She saw Jenkins’ cat:

   "St. William, the black cat in your dreams is similar to the cat you raised?"

   "Are you trying to say that you think day by day and dream at night? Oh, no, chocolate has nothing to do with that black cat."

   Jenkins shook his head decisively. The black cat in his dream was fierce and terrifying, but the chocolate was petite and soft, and the two were different at all.

   "So, what is the order of time when you raised this cat and you dreamed of a black cat?"

   Jenkins hasn’t really considered this question, so he gave the answer after careful recall:

   "It seems that after adopting chocolate, I gradually started to dream of that cat."

   The woman nodded, then turned her head and exchanged glances with her companions. Jenkins originally just wanted to use this topic to start the topic of dreaming, but at this time he also became interested in the black cat.

  Think about it carefully, the frequent dreams of that cat are indeed very unreasonable, but he hadn't planned to solve the mystery in the past, which in itself was very abnormal.

   "Can you take the liberty to ask, what kind of extraordinary ability does your pet cat possess?"

   "You mean to say that the reason why I have dreamed of the same cat for a year, but was not harmed except for the fight in the dream, is it because it is a chocolate prank?"


   Chocolate cried softly, trying to express his innocence.

   "Actually, I don't know what it has. I have shown invisibility, strong physical fitness, etc. so far. It is not important. As for whether you can enter a dream, at least I think it is impossible."

   "Then is it possible that your cat actually has a strange bloodline that no one knows?"

   The woman asked again, but Jenkins still couldn't tell. After all, the chocolate was picked up, and the lineage of the previous generation cannot be traced back. From the appearance point of view, this is just an ordinary cat, with no expensive blood. Coupled with the intervention of animal spiritual enlightenment drugs on growth, it is difficult to tell exactly where the particularity of chocolate comes from.

   Seeing that the known information is still unclear, the believers of Dream God proposed to do simple hypnosis for Jenkins and look for clues in his dream. Unusual dreams will always leave traces, and finding the traces of these dreams is the skill of these people.

   Jenkins doesn't think he can be hypnotized, but since the other party wants to try, he is willing to cooperate.

   found a reclining chair, Jenkins put the chocolate on the side table, lay on the chair, and drank a cup of transparent green potion that smelled like jasmine tea as requested. Afterwards, instead of being forced to look back at the dangling pocket watch, he listened carefully to a piece of soothing music played by a gramophone.

   "What do I need to do, just lying down?"

   he asked.

   "Relax, then take this."

   The woman gave Jenkins a burning candle, which was actually blue, and it smelled of spice when it burned:

"This is B-02-5-3839 [Dream Light]. It is the most important numbered item in our cult's collection. It allows you to dream smoothly, so that we can guide you to seek dreams. the truth."

   "Will you be unable to wake up after dreaming?"

   Jenkins asked.

   "No, use this potion and candle assisted way to dream, as long as you blow out the candle, you can wake up."

   Jenkins nodded, and lay down quietly holding the candle in accordance with the requirements of the dream believers. After closing his eyes, he still had no sleep, but as the inexplicable music flowed into his ears, the groggy feeling actually appeared.

   "It's amazing, I really can't underestimate anyone."

   He thought in his heart that he didn't resist drowsiness, so he soon fell asleep.

  Dreamland is related to the dreamer's thoughts, so it sometimes presents some unusual postures. After Jenkins dreamed, he realized that he was dreaming. He looked at the surrounding streetscape and confirmed that he was standing not far from the old antique shop.

   "This seems to be the entrance position when I entered the possibility three times in a row last time in the treacherous world."

   He thought in his heart, and then patiently waited for the believers of the **** of dreams to guide him. But after waiting for a while, nothing happened. He tilted his head and thought for a while, the real eye opened, and he saw the pale black aura everywhere.

   The action of opening the real eye seems to have opened a layer of invisible film, and more details of the dream world are open to Jenkins. The gauze was removed from the front, and the barriers blocking the facial features quickly melted away.

Chapter 2038 Chapter 2008 Mechanical Fantasy

   Throwing his nose, what he smelled was not the gray mist in Nolan's air, but the smell of tobacco burning and motor oil.

   Then he saw pedestrians finally appeared on the unmanned street, but no matter what they were doing, everyone was smoking and puffing yellow smoke into the air.

   "No way...Is this good luck or bad luck?"

   Jenkins coughed a few times with the smell of smoke in the air:

   "Damn it, it must be bad luck."

   And just as Jenkins discerned that he was inexplicably trapped in the huge dream of the difference engine, in the real church of the sage, the believers of the **** of dreams also discovered the problem.

   Saint William was indeed hypnotized smoothly, and indeed entered a state of sleep, but no one could communicate with him in his dreams. Everyone originally thought that this was because the Holy Son's spiritual power was too large, and he would instinctively refuse to be disturbed during sleep.

   However, further inspection attempts found that things did not seem so simple. Some panicked people immediately extinguished the candle and awakened Jenkins. But no matter what they do, the flame of the candle remains immobile. Even if you use your fingers to press the flame on the blue candle and clamp the core of the candle with your fingers, it only deforms the flame and cannot extinguish the flame.


   The cat on the table noticed the problem, jumped from the table to the ground, and then trot a few steps and jumped onto Jenkins. He sniffed at the candle and coughed violently like Jenkins in his dream.

   turned his head and ran out of the room. A few minutes later, Alexia brought Miss Bevana and the other two demigods of the church to the scene.

   "What happened to Jenkins?"

   Miss Bevanna asked about the situation, and the team of scribes behind her surrounded the room. While the followers of the God of Dreams were sweating explaining the situation, Alexia came to Jenkins who was half lying on the recliner.

   first tried to pull the candle out of his hand, but the blue object didn't move. Lifting the right hand forward, the sky-blue translucent cube appeared in Alexia’s hand. As the cube disintegrated, it became a Rubik’s Cube. The 9×9×9 cube was spinning rapidly in the hand, driving a piece of talisman that only she could understand Wen and mathematical symbols flashed in her eyes.

   "Jenkins should be in that huge dream."

   She quickly came to a conclusion.

   "Can he wake up now?"

   Miss Bevanna asked quickly, but Alexia regretted that she was not proficient in dreams.

   So the demigods of the Church of the Sages look at the believers of the God of Dreams with a bad face, and those whose luck is probably worse than that of Jenkins, can only say that they will do their best to rescue the sage’s son as soon as possible.

   The flow of dreams is usually not the same as the flow of time in reality. While the Church of the Sage caused a commotion because of Jenkins’s dream, Jenkins has turned around in the dream world of Nolan.

   This is not a dream that belongs to the difference engine alone, but a dream that is composed of many people who smoke the grass and the difference engine. The difference engine relies on its power to occupy the greatest initiative in the dream world. This is manifested in the dream world, but many things that are not in reality appear in Nolan in the dream world.

   The sky was slightly yellow, as if the clouds were dyed. The city’s skyline is made up of the towering chimneys and the black smoke that is constantly being spit out with the wind to the north. On the streets and walls, a denser network of steam pipes is trying to connect everything together. Buildings and buildings are directly connected in the sky with dense slender pipes. No matter which store you look at through the window, you can see the steam engine with complex mechanical structure inside, which is continuously generating steam, which is transported to distance.

   The roar of huge factories can be heard clearly in any corner of the city. The whole city is like a factory that has been opened and never stopped. People and machinery are producing dense fog, are creating pollution, and are immersed in the city covered by this hazy smog.

   looked up in the direction of the city center, where there was no longer a metal black tower, or even the original Nolan clock tower, but a group of suspended buildings like a palace.

  The palace building is in brass color, and the exterior lines are all straight, without any curved corners and decorations. From bottom to top, the area is reduced layer by layer, and when it reaches the top, it becomes a complete triangle, which is like a broken pyramid and a temple built by ancient primitive tribes with masonry structure.

   At the current location, you can barely see the mechanical structures that operate outside the palace, as well as the vertical elevators used to transport people and materials from the ground.

   The city’s underground, sky, and the steam from the pipes in the streets and lanes are all transported to this brass-colored palace. Dense pipelines envelope the city like a spider web, xi **** all the energy and enthusiasm in the city.

   Higher up is the faint yellow sky. Under the sky, several huge brass-colored metal whales are swimming along with the dirty yellow clouds. The giant whale is made up of densely packed metal parts, and the gray cloud sprayed from the jet vent of the giant whale is constantly adding to the choking air. Just outside, what Jenkins saw from the hole in the ritual node was exactly this kind of thing.

   Jenkins was stunned by this shocking scene, but at the same time he also roughly understood that the appearance of the differential engine in the dream is likely to be in the brass-colored palace buildings in the city center.

   He tried to escape from the dream, and then found that he couldn't do it at all. And because he entered here without any preparation, he didn't have the metal block to seal the divine nature and the potion of potion in his hand.

   But it doesn't matter, he is actually the most powerful in his soul state. Without the shackles of that weak body, he can better exert his strength.

  Because it is a dream to show one's own posture, the image at this moment is the appearance of black hair and black eyes. So, instead of putting on a black robe to disguise himself, Jenkins walked directly towards the city center.

   The last time I fought inside the huge brass door of the difference engine, the **** of lies was also what he is now. But Jenkins was sure that the other party didn't dare to observe his image at that time, so Jenkin's image is completely safe. No one knows who this face belongs to except chocolate.

   He probably guessed the state of the differential engine at this time. Since the other party hasn't responded to the "outsiders" breaking into the dream for so long, it shows that the other party is not completely awake in the dream.

   In order to obtain the soul, there must be sacrifices, so this also gives Jenkins a chance.

   The dream space is different from the real space. Jenkins felt that he had just turned the corner at the street corner and saw the bridge across the Westminster River. Then, following the road connecting with the bridge, after only less than 100 steps, the block where the Citizen's Square is located is already in front of you.

Chapter 2039 Chapter 2009 The Dream of Lies (Part I)

   "Speaking of which, since this is a dream..."

   Seeing that the destination was right in front of his eyes, Jenkins temporarily stopped, and an apple fell in front of the hard fantasy, but this fantasy did not become a reality. It stands to reason that [read writing] + [creation pencil] can play a more convenient role in dreams, but the facts at this moment remind Jenkins that this is not an ordinary dream.

   continued to move forward, the bottom of the huge floating metal city appeared in front of him little by little. The bottom of the floating palace is about ten stories high from the ground. There are hundreds of elevators on the ground connected to the palace. The elevator on the edge of the palace's huge shadow allows cargo or passengers to board the periphery of the floating palace, while the elevator in the shadow allows users to enter the palace.

   Those metal elevators looked so crude that they even made Jenkins doubt the principle of this thing. From the outside, the entire structure of the elevator has only five parts, four of which are four slender metal rods placed in a square, connecting the ground and the palace above. The fifth part is a huge metal plate that is placed horizontally in the metal rod and connected to it.

   There is a slightly raised part in the center of the metal plate, like a button magnified dozens of times. When Jenkins saw goods or people, as long as he stepped on or pressed that bump, the metal plate stationary on the ground would automatically rise.

   If it weren't for the wonderful textures on the surface of the metal plate to show its extraordinary performance, Jenkins would even suspect that this dream world did not conform to mechanical principles at all.

Fortunately, it seems that at least the superficial idealistic and materialistic rules are the same as the real world. This means that although the difference engine in the dream is not completely awake, it is not completely dreaming. It is absolutely the same as Jenkins at this time, at least Some know that this is a dream.

   Jenkins chose the edge of the elevator. After stepping on the metal plate, he lightly stepped on the round brass-colored button raised in the center. After a heavy sound that did not match the volume of the button itself, the metal plate shook abruptly, and then carried Jenkins upward at a very fast speed.

   Looking down at Nolan from above, the familiar city has an unfamiliar appearance because of the interweaving of pipelines. Even though the city has a large population and stronger and more factories, Jenkins inexplicably feels that everything he sees is lifeless.

   This may have something to do with the faint yellow sky. This color made him feel that the city in his dream was declining a little bit.

   The elevator rises extremely fast. After tens of seconds, he was already standing in the aisle outside the palace, touching the inclined and straight walls around him, and reconfirming that the floating pyramid-shaped palace building is a pure metal structure.

   Out of curiosity, he tapped on the wall with his fingers. But probably because this is a dreamland, he did see some internal structures, but only on the shallow surface. The deeper part seemed to be shrouded in thick gray fog. He knew that there was a deeper part but he just couldn't see it.

   went horizontally along the lane, and soon I saw the stairs that could go up. In this way, as if walking in a cube maze, continuously circling upward, it took him some time to finally reach the top floor.

   The top layer looks like a standard triangle from the bottom, and you will know after climbing that the periphery of the triangle is a wall that resembles a phantom. You cannot see the inside from the outside, but you can see the outside from the inside.

   touched the seemingly solid wall made of reddish-brown stone bricks with his hands, and then seemed to pass through a layer of warm water film, and finally reached the top floor.

   The top floor is a huge sacrificial venue. When Jenkins came here, no one stopped him. He diligently looked inside where the wall was, and after making sure that there was no danger, he stepped on the floor tiles made of parallelogram-shaped metal blocks.

   There are staggered square columns of different heights on the platform, and gear-like runes are on the surfaces of the columns and the floor tiles. In the very center of the platform, there is a raised round table that resembles the sealed [A4 type arithmetic auxiliary external machine], and incomprehensible runes and symbolic symbols flash on the surface of the round table.

   It's just that, at the bottom of the round table, dozens of pipes less than the thickness of the little finger are pierced into the floor tiles, like blood vessels. The materials of these slender pipes cannot be distinguished by the naked eye, but they are translucent. Jenkins can see the rusty yellow liquid flowing from under the floor tiles through the pipes to the round table.

   He thought for a while, then walked to the round table and stretched out his hand and knocked:

"Is anyone here?"

After    finished speaking, he immediately took a step back. The light filled with the symbols and runes on the surface of the round table, while Jenkins retreated, gradually converged to the center of the round table. The light of the rune disappeared instantly, and at the same time, dots of blue fluorescence appeared on the entire table.

   Then a white beam of light spurted from the altar, and the glow flickered under the decayed yellow sky. In the beam of light, a human head slowly emerged. The facial features of the human head are only clear in the outline of the ears, without any traces on the eyebrows, and the eyes, mouth, and nose seem to be covered with paper.

   In other words, this is a faceless man.

   "You finally woke up."

   Before the other party could speak, Jenkins said first, and then before the other party asked questions, he spoke again:

   "After such a long time, I finally saw you. How about, how about this dream?"

   "Very good."

   The sound of mechanical friction constitutes this word.

   "So, do you know you are dreaming now?"

"of course I know."

   "So, do you know that you have been trapped in a dream for thousands of years?"

"do not know."

   is probably because the body is a machine, it does not have too rich feelings, even in the face of such surprises, it simply gives its own answer.

   The simple conversation made Jenkins understand that his guess was correct. The difference engine was semi-awake in the dream, knowing the dream but not the reality. This is probably the price. If you want to fully experience your dreams and give birth to your own soul, of course you have to pay a price.

   "You are probably in a half-dream and half-awake state now? You know that you are awake, but you are not completely able to understand the world."

   If the opponent is completely awake, Jenkins will never have a chance to board here. Instead, he should be chased by countless monsters in the dream world, running around the city.

   "Then who are you, are you here to wake me up?"

   The mechanical voice asked dullly.

   "No, I am not here to wake you up."

   Jenkins doesn't believe that if the difference opportunity rushes into the dream, he will think that no one can break into the dream. Since it doesn't fully know everything at this moment, then the other party must have guarded against the possibility of being attacked by someone in the moment of being lost in his dream. Therefore, Jenkins cannot say anything that might cause hostility.

   He wants to change another way, try to see if the other party is easy to cheat.

   "As for me, I am you."

   He said frankly.

   "Then who am I?"

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