Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 709 Surgery is not a competition, it is a matter of life and death!

"Maybe he really has a chance to catch up with Omid..."

"Impossible, Omid is the first surgical genius of Miaoyou Clinic!"

Many people shook their heads.

Although Xu Qiu has won their respect, he still has a long way to go to catch up with Omid.

So far, all the surgeries added up are just heart resection, double lung resection and liver resection.

These three surgeries have long been clinically mature routine surgeries and are not real technical barriers. The most difficult part of heart, liver and lung combined transplantation is the subsequent donor implantation...

The key to the operation is to replace the three sets of organs with the patient and complete the transplant!

"If there is no more evil genius in the next session, then Xu Qiu will definitely be the champion of the surgery competition. It's a pity that Omid is still here this time, and even the most dazzling genius will be dim."

"Especially in the heart, liver and lung combined transplantation that he is best at..."

"Even the department director of Miaoyou Clinic is not as good as him. Omid may be a little slower in removal, but in the transplantation stage, he is technically overwhelming!"

"After this operation, our dean should make a move. I am very curious, how much money will the top management use to poach Xu Qiu, a million yuan annual salary? Or 1.5 million?"

"Cooperate well, although you can't beat Omid, but Xu Qiu may be the head of the department in the future, and this will be the closest we will be to him!"

Amid the discussion, everyone's expressions also became serious, and they gathered their spirits and focused all their attention on the operation.


Donor heart implantation, one has four steps.

"First is... left atrial anastomosis."

Pictures flashed before Xu Qiu's eyes, and all the details of the operation were engraved in his subconscious.

The assistant held the donor heart and carefully placed it into the patient's empty chest.

There was still a small amount of cold saline gauze padding on the original heart, and the donor heart fell gently on it.

"4-0 polypropylene suture."

As soon as Xu Qiu stretched out his hand, the instrument nurse immediately handed it to him.

Then came the first step of suturing.

The left atrial cut edge of the donor heart's left atrial appendage was matched with the opening of the recipient's left upper pulmonary vein...

Swish, swish, swish--

The curved needle quickly shuttled between the tissues under the pinching of the needle holder and the fingers, and in a moment, it sutured continuously clockwise to the middle of the atrial septum.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, Xu Qiu used the other end of the suture again, gently turned it, and sutured continuously counterclockwise along the top of the atrium, and returned to the middle of the atrial septum again.

Finally, it was tied with the clockwise end...

"How is this possible!"

Cotton, who came later, was shocked.

Everyone in the transplant operating room also had a confused look on their faces, and they had not yet recovered from the shock just now.

Is this the end?

In the blink of an eye, the two reverse sutures were completed!

At first glance, the newly anastomosed heart did not show any traces of sutures, and it completely overlapped with the original heart position!


Xu Qiu did not say much. The left atrium was only the first step, and it was still a long way from completing the combined heart, liver and lung transplant.

The second step - right atrium anastomosis.

The assistant quickly returned to the state. He rotated the donor heart slightly to the right front. At this time, the heart was very close to the normal anatomical position of the heart. At the same time, this was also the position that exposed the right atrium and was most suitable for right atrium anastomosis.

"It's here."

Xu Qiu simply glanced for a few seconds and quickly found the best angle and caliber.

Change to 4-0 polypropylene thread again...

This time, start from the cut edge of the donor's inferior vena cava and the lower right atrium of the recipient's heart, near the corresponding part of the inferior vena cava, suture the posterior wall counterclockwise, then turn to the top, and then go back to the middle of the outer wall of the right atrium...

As for the other end of the suture, start from the lower part of the atrial septum, and suture continuously clockwise to the middle of the outer wall of the right atrium...

Similarly, tie the two ends again, and the right atrium will be firmly integrated into the patient's chest cavity, perfectly connected with the upper and lower veins!

"Next, pulmonary artery anastomosis."

Xu Qiu's eyes are always calm.

At this moment, he has long forgotten that this is a game.

Surgery is surgery, done to save lives, and there is only one purpose-to save the patient on the operating table.

Nothing else matters!

This also made him fully immersed in it. Before his eyes, countless unexpected situations that occurred during the simulation training, as well as a large number of links that could be improved, flashed before his eyes. Inadvertently, the perfect level of heart-liver-lung combined transplantation naturally emerged...


The assistant matched the heart with the patient's recipient's pulmonary artery and was immediately shocked.

The caliber was exactly the same!

Did Xu Qiu consider this while removing the heart and completing the heart modification? !

"Eversion suture method."

Xu Qiu's hand moved again, and the 4-0 polypropylene thread moved quickly under the shadowless lamp, like a gossamer.

First, end-to-end anastomosis was performed in the middle of the posterior wall of the donor heart's pulmonary artery and the recipient's pulmonary artery...

After the suture was tied on the outside of the pulmonary artery wall, another 4-0 polypropylene thread was used to suture the ends along the front center of the same pulmonary artery.

Finally, the front suture was pulled to the left, and the right wall of the pulmonary artery was anastomosed.

The first suture on the left wall was operated in the same way.

Tie the two sutures together, and the pulmonary artery can be firmly anastomosed!

"The last step - aortic anastomosis."


In the operating room of patient No. 2, Omid was also busy with the operation.

"Quick, quick!"

"There can't be any mistakes. I must win this competition."

"I have done the type of patient No. 2 many times. This time, I not only want to break my own record, but also pass with a score of more than 98 points and create a record in the world surgery competition!"

"The triple crown is mine!"

Omid's pupils are focused, and he carefully stares at every detail. His surgical ability has also reached an extreme. He can enter the best surgical state when holding a knife, and rarely makes mistakes, as if he was born for surgery.

The doctors around him all look in admiration.

"Dr. Omid is very motivated!"

"Did you meet an opponent in this competition? I remember that Rahal's surgery is much worse than his. Could it be that Xu Qiu really has the strength to threaten Omid?"

"How is that possible? Omid has never regarded other people as his target. Rahal is not qualified, and Xu Qiu is even more sensational. Dr. Omid is so obsessed with scores, just wanting to create a record - his enemy is himself five years ago!"

"This is not just an operation. It is also a press conference where Omid challenges his limits and announces to the world that he is the god of surgery!"

Omid's mood gradually improved as he listened to the praises in his ears.

Not bad!

In the field of surgery, he has never regarded anyone of his generation as an opponent. The only one who can compare with him is himself five years ago!

It must be a perfect ending. This operation will be regarded as a witness to his entry into the first genius of Miaoyou and become a legend in the surgical world!

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