"You are Jenkins Williams, to be more precise, you are Jenkins Williams''ego', I am Jenkins Williams's'superego', and the completely subconscious'id' is still in the dream. The lowest level."

"I do not understand what you are saying."

Unnatural flashes appeared on the cylindrical surface around   , and Jenkins thought he was approaching the enemy's hostile limit.

"According to my research theory, that is, Jenkins Williams, the human spirit can be divided into three parts. The specific explanation is very troublesome. You can simply understand that the "self" represents desire and is suppressed by consciousness; "self" "Responsible for dealing with things in the real world; the "superego" is a conscience or inner moral judgment."

   The mechanical voice was silent for a few seconds before giving the next sentence:

   "Very interesting theory."

   "Yes, so because of some things, Jenkins Williams fell asleep. We are actually the same person, but we are the embodiment of different levels of spirit.

The id is trapped in the deepest dream, and I am used to calling it the edge of loss; you, as the main part of consciousness, are trapped in the dream of the subject, and partly understand the truth of the dream; and I am the other part of consciousness, less Partly, because of myself, that is, Jenkins Williams's mental defense mechanism, I know the most. Over the years, I have been looking for you in my dreams. "

   The story is getting better and better, maybe Jenkins is really talented in lying.

   "It's a very interesting story, so why did I fall asleep?"

   "Have you forgotten this? It seems that the situation is worse than I thought."

   He frowned and said:

"The final battle has come to an end. Because I can't defeat the enemy, I, Jenkins Williams, chose to fall asleep for a short while and seek inner strength. Because of the difference between dreams and reality, we spend in dreams. After a thousand years, reality is just a fleeting moment. Although you have a vague memory of reality, you can also feel that you are becoming stronger in your dreams? This is the reason for dreaming, but we not only have to grab strength from dreams, I have to wake up, this is my task."

   "But my memory of reality is different from what you said."

   "Of course, we fell asleep at the last moment of the battle with the enemy, and the enemy will also affect us. It is impossible for it to do nothing. Speaking of which, it is really a powerful enemy."

   "If you can't convince me to believe the reality you are talking about, I can only helplessly destroy you."

  The difference engine is really not as good as Jenkins thought, but Jenkins has already thought of a countermeasure:

"The other party and us have the same power, so that you can lose the'self' you represent in the dream. You should remember the word that the enemy is the same? Well, it seems that you have forgotten. We and the enemy, We are all using the sinful power of the Eighteenth Century, and we are all masters of machinery."

Chapter 2040 Chapter 2010 The Dream of Lies (Part 2)

   The above "story" is a combination of Jenkins's speculation on the original fate of the original owner, plus reality, and fabricated, but at least it sounds quite credible.

"carry on."

  The sound characteristic of the differential machine means that it is impossible to know its idea through.

"We and the enemy have sinful mechanical power, and even the source of power is the same, which creates the fact that the enemy is the same source. The similarity in the nature of power makes it impossible for us and the enemy to perform externally. Conquer each other. But the opponent's pure mechanical body is more suitable for exerting strength. Therefore, the fact is that we are defeated and cannot break through the mechanical strength in a short period of time, so we can only seek power from within."


The voice of    of course does not appear as an ellipsis. This is because Jenkins automatically converts the mechanical sound of the opponent’s silence into an ellipsis.

   After telling the story, he himself admired his ability to lie. This was the temporary response he thought of in the short tens of minutes he had just climbed the suspended palace. Although a little adventurous, he really thinks he did a good job.

When    spoke just now, in fact, he had already used the power of the priesthood of lies. In the dream, it is purely spiritual communication, so the power of the lie clergy that acts on the soul should be easier to take effect.

   But the differential engine is still skeptical, which can also show that the other party is no longer mortal in nature.

   Jenkins doesn't care whether his lie is true, so he stands quietly and waits for the difference engine to think.

   This time, a full half an hour passed, which was longer than he thought:

   "I calculated what you called the ‘fact’, which is indeed reasonable."

   This is a story fabricated based on facts that have happened and facts that have not happened. Of course it is very reasonable. To a certain extent, Jenkins did not lie, he just concealed the truth a bit, and then mixed the two facts he knew.

   "So, do you believe that you are Jenkins Williams?"

   "I don't believe it, my body structure will never be human."

   "Of course, Jenkins is no longer a human being, we are mechanical transformation people."


   "I should have thought long ago that taking a risk to discover the inner spiritual power through deep sleep is indeed a risky action. I didn't expect you to be lost to such an extent."

   "Then why did you come to find me?"

"We need to wake up, but not now. I came to you to make you understand the embarrassing situation we are in at the moment. Wake up means to continue the decisive battle, but if you don't wake up, the loss will become more serious. Everything is Everything is up to you. After all, you and I are alone."


   "Don't want to express some opinions? For example, how do you perceive yourself? What do you think you are at this moment?"

   "I am who I am, gain strength, win victory, achieve goals, nothing more."

"No, what I want to ask is a deeper question. Let me give you an example. In a dream, a person dreams that he has become a butterfly, and then the butterfly in the dream dreams that he has become a person. Then , Is he a person or a butterfly?"


"The only consensus we have now is that we all agree that what we are in at this moment is a dream, then in the dream, is our cognition of ourselves in reality? Can you understand what we want to express? ?"


   Jenkins thinks he really seems to be able to deceive the other party successfully.

"So, what you think you are now doesn’t really matter. It’s like, even if I think I’m a mouse now, it won’t affect my being Jenkins after waking up from a dream. By the same token, you think you’re one now. Is this machine right?"

"Yes it is."

   "Then, thinking that you are a machine in your dream, is the meaning important?"

   "Not important."

   "Very good, we have reached two consensuses. First, we are dreaming now, and second, our perception of ourselves at this time is actually not important."

"Yes it is."

   Jenkins held back his proud expression, this time he really admired himself. For people like him, this is quite rare.

   "Our perception of ourselves at this moment is not important, so it is obvious that the descriptions of ourselves that we listen to at this moment are also not important."

  The differential engine said again.

   "It's like this, so you can ignore what I say, everything is up to you to judge."

   Jenkins admitted.

   "I... can't judge. This is a dream, and everything here is unimportant."

   The words became more intermittent.

   "Yes, reality is important. Everything in a dream is just illusion."

   Jenkins follows the other person's thoughts to continue the conversation, so that he can relax his vigilance and think that he is also his own.

   "Since everything in the dream is illusory, why not wake up immediately?"

   asked the differential engine.

   "Because we are not sure whether the power accumulated at this moment is enough."

   Jenkins does not express the idea of ​​waking up, nor does he express the idea of ​​continuing to sleep.

   "I have absorbed the spiritual power of millions of people and catalyzed my spiritual growth. The city in front of me has become a part of my spiritual world. I think this power is enough."


   "Why don't you speak?"

   "Because everything is up to you to decide."

   He tried to make his tone more sincere.

   "Yes, it's up to me to decide."

  Differential engine also agrees with this idea.

   "Then decide."

   Jenkins said that he didn't get any reply. Under the quiet decayed sky, only light flashed on the column, and mechanical noise came one after another from all directions of the world.

   The faceless human face in the beam of light flickered and then disappeared immediately. Once again, only Jenkins remained on the highest platform. He raised his head and saw the huge brass-colored mechanical whale swimming overhead.

   The reality outside the dreamland, although Jenkins is experiencing another wonderful adventure, but the flow of time is only a few minutes. After confirming that Jenkins had indeed fallen into the dream of being entangled with Nolan, the church immediately accelerated the formation of a team to enter the dream.

   At this time, of course, the church also thought of letting lies believers help. Although he rejected Mr. Candle more than ten minutes ago, this is not the time to care about being embarrassed.

   Miss Bevanna personally went to find Miss Bailing from the Music Order to explain the situation, but Hathaway did not dare to lie that the believers were in the church. In her heart, she wished to see Jenkins immediately to confirm his safety, but the reality can only perfuse Miss Bevana's request, claiming that it takes time to find believers of lies, so that the church should not place hope on that group of people.

Chapter 2041 Chapter 2011 The Strongest Mortal in the Material World

   "Isn't that young king your fiancé? Why are you not in a hurry?"

   After Miss Bevanna had left, Miss Bernrete asked Hathaway.

   "Why am I not in a hurry?"

   Hathaway asked angrily, looking out the window anxiously, expecting that the man with the cat would suddenly jump out, claiming that what Miss Bevanna had just said was a joke. If it were not for identity restrictions, she would now want to go to Jenkins's side.

   "Then why don't you seek help from believers who lie?"

  Miss Bernrete sat on the soft sofa, tilted her head and asked strangely.

   "How can I go to them now?"

   Hathaway complained to her.

   "Is there any problem? Mr. Candle, isn't it your friend?"

   "It is indeed a ‘friend’, but...it’s very complicated and hard to explain."

   The red-haired lady was secretly hurt.

   There is still half an hour before the negotiations start at two o'clock exactly. The rain is getting bigger and bigger, and the raining city is filled with dense fog. This is a scene that no one has seen before.

  The Church of the Sages has become a busy group, but organizing people to break into unknown dreams is not a simple matter that can be prepared in tens of minutes.

   While the church was still preparing, an abnormal black lightning fell from the sky and hit the black metal tower straight in the wind and rain. Then the shock wave of mental force that could not be observed by the naked eye swept across the entire city with the black tower as the center.

   This kind of mental impact is enough to make ordinary people who are not determined to become fools. But fortunately, there were heavy defenses and countermeasures arranged by the church around the black tower, which barely stopped the shock wave.

   But people with sensitive sixth sense can still react abnormally at that instant, but no one knows what happened.

   After the surging mental power appeared, in the diffuse gray mist, the restless spirit gave birth to more [creeping people in the mist]. At the same time, a slight earthquake spread to the entire city centered on the Black Tower.

   The old man who happened to be standing by the window looked up to the sky, and then said for a while:

   "Who is so angry?"

   "Damn Jenkins Williams! You liar!"

A voice said that it came from under the feet, but it was extremely loud and clear. In the end, the word "liar" was repeated many times like an echo, so people can fully understand the heart of the person who shouted this sentence. , How angry it is. That is not only the shame after IQ was crushed, but also the anger that dignity was trampled on. This kind of emotion is truly typical.

   It's not just the old man, everyone living in this land can hear this "rebuke".

   just thought that there was a life with a magnificent voice under his feet, and an incomprehensible sense of horror came to my heart.

   Dad immediately turned to look at Jenkins behind him, and the cat lying next to him also raised his head. Together, they saw that the flame on the blue candle was teetering.

   After the slight earthquake was over, the sudden big earthquake, with the appearance of the eighth floor of the black tower, once again disturbed Nolan on this rainy day. The earth seemed to be furious, and black thunderbolts hit the ground one after another from the sky.

   The gray mist roared, covering the sky and the earth. The tsunami came with the earthquake, and the towering waves hit the pier. Even if the Church of the Ocean manages to stop it, the Fury Ocean will definitely not only launch an attack.

   The scene of the doomsday appeared so suddenly, and the voice scolding Jenkins just said a word and no longer heard.

   But what followed was the sound of the horn, long and loud, as if it heralded the end of everything.

   The voice came from deep underground, and the old man looked down at his feet. When he raised his head again, Jenkins had stood up again.

   He put the extinguished candle on the table aside, then picked up the cat and patted it, put it on his shoulder, and finally looked at the old man:

   "Next it will be my turn."

   He shook his neck, then let out a long breath:

   "Yes, it's my turn."

   "What happened in the dream?"

   asked the old man hurriedly.

"I met a lie believer, a total of six (Note: 9-3), all of them used the power of dreams to pretend to be me, and deceived the machine to turn around. They... compiled a A huge lie. Oh, that group of people is really terrible, a perfect lie, even I can't figure out how it was woven. If I have time, I really want to explain that lie to you.

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