Dominating Sword Immortal

Chapter 1293: Millennium Supreme

"Hey, you bring Ye Chen to choose a continent." After Ye Chen had talked with all the supremes, Zhenwu Supreme commanded the supreme.

"Well, Ye Chen, come with me."

琅琊 Supreme nodded and looked at Ye Chen.


Ye Chen followed behind the stern.

Nine-turning stars over the sky, while Supreme Supreme led the way, said: "The nine-turned stars have a total of eighty-one continents. Some continents belong to the public continent. The rest can be chosen casually. Of course, you must choose the ownerless. There are 24 unowned continents, namely Fenglin Continent, Yanhuo Continent, Tianchen Continent... Each continent has its own characteristics. There are many forests in the wind forest, the wind is very large, and it is not ordinary wind. It is a life-and-death occupant who needs tough roads to kill the gods; the rocky mainland is the world of flames, where the rocks are all on fire; the sky above the Tianchen continent has a naturally formed array of stars, topped with various a variety of small stars..."

"I will choose Tianchen mainland!"

Nine-turning stars are the biggest nine-level life planets in the four major life stars. They are extremely magical. For countless years, I don’t know how many legendary supreme layouts are banned, and I have strengthened the nine-turn star, and even half-god personally, so Turning stars are not only extremely defensive, but the Supreme is hard to destroy, and there are many restrictions. For example, the scope of soul exploration is very small and limited. Ye Chen relies on the eyes of the Nether, only to see the place where Tianchen is located.

"Well, I will take you there."

琅琊 Supreme continues to lead the way.

After a while, the two came to the sky above the Tianchen continent. As one of the eighty-one continents on the nine-turn star, the Tianchen continent is much larger than the ordinary life planet. I saw that there are countless small stars in the sky. A relatively large sun and a moon can completely illuminate the entire Tianchen continent.

"Good place!"

Ye dust nodded.

琅琊Supreme said: "Nine turns to eighty-one continents, each continent is wonderful, look at personal preferences."

"It's here."

"That's good, Tianchen has a main hall Tianchenbao Temple on the mainland. You only need to refine the Tianchenzhu in the Tianchenbao Temple, you can control the entire Tianchen continent. When other supremes enter the mainland, you will know immediately if they are not allowed to come in. They can't break in."

“Can’t break in?” Ye Chen wondered: “If there is a traitor to the nine-turn star and control a continent, there is no way to attack it.”

琅琊 琅琊 哈 哈 哈 哈 哈 哈 哈 哈 哈 哈 哈 哈 哈 哈 哈 哈 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊 琅琊The traitor is useless."

"It turns out that." In Ye Chen's view, the nine-turning star is not only a simple life planet, but also a treasure of the planet, and the control of the treasure is in the hands of Zhenwu Supreme.

"Right, I forgot to tell you that after you become the Supreme, you will automatically have an eight-level life planet. You can let your friends and relatives move forward and develop. I wait for the supreme life. The life span exceeds 100,000 years. After 100,000 years, Your children and grandchildren will be terrible."

琅琊 Supreme said again.

Nine-level life planets, there are not many people, there is one dragon, one Phoenix, and some big Yaos also have one. The Terran has only a few, no more than ten, each has its own purpose, eight The level of life planet is relatively large, enough to satisfy all supreme.

"That's best."

Can get an eight-level life planet, Ye Chen is very satisfied, although he still has no children, but the entire Ye family and the dusty swordsman, a large population, hundreds of years of reproduction, the number has multiplied many times, 100,000 years passed Perhaps his descendants must be in millions of units. After all, not every descendant is very talented, and not every descendant has his mind on the subsistence. There is a big backing of Ye Chen and Ye Jia, which is estimated to be more. The children and grandchildren will put their minds on pleasure.

This point, Ye Chen has no way, limited resources, training hundreds of people thousands of people can, cultivate tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of millions of people, the entire Terran resources are not enough, can only let them follow the tide.

So far, Ye Chen has had a three-pole life planet flame Mars, a four-level life planet blue Mars, the latter is his reward for the eight-day emperor of life and death, these two life planets, useful later, can Put some family members out to cultivate their independence.

"Well, what tells you all tells you that you are new to the supreme, you should take some time to practice martial arts, improve your strength, and don't bother. If you have anything, you can go to Supreme Court to summon Zhenwu Supreme or other supreme." "Supreme Supreme said: "As for your eight-level life planet, there are the following people to help you prepare, no need to worry about you."


Ye Chen also really wants to practice martial arts. After becoming the Supreme, there is a flash of light in his mind.

Waiting for the Supreme to leave, Ye Chen flew to the center of Tianchen, and entered the Tianchenbao Temple. In the temple, a bead with twinkles was suspended.

With a hand, Tianchenzhu fell into the hands, and Ye Chen began to refine.

"It's no wonder that the nine-turn star is not suitable for residents. Tianchen mainland is dangerous for people below the supreme. Only the Tianchen Hall is safe. The whole nine-turn star has been since ancient times, countless legendary supreme and some demigods. Quenching into a planet-level treasure, power is infinite."

At the same time of refining the Tianchenzhu, Ye Chen gradually understood the mystery of the nine-turn star.

"But if I give a hint of Tianzhuzhu power, I can stay on the Tianchen continent for a long time."

After a while, Ye Chen thoroughly refines Tianchenzhu.

In the following days, Ye Chen began to immerse himself in the practice of swordsmanship. At present, he still has many shortcomings. The biggest shortcoming is naturally the swordsmanship.


When there was no cultivation, when Ye Chen practiced, the rumors about him were spread throughout the universe.

At that time, there were too many emperors in the world. There were all races, one was ten, ten was hundred, one hundred thousand, and just one year, Ye Chen became the supreme thing, and most of the kings of life and death were I know, everyone is shocked by the talent of Ye Chen. You must know that Ye Chen is only about six hundred years old, and the young man who has become the supreme in the millennium has a common title called the Millennium Supreme.

The Millennium Supreme is fully hopeful to attack the legendary supreme, and even the demigod may not have no hope. In fact, from the perspective of cultivation talent, Ye Chen is better than many legendary supreme talents, but no one knows the future, only hopes. .

At the same time, after the Mozu and other aliens ate a dumb loss, they began to quiet down, but the breath of war was not silent, but hidden deeper.

The wind and rain come to the mountains!

Ps: Ask for the light of the recommended god!

——(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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