Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 679 There are no more pharmaceutical companies in the world!

"Just find out the people who control public opinion, and the rest won't be a problem." Xu Qiu said calmly.

"No problem?"

"Have you already thought of a countermeasure?"

Both ministers were a little confused, and the academicians and chief researchers in the office also did not understand Xu Qiu's words.

Xu Qiu nodded and said: "This is not an issue worth discussing in the first place. The original purpose of research and development of Qixing Tablets was to replace Hepatic Anxiety and make this defective drug completely abandoned by the market."

"Liver Peace sounds like a weakened version of sorafenib. In fact, the efficacy is far behind. However, Qixing Tablets truly achieves the effect of sorafenib. If the pricing is benchmarked with drugs of the same level, , a box should be sold for more than 10,000 yuan..." an academician analyzed.

Han Chang nodded.

The efficacy of Qixing Tablets was beyond everyone's expectations.

Generic drugs of sorafenib can only be sold for a few thousand yuan, but how can the price of an original drug independently developed in China and comparable to sorafenib be lower than that of generic drugs?

Fifteen thousand is considered a bargain!

Xu Qiu frowned slightly and said, "Who said the price is more than 10,000?"

"Isn't it... no?!" Several academicians looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

The Minister of Health and the Director of the National Health Commission were also stunned.

In fact, since the pre-clinical experimental data of Qixing Tablet was leaked and it was approved by the state, its lowest price has reached five figures!

In the international community, the prices of medicines that can achieve the efficacy of Qixing Tablets are in units of 10,000 yuan. Sorafenib costs 25,000 yuan, lenvatinib costs 43,000 yuan, and second-line drugs such as cabozantinib and regorafil are priced in units of 10,000 yuan. Ni and others are also in this price range.

Therefore, the health department, the National Health Commission and the Food and Drug Administration have all determined that the domestic price of Qixing Tablets is as low as 10,000 yuan. The price abroad does not need to be so restrained. It directly benchmarks Sorafenib and sells it for 3,000 berries. Yuan per box.

However, it seems that the situation is different now...

Everyone looked at Xu Qiu with incredible eyes.

After a pause, Xu Qiu made a seven gesture: "Since the seven-star film and seven are famous, then..."

The Minister of Health swallowed: "Seven thousand?"

The original medicine is sold at this price, which is quite acceptable.

Xu Qiu shook his head.

The director of the National Health and Medical Commission’s eyes bulged out, and he hurriedly said: “Otherwise, it’s seven hundred?”

This is outrageous!

Apart from Hepatic, which has huge safety flaws, what other original targeted drugs sell so cheaply?

Xu Qiu still shook his head.

Everyone in the office took a deep breath. Many people's throats rolled and they felt like their mouths were dry.

In the end, Han Chang suppressed the shock in his heart and said: "Seventy? Doctor Xu, this price... We are an original drug developed independently. It has both efficacy and safety, but there are no serious adverse reactions!"

At this price, it would be an exaggeration to say it was sold at a low price.

It’s literally free of charge!

However, facing this shockingly low price, Xu Qiu shook her head again.

He did not give everyone a chance to continue guessing, but asked: "What is the price of Liver Tranquility?"

The Minister of Health said in a trembling voice: "Sixty-one per box..."

"Then sell it for fifty-seven."

Xu Qiu patted the table lightly, and everyone was stunned in place, unable to recover from the shock for a long time.

Xu Qiu's calm voice sounded, saying: "Patients would rather risk their lives on the safety of a drug. This is not only their misfortune, but also a torture to pharmaceutical manufacturers and medical workers. For these people, one dollar may It’s just a day’s ration, I don’t want to get any more.”

There was still a long silence in the conference room.

Everyone lowered their heads and thought silently.

It wasn't until this moment that they realized what kind of person it was that led them to develop the Seven-Star Tablet.

Two ministers, three academicians, and chief researchers such as Han Chang finally understood at this moment why everyone who worked with Xu Qiu and who had followed Xu Qiu has since then developed the ultimate admiration and respect.

What is a great doctor?

This is the great doctor!

The pricing of any original drug is a rather complex and cumbersome process, which requires professional institutions and departments to collect, integrate, and investigate information from multiple parties before finally giving a guide price.

However, all this does not apply to the seven-star film.

Xu Qiu has absolute ownership of Qixing Pian, and he is in charge of pricing, sales, etc. He alone is responsible for the entire shareholders' meeting and the board of directors.

For commercial companies, this is a devastating disaster.

However, when this drug itself is not aiming for huge profits, but just wants to spread some goodwill as much as possible to save countless distressed patients, it becomes the best way to rely on it.

Of course, this behavior cannot become mainstream, and it is definitely not common.

The research and development cost of Qixing tablets is about 5 billion. Including purchasing production equipment, establishing industrial production lines, etc., the total cost may be more than 6 billion.

General medicines may require tens or hundreds of millions for management, packaging and marketing before they are released to the market.

After calculation, before the first batch of officially sold drugs leaves the factory, the total cost should be around 6.4 billion.

Moreover, each pill itself also has the cost of raw materials.

Qixing tablets are currently not in large-scale mass production, and the final cost of a single tablet cannot be confirmed yet. However, it is estimated that the money earned from one tablet may only be a few yuan, or it may even be a loss!

Let's take the conservative estimate of making one dollar per pill, and we need to sell 6.5 billion pills to make back the cost.

A patient takes 30 pills a month.

That means 22 million patients take it for a month in a row for the Seven Stars Tablets to barely recover the cost!

In fact, there are only 900,000 people newly diagnosed with liver cancer worldwide.

The cruel point is that the number of deaths from liver cancer is approximately equal to the number of newly diagnosed people.

Therefore, the number of new cases each year is basically equal to the number of existing liver cancer patients.

In Daxia, there are about 410,000 new cases of liver cancer each year, of which 90% are hepatocellular carcinomas targeted by the Seven Stars Tablets, and only about 40% to 50% of them are effective.

This is already an extremely shocking number. The clinical effectiveness of sorafenib is only about 10% to 30%, and Liver Anning is even more pitiful, with an effectiveness of about 10%. The Seven Stars Tablets have almost doubled!

After screening, the number is very scary. Even if all 190,000 potential patients use Qixing Tablets, it will take 115 months, which is nearly ten years!

For any pharmaceutical company, this is an absolutely unacceptable payback period.

A drug that takes decades and consumes nearly 10 billion yuan in costs will take another ten years to pay back, and it will only start to make money after ten years... And the best result of the money earned in the next ten years is just to earn back the profit equivalent to the cost...

If this is the case, there will be no more pharmaceutical companies in the world, and no one will be willing to develop drugs!

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