"Young Master Chen, how is it, am I right?" Han Liguo looked back and took the initiative to ask Lu Yuchen.

Lu Yuchen was not planning to trouble Lu Huanting and his son at the Han family's banquet.

He knows how to forbear, but he doesn't want to dominate in front of Hanli Kingdom.

Unexpectedly, the Hanli Kingdom, who has no personal relationship with him, is defending it in many ways.

If you continue to keep a low profile at this time, it is hypocrisy.

"Han Shuai is right." Lu Yuchen nodded and said coldly, "There is no such person's name on the Lu family's household registration or genealogy. Indeed, he has never been recognized by my grandfather or other clan members of the Lu family. "

"Lu Yuchen, Yishen is also your younger brother anyway, how could you be so embarrassed to go to hell!?"

"My brother?" Lu Yuchen looked at Lu Huanting who seemed disappointed, his eyes cold.

At a time like this, he still hasn't forgotten to act.

"If he were my brother, he wouldn't have popped out a few months earlier than me."

"You are talking nonsense!" Lu Huanting seemed a little excited, but also a little distressed.

He frowned, looking at Lu Yuchen with sadness in his eyes, "Yuchen, you really disappointed me. I didn't expect that you could even make up such a lie in order to attack your brother."

"Sigh..." Lu Huanting shook his head, looked at Han Liguo, and put on a fragile and hurt expression, "Marshal Han, Yuchen has deep resentment towards Yi, he didn't lie in front of you on purpose, please forgive him. ."

"Premier Lu, what do you mean, Young Master Chen is lying? That illegitimate child is Young Master Chen's younger brother?" Han Liguo didn't know what he was thinking, his deep eyes couldn't see emotion.

"Yi Shen is of course Yu Chen's younger brother, and he is not an illegitimate child. The family tree is just a misunderstanding."

"Oh, is that right? But how do I remember, I heard Mr. Lu mentioned in the past that you raised a woman named Lin Tong outside, and the illegitimate child you gave birth to was a few months older than Chen Shao. You just now You also said that your current wife is Lin Tong."

"I, I..." Lu Huanting's superb acting skills finally revealed his flaws.

He looked at Han Cangyan, and for a while, he didn't know how to explain it.


Is there another secret? This illegitimate child is not actually Lin Tong's child, but is it born by you and another woman? "

"..." Lu Huanting was speechless. He never thought that Han Liguo and the deceased Old Man Lu actually had a personal relationship.

Being able to tell him about such a family scandal, one can imagine how close the relationship between the two is.

The guests are all human beings. Seeing the changes in the expressions of the two people, they can almost see the authenticity of it.

Whispering voices gradually sounded in the banquet hall.

"The little three's child is older than the original partner, isn't this a proper marriage cheating?!"

"Premier Lu has always been in front of the public, professing himself to be a good man, a good father and a good husband... tsk tsk, I really can't see it..."

In this short half-minute, Lu Huanting's image in City B, which he had worked so hard for for many years, collapsed almost instantly.

Lu Huanting, the former prime minister who was elegant and mature, close to the people, capable, and caring for his family, seemed to suddenly become a stranger in everyone's eyes.

"Okay, okay...Han Liguo, what you said is really good." Lu Huanting suddenly laughed, "You talk about me, but you are not the same."

"Women have changed one after another, and illegitimate children have given birth to one after another. Why do you point fingers at me!"

[The author has something to say] Continue, it's rare that I won't go to work tomorrow, I will definitely stay up late to write today, and I have to finish at least 10 chapters. Don't wait, you can read it tomorrow morning and go to bed earlier.

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