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In the study room of the Presidential Palace, Huo Jingyan asked Lu Huanting for help desperately.

"Eight fighter jets are in front of us now, and an aircraft carrier is eyeing the high seas. The Duke of Reddington is for real this time! If Shen Jun is not allowed to bow his head again, the parliament will definitely impeach the president. At that time, Lu Yuchen will only have to lobby others. Members vote, my presidency is over!"

Although the Huo family is not bad, the Lu family, who has a deep connection in the House of Representatives, is far behind.

Huo's father prefers Huo Jingshan, and Huo Jingyan knows that if he is not the president, the resources of the Huo family will not be tilted toward him.

He must keep the presidency, must!

"Your Excellency, things are not at their worst yet. The current situation is a crisis but also an opportunity for us. Domestic public opinion and public opinion are now on our side, and the public's approval rate for you is also the highest among any presidents. "

"As long as you persevere and withstand the pressure of the parliament, I am confident that not only will Europe's troubles be resolved, but Lu Yuchen will also be resolved."

"Persistence?" Huo Jingyan looked at Lu Huanting with a mocking look, "The Prime Minister's words are too easy."

"The power of this country is in the hands of the presidential palace, the parliament and the military. Now the parliament wants me to bow my head, and the military is unwilling to start a war. Tell me... I am a president, what can I insist on?"

"What's the use of popular support? With those keyboard warriors, can the Duke of Reddington withdraw his troops, or can Parliament cancel the impeachment!?"

Huo Jingyan loves Lu Aitong miserably. Because he loves Wu and Wu, he almost never says a harsh word to Lu Huanting.

But this time, Huo Jingyan couldn't bear to lose his temper at Lu Huanting.

Lu Huanting's expression remained unchanged, quietly watching Huo Jingyan roaring and getting angry at him.

On the other hand, Lu Yishen couldn't sit still. He was about to speak for Lu Huanting, but Lu Huanting grabbed his arm.

"Yishen, sit down." Lu Huanting held Lu Yishen down, his deep black eyes somewhat similar to Lu Yuchen's, passing through the unfathomable darkness.

"Your Excellency the President is right." After holding down Lu Yishen, the old god Lu Huanting looked at Huo Jingyan, and there was no turbulence in his dark and obscure eyes.

"It's true that I thought too much about this matter and didn't think about your Excellency the President. Well, three days later, Han Li Kingdom will hold a banquet to officially announce Han Xuan'er's identity."

"Your Excellency, it's better to propose to Han Xuan'er at the banquet before Han Li Guo recognizes Han Xuan'er. Han Xuan'er likes you so much and is already yours, she will definitely not refuse."

In this way, Han Liguo didn't want to marry Han Xuan'er to Huo Jingyan, and Han Xuan'er agreed to the proposal in public, and there was no way to go back on it.

"Since Han Liguo is willing to hold a banquet and specially introduces Han Xuan'er's identity to the outside world, she will definitely value her very much. At that time, you will become the son-in-law of Han Liguo, and then let Han Xuan'er say a few good words for you, Han Xuan'er. Li Guosuan will not see you being impeached by the parliament in the face of his own daughter."

Now the military is reluctant to step forward, and relying on the presidential palace alone is not enough to bear the pressure.

However, as long as the Hanli Kingdom is biased towards Huo Jingyan and deliberately engages in friction with the Duke of Reddington's army during the 'normal defense' stage, the conflict can easily escalate.

At that time, the war was not deliberately launched by the Presidential Palace, but was accidentally caused by the defense.

As a result, no one can hold the Presidential Palace accountable.

Huo Jingyan instantly understood the meaning of Lu Huanting's words.

His eyes changed slightly.

After pondering for a moment, he nodded: "Okay, do this. But for Aitong, please explain it for me."

After all, he still couldn't let go of Lu Aitong.

Lu Huanting narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Don't worry, Your Excellency, Aitong is a sensible child, and she naturally knows to focus on the overall situation."

[The author has something to say] The 7.5 update begins

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