Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 403: Like to call you Teacher Jiang

The latter was holding his stomach, frowning his eyebrows into a Sichuan pattern, sucking in cold air, "Daughter-in-law..."

He was half-believing, and he just pretended to be like this before, "Come on, my punch is not heavy at all, OK!"

"Hi... just hit the position where your husband was using the knife."

"Huh? Really? Let me see!"

Yannian hurried over to see, as soon as she got closer, she was hugged.

The man with the air-cooled brow furrowed just now, there was still a trace of pain and entanglement on his face, and he was clearly filled with a calculated smile.

Words and words were speechless and looked at the sky, "You really lied to me again!"

Jiang Beiyuan didn't get angry but laughed, looking at the Yan Yuming on the tombstone, his lips curled up, "Dad, your girl is so stupid, who will I not protect in this life?"

"Don't come to this set, I will have a son in the future, let my son protect me!"

Even if it is cheap, he will be good, nestled in Jiang Beiyuan's arms and looked at his clean chin without stubble.

"By the way, Teacher Jiang, you said it's been so long, and you often don't take measures. Why hasn't my stomach moved?"

Hearing that, Jiang Beiyuan's eyes flashed with thoughts, and he was quickly covered by him. He smiled and squeezed her face.

"Alright, don't worry, we are so young."


The wind is cold, it's time to go.

He bent down to carry her.

Yannian suddenly discovered that Jiang Beiyuan liked to recite her as long as she didn't agree with her, and it was the same when she was just married.

This habit is good.

She jumped up unceremoniously.

He is tall, thin, and has a broad back. Yannian saw the back of his head, and a handful of dull hairs on top of his head stood up, showing the remnants of his bones and the unruly debauchery.

Yannian raised his hand to press down the dull hair for him.

Press it down, then lift it up again.

It's been several times and I can't get it anymore.

Jiang Beiyuan turned his eyes slightly: "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, a strand of hair on your head, I want to get it for you, but I can't get it!"

"Forget it if you can't get it."

"Okay, Teacher Jiang."

Yannian smiled and tilted his head.

"I like to call you Teacher Jiang, I feel that Brother Jiang Ting is a little weird."

Or because she didn't find that part of the memory, so she didn't feel like blurted out.

Or because Xu Anqing always likes to call Jiang Beiyuan "Beiyuan Brother", so she doesn't want to call Jiang Beiyuan like that.


Jiang Beiyuan's voice was faint, holding Yannian's legs and lifting her up.

"So far, a woman has passed you on my back."


This guy talked about love, and it was a lot, much more powerful than her routine.

But she will also make routines: "Then you carried the man on your back?"

Hearing that Jiang Beiyuan answered the words without hesitation, "I carried my brother, and I will have a son in the future, maybe I will do it."

"Wow, your brother! You still have a brother!"

The focus of Yan Nian is on his previous sentence.

"What does your brother look like? I never heard you say it!"

"Not as handsome as me."

Jiang Beiyuan's voice was low, but he was too confident.

Saying: "..."

"He goes to school in the United States, and he will be back to Zhicheng at the end of the month. You can meet him."

"Okay, I will take him to take a good tour of the scenic spots in our city!"

After all, he is Jiang Beiyuan's younger brother, so she can't neglect.

Jiang Beiyuan: "He only came back for two days, and he left when he was done."

"What are you doing?"


However, Jiang Beiyuan didn't answer this question.

He has always had an idea in his heart, and this idea is so deep, it often takes a long time before Yannian can discover the abacus he made at the beginning.


The two returned to Funan Villa.

The sky is already gloomy.

There was no light in the room and it was pitch black.

As soon as he entered the door, Yan Nian was about to turn on the light, but Jiang Beiyuan pressed on the door.

He clasped her wrist with one hand and raised it above his head.

Deep kiss.

Yannian closed her eyes.


There were two dog barks in my ears, and perhaps this scene of you and me irritated Xiao Yuli below.

Yan Nian reacted suddenly and pushed Jiang Beiyuan away from him.

"Yu Li is watching!"

Jiang Beiyuan didn't say a word, and when he lifted her up sideways, his eyesight was also very good in the dark, and he walked in the direction of the master bedroom.

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