Chu Xian is not afraid of confronting Mist Shinobi head-on, but he is afraid that the other party will play tricks, such as the tactic of seven ninjas stealing the house.

If it weren't for a mighty Dai, their stealing tactics would have been successful and would definitely have caused considerable damage to Konoha.

Go back to the camp and look at a map of the Genin world.

Chu Xian speculates that the seven ninjas may have taken a fast boat, bypassed the country of tea, and landed in the south of the country of fire after a long circle.

"It is possible to send a small group of elite troops around to the south for a sneak attack."

Chu Xian told Minato his guess, and the other party nodded in agreement.

Minato thought for a while and said: "Then we have to send an elite army to the south to garrison.

Chu Xian said: "I'll go, anyway, you can handle this place by yourself."

Minato shook his head and said: "No, I'll go. Your ninjutsu is more suitable for large-scale battles, and my mobility is stronger. In case of a wrong judgment, I can support from both sides.

Chu Xian has a Summoning snake like Yamata no Orochi, as well as the five elements escape technique.

Large-scale combat is definitely a super killer.

Minato felt ashamed.

"no problem."

Chu Xian thought to himself: Actually, I am also very mobile.

"The coastline in the south is not short. If you bring dozens of people there, you probably won't be able to defend it."

Minato said distressedly.

"Master Chu Xian, Master Minato."

At this time, a ninja next to him said: "We raise a lot of seabirds as Summoning beasts, and they can help patrol the coastline."

Chu Xian looked at each other.

The name of this person is Sho Ono, and he belongs to a small family of Konoha, who is good at raising birds.

Sho Ono has been stationed by the sea all year round and is familiar with the situation here.

"Seabird, how is the efficiency?"

Minato asked.

"When there were no seabirds before, the Mist Shinobi almost came and left whenever they wanted. Now they come ten times, and they can be found three or four times.

Sho Ono said.

Both Chu Xian and Minato were a little surprised, could it be that Aiyin came here often.

Seeing that the two of them didn't understand, Ono Sho thought to himself: Sure enough, the sons of the rich and powerful came to plate the gold, and he didn't even know the basic situation of the seaside.

In fact, Chu Xian and Minato were wronged. Hokage didn't pay attention to Kirigakure at all, and didn't tell them these basic things.

Ono Xiang didn't dare to offend the two princes, so he explained to them.

"The most common people on the sea are pirates. Mist Shinobi ninjas often disguise themselves as pirates and come to the border of our country of fire to plunder. They don't want territory, they only rob property, and quickly withdraw to the sea when they succeed."

"In the past, we didn't have seabirds to patrol, so we could only let them wreak havoc on the border. Now that we have them, we can deter them and shorten the time they spend looting.

"But it is almost impossible to completely solve this problem."

Ono Sho was a little frustrated.

In addition to seabirds, there is also a joint defense team composed of civilians.

After hearing this, Chu Xian thought to himself: No wonder they sent this group of people. It is estimated that Third Generation didn't intend to prevent Mist Shinobi at all, and at worst let them loot.

Anyway, Mist Shinobi doesn't want land, so it can't affect the core interests of Fire Nation.

After all, Konoha Village's power is limited, and most of them went to the border of the Three Kingdoms of Fengtulei.

Confronting three countries at the same time is already quite difficult.

We can only suffer from the seaside residents.

"If you want to solve this problem completely, you can't do it blindly. You can only attack actively."

Chu Xian said.

"It's not that easy. Battles at sea are different from those on land. The sea is unpredictable, the water is deep and the waves are rough. Once the ship is destroyed, even Jōnin may drown and die of thirst."

Sho Ono said.

A big waterfall Technique can flood the peach fields like that again.

And the waves on the sea are much more powerful than the Great Waterfall Technique, and they are endless.

Even in bad weather, Jōnin is no match for the forces of nature.

Not to mention Chūnin Genin.

In addition, Kirigakure is good at Water Style, using Water Style at sea, the power will increase by more than ten times.

Konoha Village did not dare to fight a naval battle with them.

"The sea is full of water, how can you die of thirst.

Minato asked a low-level question.

"Because seawater is salty, the more you drink, the thirstier you will be."

Sho Ono said.

"Uh, that's how it turned out."

Minato scratched his head in embarrassment.

Then Sho Ono talked about a lot of knowledge and experience in naval warfare, which was an eye-opener for both of them.

It turned out that Konoha Village had fought a naval battle before, but suffered heavy losses.

It is not easy to build ships. After destroying some ships, there is no funds to continue building them.

In the end, it can only be passive defense.

"Understood, our task is to hold down Mist Shinobi as much as possible, reduce losses, and wait until the other battlefields are victorious. 17

Minato said.

"This should be."

Xiang Xiaoye thought to himself: Although these two young people have great backgrounds, they listen to lectures with an open mind and have strong comprehension skills. They are not ordinary second-generation ancestors.

……ask for flowers……

So much relieved.

"Chu Xian, I brought forty people there, what do you think?"

Minato said.

"You can take half of it.

Chu Xian said.

"It's still more important here. Forty-five is enough for me."

Minato is also very confident in his ability.

Then he selected forty-five men to go to the southern coastline.

Among them were several members of the Ono family, who brought a lot of Summoning birds with them.

Chu Xian was still looking at the map, thinking about how to attack.

Blind defense is not his style.

Not to mention meritorious deeds, the key is to be aggrieved, why should you endure it if you have the strength.

After some observation, Chu Xian discovered that there are two island chains from the Land of Fire to the Land of Water.


One is from the country of waves, and the other is from the country of vortex.

If you start from the Kingdom of Waves, it will be more troublesome to cooperate with the Kingdom of Waves.

The country of Uzumaki is the country that used to be Uzumaki Village. After losing Ninja Village, it has become a vassal of the Country of Fire.

The island chain on the Vortex Country side is denser and more suitable as an offensive route.

But at the same time, the Kingdom of Water must have deployed heavy defenses on these islands, and it would take a lot of time to fight them one by one.

Only a few of the larger islands are shown on the map.

In fact, there are thousands of small islands in this area, as well as Dahuang Island Reef.

Hydrology is complex, climate change falls.

As for the boat issue.

"If I take First Generation Summoning out and build a ship in Wood Style, it should be fine.

"I don't know if First Generation will build a ship."

Chu Xian thought to himself.

It doesn't matter if you don't, let First Generation make some good wood suitable for shipbuilding, saving materials and handling costs.

The most expensive part of building a wooden boat is materials and handling.

It would be more efficient if First Generation directly formed the wood into the desired shape and let the boatmen put it together.

But First Generation seems unwilling to intervene in worldly affairs, and it is not good to disturb him frequently.

As a person with a sense of proportion, Chu Xian decided to find a way by himself first.

If you can't solve it, call Senju Hashirama again.

"If I lead a small group of elite raiders, I don't need a boat, and I can just let Yamata no Orochi lead them there."

Chu Xian thought of another way.

A rough attack plan slowly emerged in his mind. .

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