Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 1474 Never give in to illegitimate children

"Oh, not arguing here is to give the Han family face?"

After Lu Huanting had a deep understanding of righteousness, Lu Yuchen had no choice but to laugh at him coldly.

"Lu Huanting, you flatter me too much. The one who doesn't give the Han family face is you, not me."

With deep cold eyes, he stared at the hypocritical 'father' and the hidden 'brother' in front of him.

Lu Yuchen looked at them like he was looking at the most despicable and shameless beast.

"You clearly know what will happen when you bring this illegitimate son here, but you brought him here in order to pave the way for him. Lu Huanting, if you really respected the Han family, you would not bring him to attend. As for your fake Pretending to be a loving father, with all due's downright disgusting."

"Yuchen, how can you talk to your father like this!? I am your father. Even if my relationship with your mother breaks down, you are my favorite son!"

"Heh, why not?" Lu Yuchen looked at the man in front of him, who claimed to be his 'father', with cold eyes.

"I don't want to talk about the real relationship between the two of us. It's just that you let me rest for a while and don't care about Lu Yishen, an illegitimate child."

"On the surface, you seem to be doing it for my own good, but in fact, you are using my face as a legitimate child to give face to an illegitimate child like Lu Yishen."

The deeper the anger in Lu Yuchen's heart, the colder the expression on his face.

Not angry, but frozen three feet.

Lu Yuchen stared coldly at his 'father' whom he hadn't seen in almost a few years.

The 'father' in this memory, when it was finally about to blur, jumped out again, reinforcing all the most disgusting and filthy marks in his heart.

"Lu Huanting, don't deny it. You did this just to make uninformed outsiders think that I no longer dislike this illegitimate child, so that his identity can be recognized."

Growing up, this man had never spoken to himself in such a gentle tone.

Lu Huanting's disguise, whether to protect his face or to maintain his hypocritical image, was beyond Lu Yuchen's control.

But only one point.

If Lu Huanting wanted to use him,

Pave the way for Lu Yishen.

Then he found the wrong person, very wrong.

Because he is Lu Yuchen.

He would rather offend the Han family and the whole world than admit Lu Yishen, the illegitimate child of Lu Yuchen.


Xinluo has been paying close attention to Lu Yuchen's face.

Seeing a dark flash in his cold eyes, he immediately gently squeezed his broad palm.

At the very beginning, Xinluo didn't understand the deep meaning of Lu Huanting's words.

But when she heard Lu Yuchen's words, she suddenly became enlightened.

Yes, that's what it is!

In the past, as long as Lu Yishen and Lu Yuchen appeared on the same occasion, Lu Yishen would almost always be devalued by Master Lu.

But this time, Lu Huanting deliberately used the argument of taking the overall situation into consideration, wanting to let Master Lu temporarily rest.

At least at the Han family's banquet, stop targeting Lu Yishen.

If Master Lu didn't see the deep meaning of Lu Huanting's actions, he really did what he said, taking care of the overall situation and not bothering Lu Yishen.

Then after this banquet, rumors that Lu Ye tolerated the illegitimate child, or even accepted the illegitimate child, and could live with him peacefully, would spread in the whole circle.

Lu Huanting, he really is an extremely sinister person!

"Yuchen, what are you talking about, how could Dad mean that." Lu Huanting sighed, seeming rather embarrassed.

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