Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 708: Is it good to survive the hardship?

Heart, liver, and lung transplantation has always been monopolized by Miaoyou Clinic.

And the doctors who can perform this surgery are inextricably linked to Miaoyou Clinic.

In Daxia, the closest thing is double lung and liver combined transplantation, which is not yet perfect and is still in the exploratory stage.

This is far from heart, liver, and lung transplantation, but it still lacks the most difficult heart transplantation, as well as the experience and technology of transplanting three groups of organs. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is 20 years behind.

If Xu Qiu can really succeed, Daxia's medical skills in this field will advance by leaps and bounds, catching up with the twenty-year gap in a short period of time, and quickly entering the first echelon that can compete with Berry Country!

After much attention, Xu Qiu completed the removal of both lungs with a precision-like mechanical technique.

And the last liver.

When removing the donor's liver, Xu Qiu's eyes were fixed. He looked at the patient's liver to be removed and asked, "Has he had liver surgery before?"

During a transplant operation, the patient, that is, the organ recipient, undergoes a very comprehensive examination, including complete medical history, physical examination, blood, urine and stool routine, biochemistry, liver and kidney function, lung function, as well as various throat swabs, sputum, and urine bacteria. Culture, as well as tuberculin test, serum E-cell inclusion virus, Toxoplasma gondii, HIV, etc., will be checked and screened one by one.

But donors only exist as organ suppliers, and no one cares about their past or irrelevant medical history. As long as the organs are healthy, meet the standards for donation and transplantation, and are successfully matched with the recipient, that's it.

Xu Qiu had read the donor's information. Apart from confirming that his various organs were healthy and free of infectious diseases, there was no mention of liver surgery.

However, from an anatomy point of view, the donor's liver had been removed before, and part of the liver tissue was obviously newly regenerated. This is also one of the characteristics of the liver - it has a certain ability to repair and regenerate itself.

"Yes, he once donated a liver." Isuke understood the inside story and quickly replied.

Someone in the operating room added: "Ten years ago, he cut off 43% of his liver in an attempt to save his wife, who was in the late stages of cirrhosis, but she still died. He left behind a pair of twin sons with cerebral palsy. , he worked three jobs a day for ten years and slept less than four hours to support his family. "

"Oh My God……"

"It's so miserable!"

The doctors at Miaoyou Clinic are also human beings, and their hearts are also made of flesh. After hearing the story of the donor, every one of them sighed silently, lamenting the unfairness of their fate.

Xu Qiu was stunned, and suddenly asked: "How did he die?"

Isuke's breathing stopped for a moment, and he was silent for a long time. He slowly tightened his hand holding the scalpel and said, "A week ago, he finished his third job as a convenience store clerk and was about to rush home to prepare breakfast for his son.

“It was about four o’clock in the morning.

“He just walked out of the convenience store for more than 200 meters, carrying two hot dogs given to him by his colleague who took over, and he happily wanted to go home and share them with his son.

"From the other side of the road, three rich second-generation people who had been racing all night rushed over in a luxury car. They were drunk, and they avoided the first car in time. Although there was no direct collision, they still knocked him down. The second one hit his legs, and the third one hit his head..."

Everyone fell silent.

They did not expect that this strong father had survived the pain of losing his wife, the despair caused by his twin sons with cerebral palsy, and ten years of hard times, but he would catch him after get off work after work. Holding two hot dogs, he died under the tires of a luxury car he had spent the night having fun with.

After surviving the suffering, he did not wait for happiness, but went to death.

Xu Qiu finally raised his eyes from the surgical area and looked at the donor's leg.

This was the first time that he focused on an area unrelated to the surgery. Within the area covered by the sterile towel, his legs had long been covered, but Xu Qiu could already imagine the empty trouser legs and the quilt. Crushed flesh and bones.

"Rest in peace." Xu Qiu closed his eyes silently, and when he opened them again, they were sharper than before.

This operation is not just to save Patient No. 1.

It is also to allow the donor’s organs to have a better continuation!

In the second and a half hours of the operation, all three sets of organs were removed.

Without stopping, Xu Qiu immediately rushed to the preparation room to perform preoperative aseptic treatment for the transplant operation.

Twenty minutes later, he quickly entered the transplant operating room.

At this time, the new assistant was already waiting by the operating table.

Mo Wan, Shi Lian and others were also standing in the distance.

The two of them could still help when they were in the hospital, but when they came to Miaoyou Clinic, there was no possibility of being competent assistants in the face of super large operations such as heart, liver and lung transplantation. There is no chance to observe it up close.

"Doctor Xu."

"Doctor Xu."

Everyone in the transplant operating room moved out of the way and watched Xu Qiu arrive at the surgeon's position.

If before, they cooperated with Xu Qiu because of their professional ethics and just rushed to save people, then after hearing about Xu Qiu's surgical ability, they became admired and convinced from the bottom of their hearts.

Although Omid is a genius, only the top brass of the country and the president of Miaoyou Clinic pay attention to him.

For ordinary doctors like them, a person who dares to compete with Omid and shows amazing strength is also worthy of respect! is incredible that Xu Qiu could perform the heart, liver and lung transplant to this extent without any connection with Miaoyou Clinic and without any help from this world's first hospital!


"Prepare for the removal." As soon as Xu Qiu picked up the scalpel, he immediately entered the state.

Before he came in, the assistant had already completed the patient's thoracotomy.

Generally speaking, different surgical teams perform the surgery in the removal and transplantation operating rooms.

Coordination and cooperation between different teams and simultaneous surgery can save a lot of time.

For example, for patient No. 2, after removing the donor's heart, Omid quickly returned to the transplantation operating room and began the first part of the heart, liver and lung transplant.

As for the subsequent double lungs, liver, etc., they were all handed over to the removal team and performed at the same time as the transplantation operating room where Omid performed the surgery.

Before Omid completed the heart transplant, the removal team had theoretically completed the removal of both lungs more than an hour in advance, and had already processed it, so that they could be transported in at any time for seamless double lung transplantation.

After completing the double lung transplant, the removal team also prepared for the liver, which was also seamless...

Omid performed the most important and difficult heart removal and transplantation, and the rest was completed by another surgical team.

However, Xu Qiu only performed the most basic thoracotomy for the surgical team, and even had to hold the knife himself to remove the diseased heart!

"It's outrageous. Omid performed the surgery in both operating rooms at the same time. He only removed one heart, and it took nearly an hour and a half before he started the transplant heart implantation step. When he entered the transplant operating room, the diseased heart had already been removed, so he could just transplant it directly.

"But Xu Qiu completed the removal of the heart, liver, and lungs, and personally removed the patient's diseased heart, which took only two hours and fifty-three minutes in total!"


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