After Tang Mi left, Lin Tong sat gently beside Lu Huanting and glanced at her son casually.

Just happened to bump into Lu Yishen from the direction Tang Mi left, and looked away.

"Huanting, I don't think this Miss Tang is very useful. I don't care about her young age, and I haven't seen much of the world. I always feel that she is too petty to be useful... You and Yishen, don't tell her everything. "

"Mom, where did you say..." Lu Yishen knew his mother well.

As long as Lin Tong said a word, he knew that it was Lin Tong reminding himself.

"Tang Mi helped us get back the bug. Dad and I didn't tell her the specifics. But now the situation has changed. They don't want to let Zhuo Yunfei go back, and the bug is temporarily unavailable."

"Can't get it?" Lin Tong's eyes paused, and then showed a look of disgust, "This Tang Mi is really useless."

She wrapped Lu Huanting's arm and leaned against him softly, "Huanting, does it matter if the original eavesdropping document is in their hands? Will it affect your arrangement?"

Lin Tong's gentle and thoughtful care made Lu Huanting very useful.

He embraced Lin Tong and reassured him in a low voice, "Don't worry, it's fine. Yishen has already analyzed it just now. Those idiots haven't found the bug for so long. As long as we don't rob them, they will never doubt. It's better to leave things there, and we can keep listening until the battery runs out."

This matter was originally Lu Aitong's idea and arranged for Zhuo Mingfu to execute it.

Because Zhuo Yunfei likes Transformers toys very much.

Therefore, the bug was put into the Transformers mold body by Zhuo Mingfu.

In addition to its remote positioning and transmission functions, the bug placed in the Transformers body also has a memory chip inside the bug.

When Zhuo Yarong fell ill from thinking about Lu Yuchen, who was the first personality, she told Zhuo Mingjin the truth that Master Lu had dual personalities.

Zhuo Yunfei, who had a head and a head, was playing with toys in the next room at that time.

The eavesdropper recorded everything and transmitted the recording via wireless transmission.

However, due to signal problems, there was a lot of noise in the recording Lu Aitong received.

only intermittently,

Hearing Zhuo Yarong's voice, it came from the audio.

"Yuchen...he couldn't control himself...became angry, ruthless, and couldn't control himself...woo...I know...I know. I didn't tell anyone, I just told you... ...Second brother, I'm under too much pressure and I really can't stand it. Except for his grandparents and me, only Xinluo knows about Yuchen's secret."

"No, of course not. Of course Lu Huanting doesn't know. If he knows, that's fine. Good... I'll hold back... OK..."

In the study, Zhuo Yarong cried and cried.

Hearing the disgusting cry of his former partner, Lu Huanting's lips subconsciously pursed into a line.

After a while, Lu Yishen turned off the recording in his hand.

"It doesn't matter if there is no original sound. With this recording, it is enough to prove that Lu Yuchen's mental state is abnormal. This is the voice of Zhuo Yarong, Lu Yuchen's biological mother, who admits that her son is mentally ill. Dad, you say... if... We show this recording to my cousin, what will happen to his old man?"

The head of the Lu family is Lu Yuchen, who is in charge of nine branches.

In addition, there is a highly respected elder in the Lu family clan.

That was Lu Huanting's uncle, and Lu Yuchen would also be called the old man of his uncle.

[continue, one more chapter]

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