Dominating Sword Immortal

Chapter 1276: Fisherman next to the fate river

A month later, in the audience, the number dropped to more than one hundred. !

Du Gushen, Chu Zhongtian, Huantai Mingyue and Murong Allure, one by one, they are still too young to compete with these geniuses who have practiced for thousands of years, or who have cultivated nearly 100,000 years old antique monsters. It is not easy to go to this step. There is still a chance to take another step. However, he has encountered the thirteenth place in the quasi-next list, the night sword emperor of the night fork family, so he never feared death. I chose to abstain. After all, once the strengths are too different, there is no breakthrough. He is not afraid of death, but he will not die.

Once a lifeless knife, today's no-knife is cold and extraordinary, and his luck is worse than that of the solitary. He is directly on the fifth place, the four-winged dragon of the Mozu, four The pterosaurs are the dragons. They have the super-physique of the dragons and the savvy of no one. Some old monsters have chosen to abstain from the competition, let alone the cold, and this time, the cold is extraordinary. The waiver was three times. Before the two times, the princes of the evil spirits and the wolves of the Mozu, and the strong opponents of the hostile race, did not abstain, but died.

When the number of people remaining is just over 100, the Shura springs boil, and each person gets ten drops of Shura spring water. It is conceivable that when the fighting is over, everyone’s cultivation will reach the limit of life and death, and in the near future. There will be a large number of supreme, provided that before the end of the fighting, you can't die, die, and there is nothing.

"It's getting harder and harder, these old guys are really deep."

The look of the emperor is not as easy as the previous days. The remaining one hundred people, none of them are provoked, not the prestigious quasi-prestige on the list, the old monsters that are not out of the world, some old monsters that are deeply hidden, most It is easy to be vigilant. After all, I don’t know the general strength of the other party. I always want to give it a try. I will not abstain.

"The old guys should pay attention to the six people."

Yan smack suddenly pointed to the six old men in the various camps.


The emperor’s strange look at Yan’s scorn, I don’t know where the confidence of the other person comes from.

Ye Chendao: "I believe that she is right, her mysterious way - involving fate, it is not difficult to see the general strength of a person."

"In this case, I will believe you once, I don't know if you think that several of these six old guys are my rivals." Jin Yihuang asked.

Yan whispered: "The old man in black and white and the old man in yellow clothing are not able to compete. They have encountered a direct abstention. The other four are very dangerous. On the other hand, they must go all out and even break through to win. The last one is roughly Between you and me, of course, I am only roughly estimating that there will be some deviations."

Jin Yihuang is about to talk, but his eyes are attracted by the situation of the arena. It turns out that a new round of fighting has begun. One side is the Terran Purple Emperor, and one is unfortunately, but it is the unknown Mozu Huang Yi. Due to the rules of the Shura field, the voice of the audience was not heard on the field. The Purple Emperor did not know that the Huang Yi old man was extremely dangerous and did not choose to abstain.

Yan light brows a wrinkle, Huang Yi older is more terrible than she imagined, it seems that Yan is scornful in talking about him, sideways, a deep look at Yan Yan, his eyebrows revealing unfathomable smile.

"not good."

Jin Yihuang wants to remind the Purple Emperor, but it is too late, but only in the middle of the heart, I hope that Yan said that it is wrong. However, he also trusts Ye Chen very much. Since Ye Chen said that Yan Xuan’s mysterious way is very powerful, then There will definitely be no leave.

"Young man, the old man does not want to kill, but unfortunately, not killing you today, come to Japan, you do not know how many people to kill me." Huang Yi old man faint to the purple king.

The purple brow's brow is slightly wrinkled, and his heart has a faint hunch. This Huang Yi old man seems to be not simple, but he has never seen it before. He has never heard of it.

"who are you?"

Purple Emperor.

"A fisherman beside the fate river."

The old man in Huangyi shook his head and didn't want to say more.

"Looking at the mystery, pick up the move!"

The emperor of the purple coat sighed, and the purple fan in his hand was twisted in time and space, turning into a shadow of the sky and sweeping the old man.


The time of the sky is like a water, the figure of the old man in the yellow dress is like a reflection in the water. With the swaying, the blur is unclear, but when the fan shadow disappears, the purple robes shrink, and the other party does not evade, but avoids it. What is his body?

"The Purple Emperor is in danger."

Ye Chen took a deep breath, and since he debuted, he first saw the time when the righteousness understood such a deep person, at least 50%, no, perhaps reached 60% of the realm.

"Time and space."

In the end, the Purple Emperor is the Purple Emperor. Since it is decided to fight, it will never retreat. The real element agitates to the limit. The Purple Emperor will instantly morphize four figures, and the four figures will wave the purple fan, and there will be a purple whirlwind package. Living in the old man of Huang Yi, the powerful rotating power with the yin and yang is right enough to reverse the universe and reverse the time and space.

The old man of Huang Yi still did not evade, and his mouth twitched slightly.

I heard the singer of the old man of Huang Yi, the audience was quiet, everyone seemed to see the fate of the advent, and saw his reflection in the long river of fate.

"The fate sings, it is the Mozu Lich King."

On the side of the Terran, there are screams.

The lich, a terrible blood, can't be promoted to the supreme curse in a lifetime, but also gives them the strength to fight against the sky, but the lich is rarely going to leave the demon domain, and rarely appears in the eyes of everyone. According to records, the peak The Lich King, under the supreme invincibility, only the legendary big devil blood can force a head.

"It turns out that this old guy is the Lich King, no wonder."

In the camp of the evil spirits of the Yakzu family, some people grin and face taboos. Anyone who hears the Lich King will be very careful, even if it is the fourth-ranked evil sword emperor in the quasi-prestige list, they will open their eyes. A look at the old man in yellow.

As the humming sounds, the purple whirlwind stagnate, and the old man in yellow clothes gently pulls out the purple whirlwind, step by step toward the purple emperor, and the purple emperor wants to move, but in front of the singer of fate, a finger can't move. In the end, the old man of Huang Yi pointed at the eyebrows of the Purple Emperor.

The eyes are gone, and the purple coat has nothing to breathe.

"The Lich King is still so perverted.

The Four-winged Dragon King sighed, and the Lich was very mysterious in the Mozu.

"My family, the more abnormal the better."

The second demon in the quasi-excellent rankings grinned.

"The Purple Emperor is dead!" Next to Ye Chen, the emperor muttered.

Ye Chen comforted Jin Yihuang, he knows that the purple, white, gold and blue four majors have a lot of friendship, the death of the purple emperor, against him.

Looking at the old man in the yellow dress who looked back at the audience, Ye Chen secretly shook his head. The fisherman next to the fate river entered the river, and he no longer saw the fate. The muddy river would drown him and swallow it.

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