Doctor Ninjutsu? My Grandmaster Has More Than 10,000 Ninjutsu

Doctor Ninjutsu? My Grandmaster Has More Than 10,000 Ninjutsu


105 Chapters Ongoing Status


Chu Xian traveled to the world of Hokage and awakened the evil ninjutsu talent.

You can learn any ninjutsu just by looking at it.

It is possible to deduce ordinary ninjutsu to S level.

False Ninjutsu Doctor: Spray a few small fireballs, then Summoning the Ape Demon, turning into a Golden Cudgel for melee.

A real doctor of ninjutsu: Master Yin-Yang Dun, Five Elements Ninjutsu, and integrate them into Magnet Style, Lan Dun, Lava Style, Dust Dun and other blood-successor boundaries.

Master hundreds of S-level ninjutsu, thousands of A-level ninjutsu, and more than 10,000 other ninjutsu.

There are also space ninjutsu such as Summoning, Flying Thunder God, and portals.


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