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This child is clearly his half-sister.

It was... he took away his mother's love, and wanted to snatch his mother's rival from him.


He was held tightly by the lotus arms of Xiaoroubaozi.

Seeing her blinking her clever and translucent peach blossom eyes, she smiled ingratiatingly at him.

Little Lu Qilin didn't even think of pushing the other party away.

He took a deep breath and frowned, "Let go first."

In any case, the basic policy of 'competing for favor' cannot be changed.

"Big brother..." Little Dudu was a little aggrieved.

She raised her little head and looked at her big brother, her fleshy chin was still poking at Youyou's soft abdomen.

"Did my words make big brother unhappy? But Dudu just wants to comfort big brother..."

Such a beautiful big brother, she really likes it.

The big brother is really beautiful, with deep black eyes that are as bright and moving as black gems.

She is so envious.

Dudu has always wanted to have a pair of black eyes like Mama.

Looking at the little bun looking up at him, he looked pitiful.

The cold words that came to the mouth were suddenly speechless.

Youyou frowned slightly and whispered, "No, it's just too hot."

In summer, it is of course hot to hold together.

This reason is perfect.

But Dudu frowned even more aggrieved, "Hey, the air conditioner is on in the room, and it's very cold. It's not hot at all, Dudu feels so cold, and it's not cold if my big brother hugs."

No matter, she likes this big brother so much, so beautiful that she wants to take it home and show it to her mother.


Dudu couldn't help thinking.

Beautiful uncle, you can take it home and be her Baba.

That beautiful brother, can you take it home and be her brother?

Anyway, stinky An'an will only bully her.

If there was a more beautiful and powerful brother in An An, An An would never dare to bully her again!

Youyou didn't know what Dudu's little head was planning.

He was being answered by Dudu, so he couldn't answer for a while.

After being stunned for a moment, he struggled to grab Dudu's little fleshy hand.

"Add cold clothes, let go."

Huh, big brother's tone is so fierce and cold.

However, the way he spoke with a straight face was even better.

Dudu didn't want her big brother to think that she was not good and ignorant.

"Okay, that Dudu let go."

Little Dudu reluctantly let go of his two little fleshy arms.

Yuyou breathed a sigh of relief.

He is not used to being approached by others.

Except for my mother, I don't want anyone else to touch me at the moment.

However, when he saw the fat dumpling, he let go of his arms and lowered his head again.

In my heart, there was a hint of reluctance.

I was about to say something to comfort her.

A cold and indifferent voice suddenly came from the stairs.

"The sweeter, what are you doing?"

This voice is somewhat similar to Xiao Lu Qilin.

It's just that there is a little more clarity, even if the voice is deliberately lowered, but after all, little Lu Qilin is still a little immature.

Lu Qilin raised his head and crashed into a azure blue eye that was like a sea of ​​stars.

The long and narrow phoenix eyes of the two of them were exactly the same, and at the same moment, they narrowed slightly.

Xiao Lu Qilin thought, this is another of his "imaginary enemies".

Perhaps a rival.

At least, he looks, that little meat bun is more difficult to deal with.

The Yuezheng child was expressionless, hiding the surprise in his heart.

The moment he saw Lu Qilin, he suddenly thought of a past event.

When he was three years old, because Dudu was too noisy, he hid in the study and went under the table to play Rubik's cube alone.

While there, he accidentally overheard the conversation between his uncle and mommy.

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