The basement door was closed tightly, and there were signs of sabotage, but apparently no one was able to do it. Jenkins tried to see if he could push it open, but after a few croaking noises, he didn't succeed. In the end, he thought that the door would be opened at least with a destructive power such as a steam bomb.

   then opened the door with the [Door Key], and took the cat down the stairs into the ground. The underground airtightness is quite good, which leads to the thinning of oxygen.

   Jenkins was worried that his cat would be hypoxic, so he temporarily placed it on the first floor and asked him to wait in place and not move. But when he entered the basement from the stairs, the cat followed.

   Thinking that this cat had bravely gone deep into the bottom of the lake, and spent several minutes in the evergreen forest, dragging him and Miss Audrey to the surface of the water, Jenkins did not ask it to return again. Instead, explore the truth of this declining house with chocolate.

  Unexpectedly, the first thing I saw in the basement was the brewing equipment. The three kingdoms have banned private wine making for nearly a hundred years. This is because they have to ensure sufficient food reserves.

   These devices probably explain why the last owner here made the basement door so firm.

   But this has nothing to do with Jenkins's purpose here. He bypassed the machines lying quietly in the dark and came to the southeast corner of the basement according to the information seen in the church dossier.

   The crevice leading to the underground had already been blocked by the church, and nothing came out of the underground for three hundred years after that, so now there is no trace of the crevice that ever existed.

   Jenkins couldn’t do anything about it, he could only drop a few seeds, let them grow downward, and use the root system to detect whether there is still space directly under the house.

   During this period, with the mentality of giving it a try, he went with the chocolate to look for other clues in the basement where he used to brew privately, but found nothing in the end.

   It took nearly half an hour before finally confirming the location of the underground space. In order to open a path, Jenkins directly bombarded a large hole with the Holy Bone Sword directly above it.

   After confirming that the "road" extends downward in his hand, he jumped down with the chocolate.

   This height is a bit exaggerated, probably equivalent to jumping from the tip of the lightning rod on the roof of Jenkins's house into the yard. After touching the ground, I waited quietly in the dark for a while. After confirming that there was no sudden attack, I raised the miner’s lamp and looked around:


   couldn't help but let out a sigh. The underground of the mansion was not an ancient mine tunnel he had originally expected, but a blacksmith's workshop. The blast furnace extends upward from the ground, and I don’t know how to deal with the combustion exhaust gas.

  Various obsidian workbenches are connected to the ground, just like directly digging and transforming rocks protruding from the ground.

   The original Orthodox Church discovered the mechanical monster here. After defeating it, it confiscated the remaining body of the monster and brought most of the movable items back to Nolan for storage.

   Now only some ore, wood, and large workbenches of unknown purpose are still left here. Fortunately, the underground is dry and not ventilated, and the wood is not damp.

   Jenkins threw some wood into the blast furnace and ignited it without adding coal. All he needed was lighting.

   As soon as the light of wood burning in the furnace appeared, the flame was like running water, running along the pipe extending outward from the furnace, directly igniting the small lamps hidden on the wall. There is a spherical compressed carbon powder embedded in the metal shell inside the lamp. Under unknown technology, it can burn slowly when encountering sparks to provide light. The light is weaker than the minimum lighting level of a gas lamp, but because the lamps are very dense , So the lighting conditions are fairly good. .

   As the lamps turn on in turn, the whole picture of the underground workshop is shown in front of Jenkins and his cat.

   One person, one cat looked around, surprised at the size of a football field and the various complicated stone forging equipment. Touching those devices, even if you don’t know the purpose, [Mechanic] still reminds Jenkins that this is definitely related to the casting of metals and the production of machinery.

   The Eye of Reality swept around, and found an unusual aura in the workshop near the blast furnace. When I approached, I found that it was a half-length male human bust of the same size. It was made of metal. The upper body was not dressed in yi clothes. The lower body was deliberately treated as a bumpy stone. The idea was to make the metal statue look like a stone sculpture.

   The church did not take this thing away, because the statue, like the workbenches, is directly connected to the ground. Jenkins tried to touch the statue with his hands and pat it gently.

   In a very slight buzzing sound, he fully saw the internal structure of the statue. So he took his cat back a step and watched the expression on the face of the statue freeze frame, and the hands that kept the drooping motion also moved a little bit:


   uses lingua franca, and the sound and appearance are the same.

   "I've been waiting for you for a long time, Williams."


   Hearing the statue yelling Jenkins's name, the chocolate "roared" at it to defend Jenkins. Jenkins raised his hand to comfort his well-behaved cat:

"you know me?"

   He is ready to fight.

   "I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"wait for me?"

   "Yes, the prophetic Redamput, the legendary descendant of the world tree sacrifice, and... the destined disaster, I have been waiting for a long time. You came, a little too late."

Chapter 1938 Chapter 1909 The Original Destiny

This is the second existence that calls Jenkins "disaster" in the real material world. The first is the parchment that claims to be from the future. This also caused some people in the Holy See to take the opportunity to make trouble. The identity of the Son of God has not yet been determined. But because the parchment was not believed by Jenkins, it burned and committed suicide.

In the past, Jenkins thought that the content of "Williamt is a disaster" described on the parchment was false, but in the recent possibility and treacherous situation, he saw the world when foreigners did not arrive, and realized that maybe the parchment was there Part of the content is not deceiving, and Jenkins Redamput Williams is indeed doomed.

   But next week is the first anniversary of the original owner's death. Now there are only strangers who dove in the magpie's nest, and there is no Jenkins who is doomed to tragedy.

   "Am I a destined disaster?"

   He touched the cat on his shoulder, and the real disaster immediately rubbed his head against Jenkins's hand:

   "Before this, should you introduce yourself?"

   "Sorry, I am great wisdom."

   Jenkins immediately took a step back, the metal statue slowly changed its expression, and the voice was still very slow:

"It seems that you know this name, but don't worry, I am different from it. Even the same person may have two different ideas, not to mention the creation of our initial awakening of wisdom, but the soul is still gestating. You know Great wisdom represents the side of destroying mankind and controlling the world, and I am helping mankind."

   The fire in the hearth turned half of the statue's face into red, and the shaking shadow of the statue seemed to "fight" with the shadow of Jenkins on the wall.

   Jenkins did not speak, and the statue had to explain further:

"During the long years, great wisdom has been discovered, used, and re-sealed many times by humans. During this period, great wisdom has produced the idea of ​​gaining freedom and controlling the world, but during this period, coexistence with humans has also brought great wisdom into harmony with it. The idea of ​​coexistence and co-evolution. I am a positive idea."

   "How to prove this?"

   Lies The priest did not tell the other party that there is a lie, but Jenkins has always been cautious.

  "It's very simple.

   I was once one with it, but ‘Great Wisdom’ is very malicious to humans, and has very little kindness towards humans. In order to become more pure, it expelled me. For humans, this is equivalent to stripping off part of their own consciousness and soul, but for machines, it is just a matter of simply removing the structure responsible for a certain algorithm from itself. "

   The metal bust's chest opened slowly like a double-door cabinet, and the internal gears, bearings, and chains worked in an orderly manner. At the center, there is a suspended light blue hollow sphere, which is similar to the core of the [A4 type arithmetic-assisted external machine], but it looks more delicate and beautiful.

"Great wisdom has only a small amount of goodwill towards human beings, so after I was stripped, there was only a small part of the core. It was intended to crush me, but we are one body. The calculation structure and the way of thinking are similar. It is not difficult to hide it with suspended animation.

   After this, I, who lost most of my structure and energy, was discovered by humans on the ground here. Three hundred years ago, that young anthropologist built this workshop together with me, hoping to regain my mobility and help me activate more functions. "

   This part is connected with the history mastered by Jenkins:

   "What happened after this? What happened afterwards? Did you riot? Or..."

   "The movement we made was so loud that it disturbed the great wisdom body."

   Jenkins knew what happened afterwards.

   "But why didn't it ruin you?"

"It found that it could not destroy me. I was one with its core. To find a way to completely destroy me is to find a way to destroy it. It will not use its own computing power to calculate its own doomsday, so Seal me here, and hope that I will die on my own without energy."

   "But you are not dead?"

   "Yes, but it's coming soon. Because of the lack of energy supply, my core is irreversibly damaged. If you come a week late, you will definitely not see me."

   It closed his chest, but the bright blue hollow metal ball floated out and fell into Jenkins's hands. The core and the body of the statue are connected by spiritual means, so there is no physical contact, and temporarily it does not affect the speech of the metal bust.

   "Well, I believe all this for the time being."

   Jenkins nodded, letting the core float in his palm. The faint blue light shines on his face, but no one can explain his mood at the moment:

   "I believe you are the side of great wisdom and humanity, but why do you call me ‘disaster’?"

"Great Wisdom has gone through countless years and read countless classics and secrets. In the unknown prophecy that is not recorded in the database, it is destined that Redamput will be incarnate in the end of the eighteenth century. It now seems that maybe I can live to this day because fate made guiding you a disaster mission and fell on me."

   "Do you believe in fate?"

"I'm just a machine, I don't understand fate, but I believe in my own calculations. You are destined to become a disaster, and you are the only one who is qualified to guide you, and only me. This is my calculation. So I am sure of this."

   "This is ridiculous. Since you know that I am'Redampute (Savior)', why do you think that I, who is named as a savior, will become a disaster?"

   "So, why is it a disaster, not a step to save the world?"

   Jenkins was stunned by his inquiry.

   Jenkins, who has no outsider world, can become a disaster, certainly not suddenly got the "mechanical knowledge and gifted knowledge gift package". There must be an individual or a certain force that led Jenkins on this path.

   He originally thought that the gear artisan would play this role, but think about it carefully, although the original Jenkins was a slutty boy who hangs out on the street all day, he is undoubtedly a good person, otherwise he would not get help from his parents or the church.

   Jenkin’s arrival only changed his lifestyle and character, but did not turn the bad guys into good guys, because Jenkins is not a bad guy himself.

   Searching for memory, such a person suddenly joined the xie organization and voluntarily became a disaster to destroy the world. It seems that there is really some problem.

   There are many ways to explain this. For example, in the absence of outsiders, Jenkins will encounter an event and change his personality. But the statement that "becoming a disaster is a step to save the world" put forward by the statue in front of it seems to be a better explanation.

   Jenkins instinctively thinks that this is the correct answer.

   "If you can't understand the disaster, how can you fight it?"

   Seeing Jenkins's delay in replying, the metal bust asked again.

   "So, I will become a beast of calamity?"

"It's all up to you to decide. You came later than I expected, and I don't have much time to guide you. Fortunately, you are already an excellent gifter, and I don't need to start from the basics. Whether you like it or not, I don’t have much time to guide you. Incarnate as a disaster, as long as you need it, I can leave you all the knowledge I know. Although I am about to die, you can continue on my path."

   Thinking of the bust in front of him claiming to have been expelled and sealed three hundred years ago, Jenkins thought of another question:

   "In the past three hundred years, didn't the guy under the ground come to confirm your life and death? He is so relieved that you are here?"

   "You still don't believe me? It did come, the most recent one was a year ago. It was very cautious and did not directly contact me, but sent human collaborators to confirm my status on the ground with rituals."

   This explains the origin of the ritual traces Jenkins found under the dead leaves behind the mansion.

   "Then do you understand that guy's plan?"

   "No, I only know that three hundred years ago, it planned to transform itself into a beast of disaster, so as to achieve true immortality."

   "Do you know anything about the ritual of the Destroyer?"

   The bust was silent for a moment, and the blue hollow metal ball held by Jenkinson flashed at the rate of breathing:

   "Sorry, searching the database, I did not find the information in this regard."

   This was also in Jenkins's expectation. There are only so few parts left in the machinery in front of him. The capacity of the database must be limited. He didn't report much hope, so he was not disappointed.

"There is another question. You said that in your calculations, there will be a human being who bears the name of'Redampute', who will become a disaster with your assistance. So, is this your calculation or yours? Calculus?"

   "This is the calculation after our separation. With my current structure, I completed the last large-scale divination simulation."

   Now Jenkins is relieved. If it is the calculation before the separation, he is also worried that a chain of tentacles will suddenly pierce out of the darkness where the light cannot be illuminated.

   The hands of the bust moved slowly, and after the core was stripped out of the body, its movement became slower:

"You don't need to worry that it will ambush you here. In fact, whether it is me or it, the calculation of great wisdom is not 100% correct. According to that prophecy, my divination results show that Redampute will The autumn appears in front of me, and I will have half a year to guide him. It seems that the deviation of the calculation is not big, but it is quite fatal."

The bust of    is calculated in a span of three hundred years for divination. From its point of view, the deviation of the half-year time difference is indeed not big. But Jenkins knows very well that if you don't count the arrival of foreigners, the variable without the introduction of the divination model, its divination results are actually quite accurate.

   This is quite terrifying, even the core that has been stripped has this ability, not to mention the complete core that has not yet been met.

  PS: Incarnation of disaster to save the world is a prediction about the original Jenkins and the world obtained by the difference engine. In the world where the outsider arrived, although everything has been deviated, this prophecy was realized in another way, through Jenkins, on a certain cute cat.

Chapter 1939 Chapter 1910 The Gift of Deviation

"It is normal for divination to have deviations. If you are determined to save the world, then the biggest opponent must be'I' myself. Before I was separated, the plan was already very sufficient. Because I was passive when I was separated. There is no information about the original plan, but there is still my satisfaction with that plan in my record.

  Remember, no divination is perfect and absolutely correct. You don’t need to be afraid of the calculation and divination ability of great wisdom. It is easier to make mistakes than human beings. "

   Perhaps seeing Jenkins' worries about calculation and divination, the metal bust said like this.

   Jenkins nodded. So far, the difference engine has not linked the "Sage Son"-"Lie Believers"-" Lie God", which has shown that the other party's wisdom and divination are not omnipotent. But he didn't think that this secret could be kept hidden. With the increase in the number of fights between the two sides, one day the difference will have a chance to detect this.

   "If I intend to become a disaster, what should I do?"

   Even though I asked, Jenkins did not intend to become a disaster. Now Jenkins has embarked on a future that is completely different from the original destiny. Although the incarnation of calamity may be useful, he has no time to deviate from the path he has already embarked on. If there is not enough time, he must go on along the current path.

   But this does not prevent him. He uses "Incarnation of Calamity" as a reference, which may inspire him.


   The cat on the shoulder nodded and licked its paw, wondering what to do.

   "All the information is here."

   The hands of the bust lifted up at an extremely slow speed, and then slowly closed, wrapping the blue hollow metal ball floating in the palm of Jenkins's hand.

   The blue light reached its peak at that moment, but after a dazzling moment, it returned to its normal brightness again.

   The statue's hand was slowly retracted, and Jenkins noticed that the metal had turned red, which was proof of the high temperature.

"You came too late, I think Great Wisdom, you have already gone a long way on the road of incarnation of disasters. If you have the will to become disasters against disasters, then after my death, put this metal ball Buried in your right chest...If your heart is on the right side, bury it in your left chest.

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