Use the spirit to communicate with it and make it your second heart. In this way, your body will slowly assimilate to my core. I am one with its core, and if you assimilate my core, you are assimilating the core of great wisdom. But because of your independence, it is completely different from the great wisdom and will not be controlled by it. As time goes by, you will become a disaster together, and all you have to do is to wait, and to promote the arrival of the doomsday, to compete for the position of the disaster.

   Although it's a bit too late now, there is always a success rate... You came, it's really too late. "

   It didn't look hopeful, but it still said its original plan.

   "If I don't want to become a disaster, only want your knowledge?"

   "This is even simpler. After I die, directly stimulate the core with my spirit, and it will project the knowledge that exists in it. It is not troublesome to look through it as a heavy book."

   Jenkins almost blurted out "then when will you die", but the other party is indeed helping him, he can't do such a rude and ethical thing.

   He looked up and wanted to ask again whether the "only structural defect" of the differential engine mentioned by Miss Windsor also existed in the real world. But only then noticed that the high temperature of the metal bust had caused the base to melt, and the male's upper body had also become red and hot, and it seemed that it was also melting.

"What's wrong with you?"

   "I'm going to die."

   "It's not that there is another week..."

   "It was lingering in a near-dormant manner without doing anything. Now, I have no time."

   The communication with Jenkins, and finally ensuring that all the data is transmitted into the hollow core of azure blue, has brought it to the last step on the verge of reaching its limits.

   Even if Jenkins has a [Mechanic], it is impossible to repair such a complicated and highly damaged machinery.

   He could only watch the statue melt, and got the last two suggestions:

"Redampute, we must lead mankind to live. Mankind can coexist with machinery, and it must coexist... Don't be afraid of great wisdom, it is not stronger than the calamities of the past era; I I feel that it has appeared nearby. If you finish handling the things in your hands, you must avoid it. It is..."

   Without giving the location, the entire statue melted into molten iron, forcing Jenkins to retreat.

   He looked at all this in surprise, and then looked at the blue hollow metal ball floating in his hand. In the eyes of truth, the aura that belonged to that machine had disappeared. Except for the spirit remaining in the core, there was no trace of the thing that had just been talking to Jenkins.

   "This is... gone?"

   The other party seemed to really want to help him, but as it said, Jenkins came too late. If possible, Jenkins really wants to fix it, whether it is emotional or rational, this is very good. Unfortunately, he came too late. He is not the original Jenkins, he has not embarked on the road to save the world from disaster, so he has not been able to get the gift of fate for that Jenkins in its entirety.

   "As for this..."

   once again looked at the beautiful ball in his hand. Although the size is about the same size as the bead that chocolate likes, the cat is unexpectedly not interested in it.

Jenkins carefully stuffed the hollow metal ball into his pocket, used the ability of "ice freezing" to cool the molten metal, and reshaped it into a metal monument standing in the center of the workshop, and then left the underground work. Fang, there is no longer any valuable clues here.

   But this trip was definitely worth it. I learned what was supposed to happen and gained new knowledge. As for the bust finally saying that the differential machine appeared nearby, after Jenkins left the mansion and came to the yard, he looked at the gloomy sky, as if he wanted to rain.

   "What did the differential engine suddenly come to the ground for? Even the final battle should be conducted near the tower in the center of Nolan. Is it also for this treasure? No, it should not be that simple."

  The only unresolved accident in the eastern suburbs of Nolan is the demigod Mr. Bernoulli sent by the Church of the Sage to the small town of Viektor.

Chapter 1940 The first thousand nine hundred and eleven

   "Is the secret of Mr. Bernoulli related to the differential engine? But what does the seal of the desert in the middle of the continent, revealed under the temple of the old day, have to do with the differential engine based on Nolan?"

   Although I can't figure it out for the time being, since there are no clues in the mansion, Jenkins decided to return to the small town of Viektor after disposing of the underground blacksmith's workshop. Regardless of whether the differential engine is there, it is also an excellent thing to confirm the church's handling plan after receiving the message.

   So he called out his unicorn in the yard, and the little beast bent its legs low on the ground so that Jenkins could easily ride on it.

   was about to set off with the cat to fly into the sky, but saw that Mr. Hood, Mr. Black Cat, and Miss Bailing Hathaway were walking together on the path covered by weeds.

   The three people talked as they walked, and as they climbed the hillside, they saw the whole view of the mansion a little bit. When they saw the man with the white cat, Zhan, beside the unicorn, the three stopped together, and then walked quickly:

   "Oh, it's Mr. Candle, I didn't expect you to find the treasure earlier than us."

   "Good afternoon everyone, it's...huh? What treasure?"

   He asked dazedly, and then suddenly turned his head to look at the mansion behind him, with a surprised look on his face:

   "You mean, the treasure is here? There is such a coincidence?"

   "What coincidence?"

   Hathaway asked suspiciously, but did not get an answer.

   "Yes, the treasure is likely to be here. We have found a very important clue, and we have sufficient confidence. Although we have checked for a while before meeting you in the afternoon, we don't know that there is still a big house here.

  Mr. Candle, haven't you entered yet? "

   asked Mr. Black Cat, and then wanted to invite Mr. Candle to go in with them. Although the treasure is precious, the friendship of the four is even more precious, not to mention that Mr. Candle arrived first.

   "No, I just came out, there are other things coming here."

   He explained, and then he stepped onto the unicorn. The little beast crowed softly, then stepped on the spot, ready to take off:

"You don't have to go in. Now I have something terrible to deal with. I didn't find the treasure. You don't need to go to the basement. I have checked. There are no treasures in the basement. The two clues I got indicate that the treasure is not in the wilderness. In the wild, the treasure is hidden in a small statue. Go upstairs and look for it. Don't forget to check the statue on the handrail of the stairs. It is quite a confusing location."

   said, the unicorn has left the ground, and the three friends raised their heads and watched Mr. Candle lift into the sky:

   "Are you really not looking for it with us? What a pity, you have reached the'end'."

   Mr. Hood asked again, loudly to prevent Jenkins from hearing it.

   "Thank you for your kindness, but there is something to do this time. Goodbye, and leave soon after you find the treasure. It's not safe here."

   After speaking, the unicorn rushed to the sky with the man and the cat. Only the three people in front of the mansion were left, watching them turn into a white spot and disappear into the distance of the somewhat gloomy sky.

   In order to facilitate the movement, while in the air, Jenkins took off his black robe and changed back to his appearance, and the white cat vanilla also returned to the black and white coat of chocolate.

   Outside the town of Viektor, he noticed that there was no large-scale battle Jenkins in the town, jumped off the unicorn outside the town, and hurried into the town.

  When I came to the church of the sage, I saw the squad of gifters coming from Nolan and had already imposed martial law on the church. The scribe who was in charge of the door handle knew Jenkins and let him in directly.

   Jenkins was on the three steps at the entrance of the church and met Mr. Gilbert, Ms. Lawrence and Mr. Kafka who came out while talking. These three are demigods of the church, and the latter two are only active in the Evergreen Forest. Jenkins is not very familiar with them.

   "Oh, Jenkins, here you are."

   Mr. Gilbert said hello, and the three of them stopped and introduced the current situation to Jenkins:

"Bevana received the news that you were sent to the church, and after confirming with the diocese of the South and the Holy See, she found that there might be a real problem. According to the news from the diocese where Bernoulli was stationed, this person is leaving the desert. Before the town, her personality changed a lot, and she often went missing for a long time.

   Coincidentally, a group of people from the Destiny Church who were taking the steam train to come to Nolan took a short break at a station about 2.5 miles (4.02 kilometers) from the town. Among them was the ninth-level demigod Miss Broniance. They helped to carry out divination. Although they could not perform very specific divination, the results still showed that there was something in the obsidian seal under the church in the old days. "

   "Mr. Bernoulli took that thing?"

   "In other words, it is also possible that the thing forcibly kept up with Olvi Bernoulli."

   Mr. Gilbert said.

   "Where is Mr. Bernoulli now?"

   "It was gone when we arrived."

   Mr. Gilbert shook his head, and the four of them walked out of the church together. Nolan anticipated that there might be major problems here, so he informed the other churches of the news from Jenkins and the results of the predictions in the desert town.

   A joint investigation team composed of twelve churches has arrived in the eastern suburbs of Nolan. The three of Mr. Gilbert are demigods sent by the Church of the Sage, and the fighting power sent by other churches is not less than this.

   originally thought that the next was a long search process, but as soon as he came to the street and prepared to meet with other members of the investigation team for the next action arrangement, Jenkins noticed raindrops falling from the sky.

   stuffed the cat on his shoulder into his pocket, but didn't put it in the pocket where the blue metal ball was. He would never make the mistake of making a mistake in the past in Blacktown. Afterwards, the four people simultaneously observed that not far from the town, the black shadow of a huge giant four-legged monster walking past the dark clouds in the sky.

   At the same time, the sound like the call of a giant whale in the abyss reached everyone's ears. Jenkins looked at the back of his bare hand, the rain touched his skin, and some imperceptible black smoke came out immediately.

   "Why does that black shadow look like a cat? Could it be the moon-swallowing civet that swallowed the original moon in the legend?"

   The three demigods rose into the air and flew towards the place where the dark shadows appeared. Jenkins was pulled by Mr. Gilbert and shouted loudly that the wind in the air was too loud.


   Chocolate showed a pair of small ears from the chest pocket, and the hairy ears trembled. Just now, it heard Jenkins calling its name.

   "It won't be such a bad situation, don't think so terrible."

   Mr. Gilbert also yelled.

   And at this moment, the black shadow behind the clouds flashed again, like a strange creature passing by the searchlight in the dark night. Now everyone who saw this scene, like Jenkins, realized that it was indeed a huge cat-shaped creature.


   Chocolate's two front paws are holding the edge of the pocket, his small face sticks out on the upper half, his eyes are just above the edge of the pocket, and he looks curiously at the black shadow behind the black cloud.

   Things will inadvertently become worse than everyone expected, before a group of four people land. With the sound of the whale reappearing, from the solid field below, chain tentacles burst out of the ground, dancing wildly to the sky.

  Scorching white steam gushes out of the small opening where the chain broke, and hundreds of chains rise straight up in the white steam. Finally got into the clouds and entangled the huge black shadow.

Pulling it down suddenly, at the same time when the whale call appeared for the third time, there were three eyes on that face, four flipped legs underneath it, and a strange cat-shaped creature with nine tails behind it. It finally emerged from the clouds. After showing up.


   Chocolate screamed, confirming that the ugly guy bound by the chain must have nothing to do with him, and then retracted his head again.

   And Mr. Gilbert has recognized what this is, Jenkins also heard the answer:

   "Sage, the ancient legend is true."

   "What legend?"

   The four are landing, and the joint investigation team has also arrived nearby:

   "The ancient evil beast, the cloud whale beast, buried under the desert by the unnamed **** of the old days and suppressed with a black stone, is a terrifying monster that can manipulate clouds and smoke freely."

   Actually, the rumors in the material world about the evil beasts sealed in the desert may reach four-digit numbers, and most of them sound more true than Jenkins’s "Stories of Foreigners." The desert in the middle of the mainland has existed since at least the 14th century. Various rumors and legends have been heard in every age.

   The church was unable to clarify a directional correspondence with the obsidian seal that has appeared from thousands of rumors and legends. But when the monster finally appeared, people recognized what it was at a glance.

   The good news is that the "cloud whale beast" is not a beast of calamity, but the bad news is that this thing is not an ordinary evil thing.

  Although it looks like a strange cat, the original records of the Church of Nature indicate that this monster should have been a whale living in the ocean of the ancient era.

  In a long time ago, there is no documented era, some monsters that cannot be described are fighting in the ocean. At that time, the ocean area of ​​the material world occupies more than 90% of the area. While the ocean races are dominant, they also gave birth to many indescribable large creatures in the invisible darkness below the sea level.

   The fighting of the monsters left many corpses, and ordinary whales, while drawing strength from the corpses again and again, became stronger a little bit.

   It first mastered the ability to get out of the water, and then it could fly with the help of clouds and fog. Later, even the body was separated from the appearance of a whale, from a fish to a bird, from a bird to a bat, from a bat to a mouse, and from a mouse to a cat.

Chapter 1941 The first thousand nine hundred and twelve chapters of ancient evil beasts

   The whale, which deformed again and again, became powerful again and again, and finally fixed in its shape as a cat, was finally able to surpass the many monsters of that era, and even lived to the age that mundane creatures never lived.

   In the end, the unnamed God made an effort to suppress this huge hidden danger.

   The gods left a warning in the Nature Church, telling people how terrible this thing is.

   But now it seems that the monster's current power seems to be inferior to the differential machine. Just as the four Jenkins joined the other members of the joint investigation team, the chain that "squirted" into the sky along with the steam protruding from the ground has completely pulled the cloud whale beast from behind the cloud.

  The main body of the differential engine did not appear. It was still the same as the previous two times, relying only on the chain to exert its strength. The struggling cloud whale beast brought even greater wind and rain with its roars.

   If the battlefield is on the beach or on the dock, Jenkins has no doubt that just by this roar, the cloud whale beast can provoke a huge tsunami.

   "Who should we help? Or are we here to wait for the battle to end?"

   After landing, Jenkins asked Mr. Gilbert, who also couldn't make up his mind. Fortunately, it is not time to make any decisions, because the investigative team that has gathered has found Mr. Bernoulli from the Church of the Sage.

   He has lost consciousness, but he is not dead yet. No trauma can be seen on the surface, but the whole person seems to be severely malnourished and dehydrated. This look close to the mummy, if it were ordinary people, I am afraid that it would have died long ago, and only transcendents can maintain the last trace of vitality.

  Since he is still alive and Jenkins happens to be here again, of course he can be cured. It's just that I don't know what role he played in this matter for the time being, so Jenkins just regained his consciousness.

  The awakened Mr. Bernoulli seemed to have forgotten everything, and he looked at a loss when faced with the inquiries of the people. Even if he saw the battle between chains and huge cat-shaped creatures in the sky, he couldn't remember what he did.

   But Jenkins recognized that all he said were lies. This was just a way to avoid guilt.

   He was still standing in front of the bed where the command center was temporarily found in the town, so he stretched out his hand and grabbed Mr. Bernoulli by the collar and pulled him off the bed.

  Mr. Bernoulli is the demigod of the Church of the Sages, and Jenkins is the holy son of the Church of the Sages. This is barely an internal contradiction, so no one opened his mouth to stop his actions.

   "You, listen up."

   Jenkins pulled him to the window in a rough manner. The middle-aged man with a moustache wanted to resist, but he was surprised to find that the opponent was stronger than himself:

   "Outside now, there are two malicious monsters fighting against humanity..."

  From the position of the window, you can see the chains and the still struggling cloud whale beast. This is not a battle that ordinary gifters can participate in. At present, most of the investigative team sent are responsible for evacuation of the townspeople, while the demigods are on guard at the periphery of the battlefield. Before the church gives the next order, they will not Will act rashly.

   The only person responsible for "interrogating" Mr. Bernoulli is the representatives of the various churches. Jenkins is a non-staff, and no one asked him to do anything. He chose to stay here.

   "I wouldn't say that the information in your mouth is related to the safety of many people. Listen..."

   Jenkins strangled the opponent's throat with his right hand, and pointed his left index finger at the center of his eyebrows:

"Either say everything you know, or I will kill you now. You are a believer of the sage. After death, I will not let your soul run away. Think about the things you have done. I swear by my name, as long as you are killed by me, you will definitely experience ten thousand years of pain that no one can imagine."

   His fingertips didn't have any energy, but just being pointed at by Jenkins, Bernoulli couldn't control his body trembling. This kind of fear from the heart is even more fearful than when he first saw the curled up monster in the seal under the desert.

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