu Qing sighed.

If you want to solve this matter, it is actually very simple. Let the Cyberspace Administration of China send people to lock down the IP and catch the troll leaders on site. These people's bank cards must have improper collection records. After it is exposed, Huining's methods will naturally It's been made public.

However, even if it is proven that the navy is from Huining, what can it do?

The scariest thing is that what these people say is half true and false!

The price of Hepatic Anxiety is indeed very low, which has led to countless patients in the sinking market to stand up for them at all costs.

For desperate patients, telling them about serious adverse reactions, septic shock, teratogenic risks, etc. is a bit like "why not eat minced meat" - before serious side effects fall on the patient, they will The torture of cancer endured is not much lighter than the sequelae of liver tranquility!

If there was no money, who would eat Gan Ning?

Who wants to bet that they are the lucky one without any serious adverse reactions?

In fact, for most patients, they no longer care about the safety of Hepatic Anxiety or whether the clinical data is falsified. They are patients, and no one knows the efficacy of a drug better than them. Their bodies have already helped them. A choice was made.

With a profit of 250 million, countless people who secretly take Liver tranquillizer, and countless old people and farmers who can only use their cracked fingers to count the dollars to buy a liver calm pill, have given a silent answer.

If Liver Anning is as Huining expects, without serious side effects, and its efficacy is close to that of a weakened version of sorafenib, then it will definitely become the true god in the field of liver cancer and the undisputed number one miracle drug.

But if it weren't for its defects, Liver Anning wouldn't be sold at the ultra-low price of 61 yuan per box.

Like Sorafenib and Lenvatinib, it would hang over the heads of all patients at a sky-high price of tens of thousands of yuan, despising the poor people who died in the severe pain and uneasy suffering of advanced liver cancer.

Rather than saying that countless patients chose Liver Anning.

It's better to say that this incomplete Liver Anning chose countless equally incomplete patients - if poverty can be considered incomplete.

This is a tragic two-way rush.

Fu Qing is the first secretary of Baiyun Province. He can completely cut off the vitality of Liver Anning in the province with a single order, but how can he save those liver cancer patients who can't afford the medicine?

He still can't reconcile the contradiction between the overwhelming trend of countless patients supporting Liver Anning and the fact that Liver Anning has caused countless deformities, septic shock, and cartilage lesion sequelae.

It is a demon. The number of patients with septic shock who died from it in the province is increasing day by day. A large number of patients with advanced liver cancer who were damaged and paralyzed by it are lying in bed in the clinics of many villages and towns.

Most of them only have a survival period of a few months. After a serious adverse reaction, it is hard to say whether they can live to the next day.

But at the same time, it has indeed made millions of people who have no medicine to take feel the amazing effect of sorafenib, which only the rich can afford.

Although it is only a weakened version of the drug effect, it is enough to make these people who are used to enduring pain smile with enjoyment, even if it is only for a few hours.

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