He kicked several times, and finally got tired, and then he gasped for breath with his arms crossed.

Some of the men with sharp eyes saw Lu Zhiyi's black skirt, which seemed to be soaked, revealing some dark red.

He couldn't help but tell Lu Zhihe, "Fourth Master, Miss seems to be injured and bleeding..."

After all, it is his own flesh and blood, and his subordinates thought that Lu Zhihe would not care.

Unexpectedly, Lu Zhihe waved his hand viciously and said, "What's the point of bleeding? Her brother was knocked unconscious by her and is still lying on the hospital bed. She was only injured a little, so what's the fuss about!"

Lu Zhihe hated Lu Zhiyi so much now that he didn't even want to look at Lu Zhiyi.

As he walked out, he instructed his subordinates, "Throw that obstructive thing out, and leave two people inside to guard it. Don't let anyone disturb the young master. Others, go out with me."

He had to ask the doctor Qing Hao's condition first, and then go to Gong Xuemei.

In Lu Zhihe's mind, his wife and daughter are not as important as his son.

"Yes." The leading bodyguard arranged for two people to stay, and the rest left with Lu Shiga.

When they left, the remaining bodyguard lifted Lu Zhiyi up and threw it into the corridor outside the ward.

Then he returned to the ward and ignored Lu Zhiyi who was lying outside.

At this time, Lu Zhiyi was so in pain that she couldn't speak... she could only groan weakly.

She caressed her lower abdomen, the pain was unbearable.

Feeling the cramps in her stomach, she could clearly feel that something important was leaving her body little by little.

In the corridor of the VIP ward, it was quiet, with only very small moans of pain floating in the corridor.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that a passing nurse found Lu Zhiyi.

"Miss...Miss, what's wrong with you? What's wrong...you...you're bleeding..." The nurse saw the blood stains on her hands and immediately realized that the situation was not good.

Soon, the nurse called the emergency personnel and sent Lu Zhiyi, who was already unconscious and collapsed, into the operating room.


Meanwhile, on the other side.

Lu Zhihe was asking about Lu Qinghao's physical condition.

"The patient's operation was very successful, and we have completely cleaned up the intracranial congestion. What we can do now is to wait for him to wake up and take the next step of treatment according to his recovery."

"Doctor, how long does it take for my son to wake up?" Hearing that his son was still in a coma, Lu Zhihe rubbed his hands nervously.

"This... not necessarily. There is no problem with the patient's operation, and it is only a matter of time before waking up. For brain surgery, everyone's situation is different, and the patient's situation will take at least a month to wake up."

"One month!"

Lu Zhihe sighed.

Lu Yuchen had already returned, and the Lu family's family meeting was about to be held.

Lu Qinghao was in a coma at this time, and everything would be on his head.

Since Lu Yuchen held a gun to his head last night, Lu Zhihe now both wanted revenge and was afraid of Lu Yuchen.

He wanted to overthrow Lu Yuchen, but he was afraid that Lu Yuchen would hold grudges, so he really chopped himself up.

At such an important time, Lu Qinghao couldn't give himself any advice.

"Doctor, see if there is any way to make my son..."

"Director, it's not good! There's something serious going on in the psychiatric department downstairs, go and have a look!" Before Lu Zhihe finished speaking, a little nurse suddenly ran in.

When the chief physician heard this, he immediately put aside Lu Zhihe.

While walking out with the little nurse, he asked, "Don't worry, what happened, can you clarify?"

"Yes... it was the family member of the patient in Ward 1706 who had an accident..."

Ward 1706?

Lu Zhihe thought about it, that was Lu Qinghao's ward number!

There are 6 shifts first, and there are 6 shifts later. I went to have a meal, and I came back and wrote the update, about 10 o'clock.

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