Doctor Ninjutsu? My Grandmaster Has More Than 10,000 Ninjutsu

Chapter 96 Use Of The Flying Thunder God Trap

Orochimaru people are in Sanban Island, and there are cronies in Konoha, who are paying attention to the Konoha Village.

Knowing that Chu Xian had handed in more than a thousand ninjutsu, he was also shocked: our reserve ninjutsu is only more than a thousand, this kid probably handed in all of them, and he didn't discuss it with me.

Orochimaru suddenly couldn't figure it out, how could Chu Xian do such a thing, could he also be brainwashed by the will of fire?

So he immediately returned to Konoha Village in person and came to Chu's house.

"Teacher, don't you want to ask me about ninjutsu?"

Chu Xian immediately guessed his purpose.

"Then my worries should be unnecessary."

Orochimaru said.

"I handed in a total of 1047 ninjutsu, of which 412 are from Konoha Village, and 582 are from Kirigakure. They are all five-element escapism below B level, and yin-yang escapism, sealing, and special secrets. One was not handed in." "Two Forty Zero"

"Ten A-level ninjutsu and four S-level ninjutsu are..."

Chu Xian explained.

"It doesn't matter that much."

Orochimaru breathed a sigh of relief, and seemed to be more rational.

Even if the more than 500 Mist Shinobi ninjutsu are not handed over, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo will slowly find them from Kirigakure.

It is nothing more than spending some time.

After hearing Chu Xian's reason for handing over his ninjutsu, Yin Snake agreed.

Since Sarutobi Hiruzen knew about his theft of ninjutsu, it would be good to give Konoha Village some compensation in exchange for the disappearance of this incident.

Orochimaru doesn't care about those low-level ninjutsu that only have simple form changes.

Such as Fireball, Great Fireball, Fire Beam, Fire Snake, Fire Cloud, Fire Whirlwind, Fire Furnace, etc. Chu Xian can create one of these form changes at will.

As long as Chu Xian is willing, he can create fire bulls, fire horses, fire lions, swords, guns, swords, halberds and other forms.

Lack of advanced Nature Transformation, it is not very useful.

Of course, this is for dry Elite Jōnin.

If you are a middle Genin, you can master a kind of fire whirlwind, and the ninjutsu in the form of a fire snake is not bad.

"There are very few people who can learn those four S-level ninjutsu. The most valuable ones should be the ten A-level ninjutsu."

Orochimaru also has a good eye.

These ten A-level ninjutsu are very practical, and the learning difficulty is not very high. Elite Jōnin should be able to learn them all.

Once you learn a few of these ninjutsu, your strength can be greatly improved.

"It's our reward for learning First Generation and Second Generation ninjutsu."

Chu Xian said.

"First Generation and Second Generation, I also respect these two adults. Unfortunately, after Teacher Sarutobi took office, some changes have taken place in Konoha Village. Their contribution is far less than that of First Generation and Second Generation, and they ask for much more resources."

Orochimaru chuckled.

"It's okay, let them learn. They stay in the office all day and learn. It's useless. Power makes them and restrains them."

Chu Xian said calmly.

"Since you know this truth, why do you still want to be a consultant?"

Orochimaru said.

"It's like I learned the Flying Thunder God Technique, but I won't indulge in the Flying Thunder God Technique."

Chu Xian said.

"That's true, with your talent, it's impossible to be bound in this narrow place."

Orochimaru smiled slightly.

Seeing that Chu Xian was still sober, he was relieved.

After chatting for a few more words, Orochimaru left and returned to Sanban Island to continue the experiment.

After those families learned of this incident, they all felt incredible.

Uchiha Qingto immediately started to spray: "Chu Xian is an idiot, handing over so many ninjutsu, just change to a bullshit consultant, he is so stupid.

The patriarchs of Ino–Shika–Chō were astonished and confused: “What the hell is this Chu Xian thinking, mastering so many ninjutsu, and want our secret technique.”

Hyuga Clan: More than a thousand ninjutsu, that's a lot, it's a pity we can't learn ninjutsu.

The opinions of the villagers are different, but on the surface, everyone still praises this approach [and also recognizes Chu Xian's status as a consultant.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't let this matter occupy the headlines for too long, and soon announced his plan to march on the Land of Earth.

As soon as this plan came out, people's hearts were immediately boosted.

"It's finally time to attack!"

"It's long overdue to attack and get those damn Rock Shinobi out."

"I heard that there are many mountains in the Land of Earth, and Rock Shinobi is very good at Earth Style, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack."

"Master Hokage dares to attack, there should be a way."

"I hope I can defeat the Land of Earth..."

Although Konoha Village has not been attacked yet, but from time to time, they hear that the Rock Shinobi ninjas are going deep into the hinterland and approaching the village, and they also hope to launch a counterattack.

No one likes enemies milling around their doorstep.

Since the frontline troops have been fighting hard for a long time and need to rest, the counterattack plan is scheduled for three months later...

During this period, Konoha Village began to save food and reorganize its staff.

Sarutobi Hiruzen did not intend to hide the attack plan, because he had already thought of an attack line that Iwagakure would never have thought of.

After Iwagakure learned of this plan, he should suspend the offensive and go back to prepare for the defense.

This will also make it easier for the frontline troops.

On a forest path, dozens of Rock Shinobi ninjas are moving with large scrolls on their backs.

These large scrolls are specially used to transport munitions and food.

There are various ninja tools, samurai swords, detonating charms, army food pills and so on.

They didn't notice that there were branches of special kunai planted in the grass on both sides of the road ahead.

Namikaze Minato is hiding behind a big tree in the distance.

When all Rock Shinobi ninjas step into the kunai formation, he immediately activates the kunai art.


More than thirty Rock Shinobi ninjas flashed before their eyes, and all disappeared in place.

When they regained their sight, they found themselves in a deep pit.

"what happened!"

The Rock Shinobi ninjas realized they were in an ambush, but they had never encountered such an ambush.

Looking up, I saw some Konoha Shinobi above the pit, who had already thrown many ninja detonators into the pit.


The Rock Shinobi ninjas had no chance to resist at all, so they were all buried in the deep pit.

Looking at the Rock Shinobi ninja in the deep pit, Namikaze Minato smiled 4.5: "This Flying Thunder God trap is really useful, as long as it is arranged in advance, almost no one can avoid it."

These Rock Shinobi ninjas are all elites, and ordinary traps can't be hidden from each other.

But the Flying Thunder God trap only needs to plant some kunai nearby. The kunai are buried deep in the ground and covered by dense vegetation, so the enemy can't see them at all.

The speed of launching this trap is only a split second, and when the enemy realizes that they have been ambushed, it is already too late.

"It's really useful. Since using this tactic, our losses have been greatly reduced."

Sarutobi Chisato said.

Their mission is to penetrate behind enemy lines and attack Iwagakure's grain transportation.

This is a very dangerous task, and they have suffered a lot in the past.

Since Sarutobi Hiruzen sent the Flying Thunder God trap ninjutsu, Namikaze Minato studied hard and quickly mastered the usage.

Then their losses plummeted. .

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