"Winston, why are you...?"

Seeing Winston, Xin Luo's hanging heart finally fell completely.

But it was Winston, not Sadie, which surprised her a little.

"I happen to be at the security center." Winston was as simple as ever, not wanting to waste even a single extra word.

Although he doesn't speak much, his actions are very considerate.

Holding the two little guys, they handed over their little hands to Xinluo.

Xinluo took the two treasures and protected them behind her before giving orders to Winston, Lu Qi and Lu Jiu.

"They are disrespectful to Mrs. Lu, and they have to take the child away. You want the child back, and then you should send it away. If you can't send it away, you can just throw it out."

With Winston, the former number one killer of the Redington Group, here, Xinluo's confidence was unprecedented.

Winston glanced at Tang Mi, Lu Qi and the others who were facing enemies.

The slender fingers loosened the black tie on the neck and ripped it off.

"I don't need them, I'm enough to deal with these people." He took off his suit jacket expressionlessly, his voice low and cold.

Winston threw the jacket and tie he took off to Xinluo.

Xinluo was slightly startled and caught it.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Winston muttering, "Yin Yinfei asked me to wear a suit and tie, it's really troublesome."

Having said that, there was a faint smile on Winston's lips.

He unbuttoned the cuff buttons and pushed up the cuff of his shirt, revealing a strong forearm.

Then he raised his eyes and tilted his head slightly.

The cold blue eyes looked at Tang Mi who was still holding on to Zhuo Yunfei through the finely shattered blond hair on her forehead.

Tang Mi's body trembled involuntarily when stared at by such a pair of cold and forcing eyes.

"You...what do you want to do?!"

In order not to make herself look embarrassed, she bit her head and looked up at Winston, "I warn you... don't mess around..."

Winston's deep cold eyes narrowed, and he felt that the woman's voice was really annoying.

His eyes darkened, and the aura around him became even more terrifying.

"Shut up, put him down, and get out." Winston uttered a few words condescendingly.

"You...you..." Tang Mi's pupils shrank suddenly, she wanted to summon the courage to refute it.

But in front of this tall man with a cold temperament, all the rebuttals seemed impossible to say.

Winston didn't even make a move, just frowned, causing Tang Mi's calf to tremble uncontrollably.

She no longer asks to take Zhuo Yunfei, the dead child, away.

As long as you can protect yourself, leave safely, and then unknowingly follow the Transformers robot, you will be able to complete the mission.

Tang Mi retreated, and the hand holding Zhuo Yunfei couldn't help but let go.

At this moment, Lu Qi, who had not spoken, suddenly stepped forward and stopped Tang Mi.

"Wait a minute."

He held Tang Mi's hand and stood in front of Tang Mi and Zhuo Yunfei.

"This gentleman, it's been a long time." Lu Qi finally got ready and wanted to face this formidable enemy who had defeated him with one move in the past.

Lu Qi has done a very good psychological construction, looking forward to the battle with Winston.

Who knows, he is regarded as a long-term enemy, and even a man as a target.

The moment he saw him appear, those icy blue eyes were stunned for a moment.

Winston frowned, impatient with Lu Qi who suddenly appeared to disturb him to complete the task, "Have I seen you? Who are you."

[The author has something to say] The 7.26 update starts

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