Dominating Sword Immortal

Chapter 1292: Nine-turn star

"Did you make it?"

The demon statue projection opens the Zhenwu Supreme Projection, and the eyes cast on the place where Ye Chen and the Devil River Supreme Project disappear. However, there are waves of time and space, which cannot be completely seen. With the eyesight of the Demon Supreme Project, it can only be faint. The covenant saw a figure standing there.

"I hope there will be nothing."

The Zhenwu Supreme Projection also looks in that direction.

The time-space storm gradually dissipated, and the Supreme Projection clearly saw the surviving person, Ye Chen.

"Good guy, Devil River Supreme can not kill him with a projection. It is definitely a powerful supreme force."

"Hey, the Mozu is going to die this time!"

"If you don't give up, you have to die. The projections are all on the scene. The Devil's Supreme Projection is finished, and the Mozu has no choice but to deal with this."

There is a lot of discussion about the projections of the Terran Alliance.

"so close!"

Ye Chen’s heart has a lingering fear, and the Devil’s Supreme Project has a desperate life. The strength has increased by a hundred times, and he is a thousand times stronger than him. Fortunately, at the crucial moment, he avoided the direct attack range of the Devil’s Supreme by virtue of time and space, but was affected. However, despite this, I was slightly hurt.


Ye Chen flew in the direction of the bronze gate, deliberately avoiding the projection of the alien supreme.

The demon statue projection is gloomy. "If my real body is here, with the demon sacred and bloodthirsty guns, you can completely kill the child regardless of the defense."

With the demon sacred armor, Zhenwu Supreme can't hurt him. He can attack several times and kill the leaf dust, but now it can't be done. Now it's just a projection, it is easy to collapse.

"But it, a strong supreme, will not affect the overall situation."

Thinking so, the Demon statue projected to retreat.

"Go, go back and say." Seeing the demon projections of the Mozu and others, Zhenwu Supreme Projection took a breath and began to order to return to the Terran area. It was too dangerous here. He said, he looked at Ye Chen and smiled: "Ye Chen, you are also going back to China with nine stars."

Nine-turning stars are the largest nine-level life planet in the four major life stars. The top of the Terran is set up. In general, the Supreme will stay on the nine-turn star for many years. Of course, each Supreme has its own living. In the mainland, there are a total of nine hundred and ninety-one continents, and there are big and small.

"No hurry, after a week, I will go to the nine-turn star."

Ye Chen has to take care of other things. After becoming a supreme, he needs a lot of time to consolidate his cultivation and practice martial arts, so he must go back before he can.

"Alright, then we will see you on the nine-turn star."

As the supreme, Zhenwu Supreme naturally respects the choice of Ye Chen.

Waiting for the descendants of the human family to leave, Ye Chen has a big hand, Xu Jing Murong and other people only feel the time and space changes, and soon they have come to the Fire Mars.

"So fast!"

The emperor's tongue, although the Terran area is closer to the spiritual area, but how can it be tens of thousands of light years, it is too fast.

"Ye Chen, are you really supreme?"

Murong City looked up at Ye Chen and looked like a dream. She knew how difficult it was to become a Supreme. It was a thousand times more difficult to break through from the Linghai Sea to life and death. It is not comparable.

Ye Chen smiled and nodded. At the same time, his body began to shrink and narrowed to the height of ordinary humans.

"The war between the Terran and the Mozu is just around the corner. For a long time, I may have to practice on the nine-turn star. If you have anything, you can go to the nine-turn star to find me."

Ye Chen said to everyone.

"for sure."

"I haven’t been to the nine-turn star yet? Your name should be unimpeded."

Until they were separated, the solitary people and the emperor were still very shocked. It was only about 600 years ago that Ye Chen became the supreme. This is definitely the achievement of Zhen Gu Shuo, not to mention them, even if it is some surprise. The resurrection of the fascinating ancients, compared with Ye Chen, is simply a enchanting enchanting.

In the next few days, Ye Chen gathered with his family. As the cultivation of his realm improved, he and his family gathered together less and less time. Fortunately, his closest relatives became the king of life and death, with a life expectancy of ten. In the past ten thousand years, Ye Chen did not have the opportunity to gather together for a long time.

A week later, Ye Chen left. Before leaving, he planted a sword in the souls of his relatives and his girlfriend. This sword contains some supreme power. The disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of energy. Ye Chen can't give too many swords at once, and it consumes too much.


The white tiger star is close to the central part of the four major life stars. It has a huge and huge life planet. When you look at it roughly, it is more than 1.5 billion meters in diameter. It can be seen that the terrain of this star is surrounded by the ocean and surrounds it. Nine laps.

This star is a nine-turn star.

Supreme Court, whether it is a human race or a Yaozu, all the supremes are coming, because today is the day when the new supreme leaf dust arrives. In the face of such a young supreme, everyone must give some face, Zhenwu Supreme and other extremes. The ditch passes, let them have a good relationship with Ye Chen, and there is no contradiction.

"Ye Chen, welcome to the nine-turn star."

Zhenwu Supreme led the team to welcome.

Ye Chen hugged the boxing fist. "Everyone is too polite. Ye Chen came to see him. There is something wrong with it. Even if everyone raises it, Ye Chen will change it."

Supreme Supreme smiled: "Before you became the Supreme, I and Qinxin are the youngest supreme. Now your appearance, but broke our record, and everyone exchanges.

“I’m saying it’s good.”

Qin Supreme is also very curious about Ye Chen. Such a young supreme is simply rare in ancient times. Maybe he can learn something from him. She does not think that the longer the cultivation, the more qualified, the so-called master. In the speed of cultivation, Ye Chen did not know how far they went out. The stories of the past and the present tell them that young people are awesome.

"for sure."

Ye Chen also wants to learn something from the other side. For example, some secrets that are not known below the Supreme, the universe is too big, and no one dares to say that he knows everything.

"Ye Chen, you should not know me, but I have seen you on Qinglongxing." He spoke of a majestic middle-aged man with a height of five feet and a bronze crown.

"You are the supreme of the dragon?"

Leaf dust can feel the endless dragon power in the other side.

琅琊 Supreme said: "This is the Dragon Bronze Supreme, one of the most powerful Supreme in our human race."

Bronze Supreme is the most powerful and supreme in addition to Super Supreme, and the Dragon has a more powerful supreme - the Golden Supreme, the Golden Supreme is super supreme, but unfortunately it has been missing for many years, no one knows where to go.

For Bronze Supreme to know himself, Ye Chen is not surprised, he has been to Qinglongxing many times, the other party must pay attention.

Next, Ye Chen knew all the supreme ones, and each of the supremes was amazed at the youngness of Ye Chen, and Ye Chen also knew for the first time that the ultimate fighting power of the Terran is honest, corresponding, the ultimate battle of the Mozu How terrible is the force. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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