Dominating Sword Immortal

Chapter 1277: Undead

The Bone Sword is very strong. To be exact, his funeral swordsmanship is too abnormal. Except for the old man and the old man, the Bone Sword and the other four old guys are of a level, but because he is a Terran, so Yan The contempt did not count him. After all, the Terran Empire is not a killer under the normal circumstances.

"Come to me."

The red light column shot at the emperor, and the next moment, the emperor appeared in the arena.

His opponent is a short, small, monkey-like Mozu middle age.

In the heart of the emperor's heart, the look is very dignified.

This demon is the twentieth of the saga of the quasi-enjoyed list, from the Mozu, the body is an iron demon monkey, the speed is very fast, the attack is crazy, so it is called the Flash Emperor.

"Senior, it’s your misfortune to meet me, the demon emperor." The flashing emperor licked his lips, and his eyes flashed a cruel light.

"No more nonsense, pick up."

Without any nonsense, Jin Yihuang directly attacked the past.


The flashing demon figure flashed and disappeared without a trace.

Jin Yihuang quickly stopped the pace, the soul turned into a big net, and explored everywhere.

"it's here."

I noticed a wave of fluctuations in time and space. The King of the Golden Emperor held the stick, and the fierce golden sticks swayed out. The golden color sticks into the depths of time and space, oh, deep in time and space, metal friction The sound of the collision, see the shape, the heart of the emperor's heart, the golden stick method is more fierce, the stick shadow is connected into a piece, like a golden tsunami.

"It's too slow, give me death."

Suddenly, the figure of the Flash Emperor appeared behind the King of the Emperor, and the black paws of the Emperor grabbed the past, and slammed, the Emperor’s Emperor’s armor could not stop it, and was directly caught a big hole, blood and water splashing, critically ill. Jin Yihuang was a spin, and the stick swept to the Flash Emperor.

A back jumped away, the devil's brow wrinkled, this claw, he wanted to penetrate the body of the emperor, did not expect the other party to react so fast.

The right claw reached the mouth, and the flashing devil licked the blood on the tip of the claw. He grinned and said: "It’s too easy to kill, it’s not fun."

Jin Yihuang's face is unchanged, the body and the invincible force surging, and instantly recovering the injury, to their realm. In addition to the invincible power brought by the seven or more spirits, the so-called undead body has no use at all, the martial arts will In a situation that is strong enough, the undead body of the King of Life and Death is a joke.

"This guy is too powerful. The golden stick method is not effective. It is only used by the stick, but it can't be used now. It must be used at the moment of his slack, and it will be a win."

I thought of it here. The King of the Golden Emperor held the stick and danced wildly.

Gradually, a golden circle enveloped the Emperor.

The Golden Supreme School - the golden circle.

"Hey, give up the attack?"

The Flash Magic Emperor reveals a trace of surprise, and then immediately sneak into the void.


In the following quarter of an hour, the Sparks Emperor attacked the golden circle of the Emperor Jinnai from all angles without any flaws.

"Would you like to spend this with me?" The Flash Emperor no longer sneaked into the void, angered.

The emperor dismissed, "I have the ability to break my defense."

"Then I will attack you."

The demon emperor shouted, the whole person swelled, from one meter to five, swelled to three meters up and down. A pair of arm muscles tangled, iron-like.

"Flash Magic Heart Roll!"


The arms are made of cones and the body is made of a cone. The flashing demon is like a huge awl. It is madly spinning to the emperor, and the black lightning is at the tip.

"My sorcerer's heart is cultivated to the extreme, you can drill a black hole and see how you block it."

A thought flashed, the awl of the devil's magic has been attacked on the golden circle.


The golden circle's defense is terrible. No matter how the Diamond Emperor drills, it is impossible to break through this layer of gold cover. The eye-catching people in the audience have already seen the clues. The golden circle can disperse the power and beat the ten layers of strength. In an instant, it will be dispersed 90%, unless the flash magic devil's heart is twice as strong as the heart, otherwise it will be difficult to break through.

Finally, the power of the sorcerer's heart was exhausted, and the whole body of the sorcerer was bounced by the gold-enhanced counter-shock force, and the empty door was exposed.

"The opportunity is coming."

The golden circle dissipated, and the Golden Emperor stepped out one step at a time.

It’s awkward!

For a moment, no one knows how many sticks the King of the Kings blasted. At the beginning of the tens of thousands of sticks, the Flash Magic can still resist it, but after tens of thousands of sticks, his hands are numb, and countless sticks follow the defense. Empty, banging on him, in the end, the Flash Emperor was beaten and broken, and the flesh and blood were wiped out by countless sticks.

Back in the seat, the emperor smiled bitterly. "It is not easy to win."

"Win it."

Ye Chen laughed.

The top 100 battles, the death rate is suddenly high, and everyone can go to this step, everyone has a bit of skill, unless the gap is too large, generally will not abstain, such as the strength of the Emperor and the Emperor of the Flash, the flash The devil is slightly stronger than the emperor, but in the end, the emperor killed the Sparks Emperor with patience and wisdom.

No one is willing to abstain.

Once you meet the same strength and choose to abstain, then basically you can't be the supreme in your life, you can become the supreme, who does not have the fighting spirit and confidence that you have nowhere to go.

The significance of the existence of the Shura community is actually to cultivate the supreme in advance.

One after another, the battle began and ended. During this period, Xu Jing abstained once. Her opponent was a black and white old man who was no more dangerous than Huang Yi.

As for Ye Chen, there is no pressure. In his eyes, the top five existence and the Huang Yi old man can be regarded as the opponents.

The red light shrouded and the leaf dust entered the scene again.

The opponent is -


The fifteenth place in the quasi-excellent ranks, the evil spirits of the emperor.

The Emperor was the brother of the evil boy who was encountered in the high-level hunting battlefield. The family of the evil child king and the emperor was called the undead family. Every family in the family would have a supreme appearance every 100,000 years. The undead family was so prosperous and the family It is not a matter of cultivating evil spirits - there is a relationship between undead and evil spirits. This is a practice that cultivates to the limit and truly kills death. The most basic condition for practicing this practice is to have an immortal body, that is, to become a king of life and death, except In addition, the cultivation of this evil will lead to a younger age, and finally become a child, the younger the age, the deeper the skill.

The child's emperor in front of him seems to be only ten years old, much smaller than the evil child king, and looks very strange.

"Well, Ye Chen actually hit the emperor."

Some of the giants of the Giants and Barbarians are slightly worried. The name of Ye Chen, they naturally heard, this is really a genius that is rare in a million years. It will become super supreme in the future and it will be good for them, at least offset. The pressure of the Mozu.

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