As soon as the price came out, both the guests and the reporters were in an uproar.

The old man Shen, who was sitting beside Shen Jun, suddenly tilted to the side.

Fortunately, Shen Wan quickly supported him.

"Grandpa, be careful..." Although Shen Wan supported the old man, her face was equally pale with fright.

No one expected that Shen Jun's bid would directly increase the original 35 million to 50 million.

Even if the Shen family can pay, even if they can subsidize it.

But such a price increase is just too... reckless.

"Quick... let your father stop." Mr. Shen said in a low voice.

While he was speaking, someone had followed the bid, and the bid was '52 million'.

At this time, many people looked towards the Shen family.

Even if Mr. Shen wanted to stop him, he could not stop Shen Jun in front of other guests and reporters.

He only felt a sudden pain in his temples, and his eyeballs were swollen red.

The blood in the body all boiled, and it rushed up the back of the head rapidly, as if it was about to break through the skull and spurt out.

"Don't, don't ask your father to increase the price..."

The old man Shen held Shen Wan's hand, and he was already in a state of exhaling more and less air.

Shen Wan immediately stretched out her hand to pull the corner of Shen Jun's coat, "Dad, grandpa told you not to go up..."

Before he could finish speaking, Shen Jun raised his placard, "Sixty million!"

Another amazing price.

"Wow - sixty million!"

"The Shen family is so arrogant, and it really is a top-level aristocratic family with a rich family background."

"Tsk tsk, the strength of the Shen family is still there, it should not be underestimated... It seems that those rumors outside may not be fully believed."

Shen Jun raised his chin proudly when he heard all kinds of admiration coming from behind him.

He proudly held the bid card in his hand,

Greet others with a look of admiration or admiration.

60 million, and the blue-and-white porcelain vase worth about 30 million was photographed. This is indeed a rare ‘big deal’.

Shen Jun thought that the people sitting in front turned their heads frequently because they were amazed at his arrogance.

As everyone knows, most of them are just laughing at his stupidity.

"60 million once, 60 million twice, 60 million three times...Congratulations to this gentleman for winning the twelfth lot tonight. Please..."

Before the auctioneer could finish speaking, there was a dull sound in the auction hall.

"Boom-" sound.

The old man Shen actually fell down from his seat.


Shen Wan was shocked.

She was just busy going to stop Shen Jun and didn't notice her grandpa for a while.

Unexpectedly, when he turned his head, his grandfather fell down.

At this moment, the old man Shen lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

Unlike every time in the past.

Even if Shen Wan, Shen Jun, and 'Tang Xinluo' all went up the first time, they were choking people, and they were doing CPR, but the old man Shen showed no signs of sobering up at all.

"This can't be done. We called an ambulance and we have to take him to the hospital." The manager of the clubhouse had brought someone over long ago, and when he saw Shen Zhongtian's situation, he made an immediate decision.

"Yes, I have to go to the hospital..." Shen Wan reacted immediately.

"Wait, wait." Shen Jun stopped Shen Wan, "I haven't taken my photos yet, so please accompany your grandpa first, and Dad will come later."

At this time, Shen Jun was still caring about the '60 million' blue and white porcelain he had just photographed.

It's good that he didn't mention it. As soon as he mentioned it, Shen Wan immediately thought of the pale face of Mr. Shen when he heard Shen Jun's bid.

[The author has something to say] I came back from get off work and wrote two chapters, and there are 6 more chapters after that.

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