Since Mist Shinobi formed an alliance with Cloud Shinobi, they also launched raids on the Fire Nation.

This is Kirigakure's old tactic, the smoothest to play.

However, Chu Xian has the fewest men under his command, unable to defend the more than 3,000-kilometer coastline.

The ninjas rushed to support after receiving the news, and were ambushed by the Mist Shinobi ninja, which caused a lot of losses at first.

Although Chu Xian is strong, it is impossible to run around.

He is not so diligent, playing peek-a-boo all the time.

So he didn't make any moves at all, only Summoning hundreds of snakes, and asked one of his subordinates to take one to act.

Summoning snakes have the ability to sense heat and can detect most ambushes.

In addition, Chu Xian also developed the tactic of Snake Summoning Snake.

It is to set the Summoning spell on the snake. Once it cannot be defeated, the snake can also Summon the snake to help.

Such a significant increase in Genin's combat effectiveness.

It also helps Jōnin a lot.

Gradually recovered some of the decline.

Summoning Snake can bring wounded soldiers back to Ryūchi Cave at critical moments, reducing the burden on the team.

After Yakushi Nonoyu sensed it, he directly Summoned to the wounded barracks.

Almost all wounded soldiers can be treated immediately.

Significantly increased the recovery rate.

Yakushi Nonoyu was originally on a seaside survey of the port, but Chu Xian thought it would be okay to hand over the commercial work to someone else, so he transferred her to work in the wounded barracks.

Chu Xian himself often visits the wounded barracks.

He saved some seriously injured and dying ninjas, and immediately won the gratitude of the wounded soldiers, as well as the admiration of the 593 medical ninjas.


With the support of Chu Xian, many ninjas entered the wounded barracks several times, came out alive and quickly participated in the battle.

So although his number is small, his demobilization rate is extremely high.

Many rookie ninjas entered the wounded barracks several times, and quickly became experienced veterans.

Uchiha Obito, for example, has come in eight times.

He was bluffing at the beginning, but now he has become a calm ninja.

In this way, although Chu Xian did not fight, he still won the respect and support of his subordinates.

Many subordinates even felt that a boss like Chu Xian was better.

"Chu Xian, save him."

At this time, Minato teleported directly to the wounded barracks with a seriously injured Jōnin.

Seeing Chu Xian now, Minato was overjoyed.

"Hizashi-kun, long time no see."

Chu Xian greeted the injured and quickly checked his injuries.

Hyuga Hizashi was shocked by Lightning Style, and part of his body was burned inside and out.

Then he was hit by Water Style again, and a lot of bones were broken, and his internal organs were damaged.

When he saw Chu Xian, a difficult smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't even speak.

"The injury is not serious. Even if it is cured, it will probably lose the ninja qualification."

Chu Xian said (cdcd).

"No way, isn't your medical ninjutsu very strong?"

Namikaze Minato said.

Hyuga Hizashi's expression also changed, and he begged Chu Xian with his eyes, hoping that he could keep his own strength.

"All internal organs have been electrocuted and must be removed, and the removal of internal organs will inevitably affect breathing and blood functions."

Chu Xian explained.

While speaking, he had activated the Chakra Scalpel to cut off those parts of Hyuga Hizashi that were electrocuted.

His technique is very good, no more points, no less.

Then quickly heal the wound with Healing Jutsu.

Finally, use purification techniques to clean the inside and outside of the body to expel all the dirt.

Under his treatment, within ten minutes, Hyuga Hizashi felt much more comfortable.

Breathe well and can speak.

"Hizashi-kun, it's all my negligence, otherwise you wouldn't be hurt so badly."

Minato blamed himself.

Compared to Chu Xian assisting the whole team, Minato chose the way of hardworking people.

He gave all his subordinates a Flying Thunder God Kunai, once he found the enemy, he would teleport to help immediately.

Only in this way, Minato not only consumed a lot, but also quickly exhausted his spirit.

In one battle, Minato was mentally weak due to insufficient Chakra, Flying Thunder God Technique made a mistake, and did not cooperate well with Hyuga Hizashi.

This caused Hyuga Hizashi to be hit by Lightning Style from Black Hoe Thunder Fang.

Black Hoe Rai Ya is the owner of the first generation of Ninja Sword Seven Ninjas and Rai Dao.

"It's not your fault, you've tried your best."

Hyuga Hizashi is very understanding, he knows it's not Minato's fault.

If you want to say whose fault it is, it's because the superiors didn't pay attention to this side and didn't send enough people over.

As a result, they can only fight with overload.

Among them, Minato has repeatedly exceeded the limit load, and it is very rare to be able to persist for such a long time.

"Don't be so sad. For ordinary medical ninjas, such injuries cannot be cured, but it is not difficult for me."

Chu Xian said with a smile.

"I knew that Mr. Chu Xian would definitely be able to handle it."

Hyuga Hizashi suddenly smiled.

Minato also cheered up.

Then Minato just lay down and fell asleep.

Seeing this, Hyuga Hizashi shook his head and said with a smile: "Minato-kun is working too hard, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to hold on."

Chu Xian said: "Seeing him work so hard, even I am a little ashamed."

Hyuga Hizashi said: "You two are different, but both are good commanders. If I were to choose, I would rather fight with you."

Rationally speaking, Chu Xian's approach is more effective in improving the morale and combat effectiveness of the entire army.

But Minato had more moments of brilliance.

"It's the same as everyone else, it's all for Konoha."

Chu Xian chuckled.

Then he activates Sage Art. Healing Jutsu to regenerate Hizashi's internal organs.

This is Sage Art activated in normal state.

Like a magician, while performing the spell, directly manipulate the natural energy into the spell.

This is even harder than Sage Mode, but it can be used anytime.

Chu Xian accidentally developed this trick when he was researching the permanent refinement technique Chakra.

Not only saves Chakra, but also works especially well after Healing Jutsu infused with natural energy.

It took only six or seven minutes for Hizashi's injuries to fully regenerate.

"It's amazing, it's a miracle."

Hyuga Hizashi felt a healthier body than before, and couldn't help admiring again and again, thanking: "Mr. Chu Xian, thank you so much."

"Don't thank me, fight hard, come to me if you are injured."

Chu Xian said.

"Then please."

Hyuga Hizashi gave him a straight ninety-degree bow.

Seeing that the people of the Hyuga clan are so respectful, other medical ninjas are also honored.

Chu Xian just waved his hand and went to treat other ninjas.

"Brother, the Healing Jutsu you used just now is very powerful, can you teach me.

Yakushi Nonoyu worships authentic.

"This is difficult to learn, you must first learn the Sage Mode of Ryūchi Cave."

Chu Xian said.

"Have to learn that first, okay."

Yakushi Nonoyu tried to learn Sage Mode, but failed, it was Chu Xian who saved her, otherwise she would have been eaten by Snake Lady.

Chu Xian rescued several seriously injured ninjas.

These ninjas were dying a moment ago, but ten minutes later, they can move freely and join the battle again.

Such a therapeutic effect has won wide acclaim, and it has also given great encouragement and courage to the ninjas.

Suddenly, Chu Xian received a message from the Summoning snake.

"I have to leave first."

Chu Xian said to Yakushi Nonoyu.


Yakushi Nonoyu Kaidō.

Then Chu Xian left the wounded barracks.

Go to a place where no one is there, use the Summoning snake, and come to Orochimaru.

When Orochimaru saw him coming, he didn't speak, and showed him the summation letter written by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

After Chu Xian read the summation letter, he was silent for a while, always feeling that this situation and this scene seemed familiar.

It's like learning it in some history book. .

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