Doctor Jiang’s Beloved Sweetheart

Chapter 404: Uninvited guests arrive


Yuli also had good eyesight in the dark, and Baba followed Jiang Beiyuan.


The distance of a door separates the two worlds.

Xiaoyu squatted her mouth, and lay down on the ground and whimpered twice in dissatisfaction.


Early the next morning.

Jiang Beiyuan woke up very early, looking at the little woman lying in his arms sleeping soundly.

She was undressed, nestled in her arms like a cat, with a small circle of black green under her eyes.

He smiled lightly but gently, raised his hand, and his slender hand touched her face subconsciously.

Xu felt itching, and Yannian couldn't flick away his moving hands.

"Mr. Jiang, stop making trouble..."

Jiang Beiyuan laughed.

Because she has a dumb voice.

Yannian snorted, grabbed the quilt and put it on his face, and continued to fall asleep.

Of course she has a hoarse voice. She called "Brother Jiang Ting", "Teacher Jiang" and "husband, good husband" so many times last night.

Even at the end, she even called the Xianggong.

I felt that the names I couldn't say in my life were called out.

Jiang Beiyuan laughed at the top of his wife's exposed hair and touched her little mushroom-like head.

He is in a good mood today.

I believe she is the same.

Doorbell rang.

It rang several times.

A shrewd calculation flashed through Jiang Beiyuan's eyes, and he got up to put on clothes and a watch.

The doorbell is still ringing non-stop.

Yan Nian was so noisy that she couldn't sleep, she poked her head out of the quilt, "Who? It's a disturbing dream early in the morning!"

"I went to see."

Jiang Beiyuan patted her on the head, motioning her to be safe and restless.

"You continue to sleep, you can come out in half an hour."


Yan Nian didn't say more, and went back to sleep.

Jiang Beiyuan walked out of the bedroom.

Slender fingers buttoned the shirt in front of him.

It's early winter, and Ke Funan Villa has room temperature all year round, so even if you only wear a shirt at home, you won't feel cold.

The warm sun in winter was particularly bright, falling to the ground through the window lattice, cutting away the slender shadow, from far to near.

Jiang Beiyuan opened the door.

Looking at the people outside, his cold and deep eyes did not fluctuate. It seemed that he had expected the person outside to be his mother:

Pei Jinling.

"Are you getting up so late?"

Pei Jinling walked in with her arms in her arms, followed by a young woman.

The woman is tall, glamorous and enchanting.

It's Zhou Rui.

"I ran into Minister Zhou on the way here. She said that she was here to find you, and we both came over together."

Pei Jinling said, pulling Zhou Rui in by herself.

Jiang Beiyuan was expressionless, his eyes fell on Zhou Rui.

Zhou Rui looked into his deep eyes, her heart beat twice, and she smiled and said:

"That's it. I don't know why, the old Dong of the Xu Group suddenly started to suppress Jiang's. The previous cooperation with Jiang's was withdrawn. The ministers of the company couldn't contact you, so they sent me to ask you. What to do with this matter."

"I came here today to talk about this with you too!"

Pei Jinling sat down on the sofa in Jiang Beiyuan's living room and looked around.

This is the first time she has come to Jiang Beiyuan's new home, and it is really good, much better than the decoration of Wenyuan Pavilion before.

It's a pity that she can't live in this house for a long time. Just as Jiang Beiyuan said before, she was afraid of Jiang Guoteng, for fear that Jiang Guoteng would discover her activities.

"I don't know what you did to An Qing. Now she is crying and returning to Xu's house. The old man Xu Shengli was furious and said he wanted to oust you. Your dad also knows this. I guess he will be back tonight. Come to Zhicheng, ask your attitude!"

"I have no attitude."

Jiang Beiyuan sat opposite Pei Jinling, with his hands folded behind him, with a lazy posture and a lazy temperament.

"It doesn't matter how you please."

"It doesn't matter? What are you talking about?!"

Pei Jinling took a deep breath, her eyes full of anger.

"What if your dad gets angry and really impeaches you?"

"Madam, President Jiang, I'm sorry, please allow me to break in."

Standing on the side, Zhou Rui opened her mouth and handed it over with a portfolio in her hand.

"Mr. Jiang, you were not at the company yesterday afternoon. This is a solution discussed by several of our ministers. Now even if the Xu Group is preparing to divest, we still have a way out. You can consider the opinions of our ministers."

Jiang Beiyuan did not reach out to take it.

Zhou Rui was not annoyed, and put herself on the sofa in front of him.

Pei Jinling looked at Zhou Rui with appreciation in her eyes.

She knows Zhou Rui's ability to work. Jiang's sales department's performance is the first consecutive year, and it is inseparable from her.

I heard that she was from a good family. She was a returnee and her parents were doing business abroad all year round. However, Zhou Rui did not rely on her parents. After graduation, she took the initiative to come to Zhicheng to work hard. She was a woman with a lot of personality and ability.

Pei Jinling felt quite satisfied.

After all, the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family is not the only candidate for Xu Anqing.

As long as it's not just words, other women, who have status, status and ability, can accept it.


Xu Anqing suddenly hooked up with Wen Yu, and heard that something shameless had happened.

In fact, she can no longer accept Xu Anqing as her daughter-in-law.

Only a good and clean woman can be worthy of her son.

Thinking about this, Pei Jinling hooked her mouth and smiled and looked at Jiang Beiyuan with a cold face.

"Bei Yuan, Minister Zhou has a good work ability and is always considerate of the company. I heard that Minister Zhou also studied in the UK before. You two should be well-"

Before finishing speaking, the bedroom door suddenly opened...

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